Friday, January 30, 2015

Nutrisystem Fast 5 ad, is it false and deceptive advertising? You decide.

Have you seen the most recent Nutrisystem Ad with Marie Osmond and Dan Marino?  I have and reviewed it over and over ago to determine if the two spokes people (Dan and Marie) had lost weight on the Nutrisystem Fast Five + program.  Turns out they had NOT!  That is right, neither Dan or Marie had used the Nutrisystem Fast Five + program.  You would think they had.  But you would be wrong!  Nutrisystem would have you believe these two spokes people lost weight (Marie, 50 lbs and Dan, 22 lbs) using the fast five+ program, but unless you are a speed reader you may have missed the disclaimer at the bottom of the segment that featured them in the ad. 

So lets take a look at Marie first.  Marie is on air for 4 seconds and she does say, "I am Marie and I have lost 50 lbs on Nutrisystem." 

What you may have missed was the disclaimer below her, but who wouldn't, 4 seconds is not enough time for you to listen to Marie tell you she has lost 50 lbs and then read the disclaimer below.  So for those of you who missed the disclaimer, here it is.


What, Marie did not lose 50 lbs on the Fast Five program?  Are you kidding me?  You would think she had.  I guess we are not quick enough to listen to Marie talk and read the disclaimer below her picture.  Who could read the disclaimer anyway?  It is way to small.

Is this false advertising?  Deceptive advertising?  You decide?  Are you disappointed Marie did not lose 50 lbs on Nutrisystem's Fast Five program?

What does the last line in the disclaimer mean?  "Weight loss on prior Nutrisystem program."
I have no idea what that line means, do you?  Are they implying Marie lost weight on Nutrisystem on a prior program?  What program?  When?  Over what period of time?  How much did it cost her? 

Now for Dan and this is good.

Dan comes on the screen for 2 seconds and says the following, "I am Dan Marino and I lost 22 lbs."
That is it.  Unlike Marie who said she lost 50 lbs on Nutrisystem, Dan does not say he lost 22 lbs on Nutrisystem.  He simple says, he lost 22 pounds.  Now wouldn't you think Dan lost 22 lbs on Nutrisystems Fast Five program?  Well, that is not the case. Just like Marie, the disclaimer below Dan reads as follows,


What he dis not lose 22 lbs on Nutrisystem?  You would think he had? Huh?

Now I get it, Dan was on the screen for only 2 seconds, how could you possible be listening him telling you he lost 22 lbs and read the disclaimer in 2 seconds, IMPOSSIBLE!

Hey Dan, how did you lose the 22 lbs?  We would like to know since you did not tell us in the ad, only that you lost 22 lbs.

There is that statement at the end of the disclaimer, Weight loss on prior Nutrisystem program.  I have no idea what that means and if it applies to Dan.  Doesn't say Dan's name. 

Well you decide, is this false or deceptive advertising?  Is Nutrisystem intending to deceive you into believing these spokes people lost weight on the Nutrisystem Fast Five program?  Probably not, since they put a disclaimer at the bottom.  But who could possible read the small disclaimer and watch the spokes person at the same time?  Nobody!  You would have to stop the ad, as I did. 

