Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wouldn't it be nice if we treated each other just a little bit kinder today?

Good morning

Wouldn't it be nice......
If we were kind to one another
If we were not critical of one another
If we did not make fun of one another
If we did not attempt to embarrass one another in front of others
If we encouraged one another to strive to be better
If we were loving to one another
If we did not gossip about others
If we saw the good in people
If we were not critical of others
If we did not compare one to another
If we took others seriously and not thought of them as a joke
If were trusting and believing of others
If we did not judge others
If we saw others as there were today and not as we remembered them from the past
If we respected others
If we dared to care about others
If we did not put down others
If we chose to see the good in others
If we did not discount others as less than ourselves

Is it easier to put someone down or give them a compliment, talk negatively or positively about them, build them up or tear them down, make fun of them or choose to see the good in them?

We all choose moment to moment how we will act and react to others, I pray for your sake that you choose to be kind, loving, accepting and trusting of others.For when you love your neighbor as yourself you will find that God will reward you with a heart of happiness.

Lets change the world today and remember how you would like to be treated and treat others exactly the same way.

In God's eye we are no different one to another, we are all God's children, be kind to each other, Our Father in Heaven would greatly appreciate it.

Remember who you are and what you stand for.  How would you like to be treated by others today?  Treat others exactly as you would like to be treated and that is exactly what you will get.

We receive back to us exactly what we put out. 

The law of attraction is based on a principle that you get what you expect.


Its principles are:
1) Like Attracts Like
2) Focus Causes Expansion

Another way of defining the Law of Attraction is:
Thought + Allowance = Manifestation
You get what you expect.

Today is the dawn of a new day, lets expect to love, live and laugh more.

God bless you one and all and may your day be filled with peace, happiness and joy.  Only you gets to decide how you will live this day.  Smile, laugh, love, encourage, accept and be a positive light to the world.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Life's principles to help guide your life to greater peace, joy and happiness.

Here are some more principles to think about that will help you live your live with greater joy happiness and peace. Sometimes we just need to slow down, not move so fast and remember what is important to us in order to find more peace, less confusion, more joy, less pain, more happiness, less misery.  Each day allows you to begin a new with hope and a promise that you and you alone chose how you will live this day.  You get to choose, no one chooses for you, lets have a wonderful day and remember, in order to be loved you must first love. 

It is not about stuff.
Less is more.
What comes around, goes around.
Pledge, I will never gossip.
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
Compromise, communicate, cooperate.
Dare to dream big.
Listen more than you speak.

There once was a wise old owl that lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
Why can't we all be like that old bird. 

The sweetest sound to a man is the sound of his own name.
Make the first move, don't wait for others.
Obey the laws of nature and man.
Tell the truth.
Today is a new day.

This is the beginning of a new day
God has given me this day to use as I will
I can waste it or use it for good
What I do today is important, because
I am exchanging a day of my life for it
When tomorrow comes
this day will be gone forever
leaving something i have traded for it
I want it to be gain, not loss, good not evil;
success not failure; in order that I
shall not regret the price I paid for it. 

Just because you said it does not make it true.
Time will tell.
Time will heal all.
Don't sweat over the small stuff and everything is small stuff.
Is it time for a change? What are you going to do about it?
When we are in the service of our fellow man we are in the service
of a higher power greater than ourselves which will lead to peace,
happiness and joy.

It is what it is.
Live and let live.
Mind your own business.
Get a life.
What is the real truth?
Ask questions, question everything, settle on your truth. Trust but verify. 

Listen more than you speak.
Trust yourself, your instincts and your intuition. 

Love yourself first. How could you possibly expect others to love you when
you don't love you? 

Jump in with both feet.
Take time for yourself. 
Don't judge, complain, criticize or compare.
It the end it will all work out just the way you planned it. Be careful what you think and what you plan, you may not want the outcome you have created.
Time is money.
Buy less, give more.
Not everything is about you. 

Wouldn't it be nice if all decided to be a little kinder, love a little more and laugh a lot louder? 

Forgive and forget.