Feel free to send me your comments to

Thursday, January 29, 2015

10 Ways The Cancer Survivor Can Achieve A More Meaningful Life

While I’m not a cancer patient, I have several close to me that are survivors, including my fiance, who is in remission from myeloma. I have seen first-hand how cancer changes a person, whether it be the one diagnosed or those that love them. I have not seen one instance where cancer doesn’t make one better. It is a tough learning lesson that no one would choose. One thing that I have noticed is that those impacted by cancer want to achieve a more meaningful life. They want to live life with greater passion and joy. And this got me thinking… how can one do that? Here are my thoughts:
1) Do I need that?
A friend of mine who was diagnosed with cancer once loved to shop. As soon as she got sick, she looked in her closet at all the items she purchased and realized that they meant nothing to her. What did matter was her health and the people she loved. Now that she has gotten “better,” she has engaged in retail therapy but this time, it’s not with the same fervor.
Most of us purchase items that we don’t need. Buying “stuff” takes up a lot of time and money. And it takes even more time to care for all that “stuff,” to put it away, keep it clean, fix things that get broken. So the next time you are shopping, ask yourself if you really need that. This principle isn’t limited to just purchases. It can include a move, a new job, a relationship, vacation, or most anything. This is just a great decision-making question (which is why I listed it first).
Of course, life is now; life is today. So if you’re wanting to do something, and especially if you’ve been wanting to do it for a long time, I say go for it (as long as your doctor and checking account agree!).
2) Is that the best you can do?
I love this question and use it almost every day. Especially as a cancer survivor, and a caregiver of one who is currently in treatment, be good to yourself. No one knows your capacity better than you do and make no apologies when you can’t do more. That said, I think it’s important to really try in all we do, regardless of our health status.
If you need extra rest, a foot massage, or a more healthy diet, ask for it, go for it, do what you can. Especially when it comes to things that impact your health and relationships, do your best. Your best may not be what it once was, but maybe it can be even better. You know your limitations and your potential. Maybe pick one thing you can simply try to do “better.”
3) Is it time?
As in… Is it time to lose weight? Is it time to move? Is it time to eat healthier? Get cancer screenings? Exercise better? See a therapist? Is it time to get married again? Go on a trip or go skydiving? Or buy a new car? Is it time to try a new medication or even find a new doctor? This question requires you to think about a decision that needs to be made. Once answered, it’s time to act. If the answer is yes, it is time, then have you thought it through thoroughly? If you have, then go for it and don’t slow down until it is complete.
4) Does it really matter?
This is something those in the cancer community probably know far too well. Cancer really makes one think about priorities! So, does it matter? Be honest! This questions allows you to take a moment to contemplate what is really important and to pick your battles wisely. In the scheme or things and in every day life, if it really doesn’t matter all that much, don’t waste your time on it.
5) Think before you speak
We all need a reminder that words have consequences. That is why it is so important that you take a moment to think before you speak. We have all heard this before but how many of us put this into practice on a daily basis?  So much of what we say just comes out of our mouth without thought. For my fiance, when she has taken Dex, she REALLY needs to think before she speaks! By taking a moment to think through what you are about to say allows you to contemplate about the impact of your words.  Because once a word is spoken, you cannot take it back.
6) Can I afford it?
This is a good question to ask yourself before many of the purchases you make or any other indulgence, like a trip or expensive hobby. This will impact nothing less than your financial security. That’s pretty important, don’t you think?  If you simply take the time to think about a purchase or activity, you’ll almost certainly end up saving time and money. Because unless you hit the lottery, chances are many of the things you’re buying and doing aren’t really something you can (or should) afford. Just because you see something you want, doesn’t mean it is wise to buy. That said, life is about now and today. Creating memories and doing things you’ve always wanted to do is important, too. So know your priorities and don’t forget to have fun (within your budget and limitations).
7) Stay on track
Once you have decided to do something, stay on track. Outline what needs to get done and then do it. Stay focused and motivated. Remind yourself of the importance of accomplishing what you have set out to achieve.  Staying on track requires discipline, willpower and inner strength. Easier said than done, no doubt. But I constantly remind myself of my goals and then throughout my day, I ask myself if I am on track. It’s an important gut-check and it helps.
8) Win the argument, lose the battle?
How many of us have won an argument yet lost the battle? Not so smart, is it? Do you always have to be right? In the long run, is it more important to be right than to be happy?  What difference does it make who is right? How does being right affect your relationships? Most times, it makes no difference at all other stirring up contention. If you remind yourself that you don’t always have to be right, your relationships will be much happier and peaceful. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?
I remember one time debating with a friend the best way to make popcorn. It got heated and I had to literally talk myself off the wall. Did it matter how either of us preferred our popcorn? It’s so silly but the answer is, of course not! Pick your battles because most of the time, it’s not worth it.
9) Who is it about?
Is it about you or someone else?  Is it about your children? Your family? The school? Your church? The community? Ask yourself why and for whom are you doing something. Sometimes we spend more time trying to please others at our own expense and to our own peril. Sometimes we hang on to toxic relationships “just because.”  Throughout your day, ask yourself who you are doing this for and why? Knowing why you do what you do will provide you with greater clarity and, at the end of the day, greater happiness.
10) Love unconditionally
Love without expecting anything in return. Love without placing conditions on your love. Love as though you were giving a gift and your only desire is to see the expression on another’s face. Love selflessly. Love as you want to be loved. When you love others in pure ways as these, love will flow back to you just as you have given it.
These 10 phrases require that you spend a lot of time talking to yourself (though hopefully not out loud among crowds of people!) and taking time to reflect on what is important to you. Many of us go throughout our day not taking the time to think, we just react moment by moment to events that happen throughout the day. It’s not a great way to make good decisions, is it? If you remember these principles and questions, they’ll help guide you in achieving a life of greater meaning with less confusion and greater clarity.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

New way to brush your teeth while rinsing with mouthwash

Recently I stumbled across the idea of putting a bit of mouthwash in my mouth, then putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushing my teeth with the mouthwash in my mouth.  When I finish brushing, I swoosh the mouthwash in my mouth around for a bit and finally spit the mouthwash out.  I love it.  It  is like killing two birds with one stone.  I never liked brushing my teeth and then swishing the mouthwash around my mouth for another minute or so.  So I thought, why not do both at the same time. I do not rinse my mouth out with water after I have spit the mouthwash out.  The mouthwash freshens my mouth.  I now can't imagine brushing my teeth without first putting mouth was in my mouth.  It is absolutely the best.  I suggest you try it, I can assure you, you will love it.