A smile cost you nothing and brings joy to everyone.
It is OK, accept your reality, don't like it? Change your reality.
Isn't it time?
Speak less, listen more.
Self pity never brought anyone happiness.
Your best is yet to come.
Reminder, there is always someone who is worse off than you. Be grateful.
Have an attitude of gratitude.

God bless you all and have a truly wonderful day.




Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 11, trip to Florida, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Boca, Palm Beach

I left this morning from North Miami Beach around 8:30 am, it was sunny but cold, 51 degrees. 

Just because you see food doesn't mean you need to eat it.  Just because you are given food does not mean you need to eat it.  Remember portion control.  Eat less, eat the right food, don't overeat, eat when you are hungry, drink plenty of water and exercise.  Limit the QTY of food you eat and split means with others when you can.  Don't eat fast food. If you go to a dinner and a movie, eat dinner or eat popcorn but don't eat both..

I walked the fame Ocean Beach in South Beach.  I spent an hour walking the sidewalk where there are dozens of restaurants serving breakfast.  It was very cold out, 56 degrees, everyone was bundled up and each of the restaurants had heaters.  I was asked dozens of times if I wanted breakfast.  I also walked along the beach, no beach goers, to cold and way to early in morning.  I can only imagine how busy this place would be on a hot summer night. 

When it comes to purchasing anything ask yourself these four words, "Do I need that?"
Substitute whatever you think you want, need or desire with the word THAT. Most of the time we don't need THAT! Move on, have some discipline, will power and motivate yourself to buy only what you really need. 
When it comes to eating, ask yourself, DO I NEED THAT? Most of the time the answer is probably NO!don't eat it, put it down and remember your goal. 

I spent some time walking the side walk in Ft. Lauderdale and drove from South Beach all the way to Palm Beach on HWY A1A.  Absolutely beautiful drive.  I am amazed at the beauty of Florida and also the wealth, so much money down here.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 10, my trip to Florida, Key West

Jan 21, 2014, Leaving Key Largo where I spent the night in the worst run down motel, yuk, price was right.  Left at 7:30 am, overcast skies, 68 degrees. 

Why are we complaining about where we live.  It is pretty much the same everywhere except, geography, people, restaurants, activities, sporting events, churches, weather, mountains, oceans, rivers, the list could go on and on.  The key to where you live is to find someplace that makes you happy and brings a smile to your face.

Serenity is staying away from all TV news channels, all of them. If you want the news, read about it.

Key Largo to Key West is 95 miles and it took me 2 hours to drive there.  While in Key West it began to ran slightly.

Downtown Key West's main street is Duval Street.  It runs around 1.5 miles and filled with every tourist shop you can imagine along with bars and restaurants, art galleries, tattoo shops and convenience stores.  I loved walking down Duval street.  I also walked through a Cemetery where all the graves are above ground, I included a few pictures of it looked like. 

How about a bar name, "Dollar Bill's bar and grill". Check out some photo's below.

Went by the Ernest Hemingway house.  I did not go in, there were a 100 people in line.  Apparently the cruise boat got in town a few hours earlier. 

I just passed a gas station where the gas was $3.60.  Gas in East Texas was $2.85, quite a big difference.  I think the Democrats in Congress should enact a law that says gas should be the same throughout the country, wouldn't that be nice?  Fair is fair.  Why should some people pay more than other people?

It rained hard for several hours to the point I had my wiper blades on full.  The weather is horrible. 

I want to know who writes Obama's speeches for him, we all know he does not write them, he is way to busy playing golf, basketball and going on vacation.  I want to know who supplies the writers with the information they write.  I want to know everyone that has anything to do with putting the content onto the teleprompters.  Would it be nice to know who is writing the material Obama reads?

I dislike a part of me that desires people to call me back in what I believe to be a timely manner.  When they don't, I feel a titch of anger and want to cut them out of my life permanently.  I have done this many times in the past several years and I don't like how I react.  I do believe people should be respectful and call another person back in a timely manner.  I think it incredibly rude if they don't call back at all. 

I don't have time for people who rarely initiate a call and wait for me to call them all the time.  I don't have time for people who expect me to plan everything.  I want to be around positive people who love me. 

Here are some pictures from today. The pictures will look better if you increase your zoom to 300%.

Here are some pictures from the dump in Key Largo