If you have a water pik, I suggest you fill the water basin with 1/2 water and 1/2 mouthwash.  The bacteria fighting properties of the mouthwash will be driven into the gums and leave your mouth feeling refreshed. 

It is also important to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

Try this and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Pledge of allegiance for all those who believe in God

I pledge allegiance to my Lord, the omniscient, the omnipotent, the originator and ruler of all the universe and in his son, Jesus Christ, a living sacrifice for the redemption of sin of all mankind who is the absolute truth life and light of the universe and through his mercy and grace I have been given Eternal life. I do not pledge allegiance to man, but to my father in heaven, through him all things were made and just by believing in the name of his son I have been given through his grace and mercy eternal life.

Lets read again, very slowly and let the words speak to you.....

I pledge allegiance to my Lord, the omniscient, the omnipotent, the originator and ruler of all the universe and in his son, Jesus Christ, a living sacrifice for the redemption of sin of all mankind who is the absolute truth life and light of the universe and through his mercy and grace I have been given Eternal life. I do not pledge allegiance to man, but to my father in heaven, through him all things were made and just by believing in the name of his son I have been given through his grace and mercy eternal life.

Omniscient - Having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.
Omnipotent - Almighty or infinite in power.  Having very great or unlimited authority or power.
Originator - To take its origin or rise; begin; start; arise.
I wrote this Pledge many years ago while journaling one day.  If you would like to continue reading, this is what I wrote after I wrote my Pledge of allegiance.
Freely I have been given freely I choose to give. Several pages ago I said if you have to pay for it, whatever it is, it is not from God. What I was referring to had to do with the church and the ministry of the church. The Lord freely gave us his son to die on the cross for the redemption of our sins, he freely gave us mercy, grace and forgiveness, what the Lord gives us is free. What man gives us cost or has a price tag associated with it, the last thing our Lord gave us was free will. The freedom to choose, to discern for our self whom we will serve, our Lord or man. There is hope from a tyrannical government, the hope is in our Lord. We do have to live in this world, we must obey the rules and regulations set forth by man. Matthew 22:21 – give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. We are God’s children, he created us and made us in his likeness, his spirit dwells within us, we need to give our self over to God. We need to pay Caesar what is Caesar’s – money and give God what is God’s, our self. We live in this world, however, we are not of this world. Have faith my friend, don’t lose hope, help lives within you. Kneel down and pray to the Lord accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and he will send the comforter. The light of life lies within you for the asking, you and only you are in control over your own immortal and eternal destiny. Living with unbelievers in an unjust society is a test of faith. Heavenly Father knows that sin abounds in our society, he asks us to have faith and believe in him, do not doubt, do not worry, do not be critical or negative, don’t complain, stay positive, everything will work out in the end. Our reward waits for us in heaven. With unbelief all around us, we must remain strong and not get distracted or caught up in the evils of the world. We must remain focused with an eye single to his glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 – So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, may all the honor and glory be yours. Thank you my Heavenly Father for the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit. I choose to have faith and believe in the name of your son Lord Jesus. Watch over my family today, bring to them peace, happiness, joy, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be your name, now and forever.
Faith – Hebrews 11:1 – Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Obedience – Hebrews 13:17 – Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.
Security – Hebrews 13:6 – Never will I forsake you, never will I leave you.
Same – Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Content – Hebrews 13:5 – Keep your lives free of money and be content with what you have.
Discipline – Hebrews 12:7 – Endure hardships as a discipline. God is treating you as sons, what son is not disciplined by his father who loves him.
Faith – Hebrews 11:6 – Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
I was speaking earlier with someone why there was so much darkness and evil on earth and it dawned on me that Heavenly Father cast Satan from heaven to earth. This is where Satan and his cast of evil demons make their home. Revelations 12:7-9 – And there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to earth, and his angels with him. No wonder Satan has such a foothold on earth, this is where our Lord cast him. Now why did Heavenly Father put us on this earth where he cast the prince of darkness. What was he thinking about, why would you send your chosen people into the lions den. Revelations 12:12 – therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you. He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. Now our Heavenly Father cast the devil to earth infuriating him and all he can think about is sending us down to live with him. Couldn’t he have made another earth? Why the need to send us down, a sheep among wolves. Especially in the old testament where they did not have the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. 1 John 3:8 – He who is sinful is of the devil because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. 1 Peter 5:8 – Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for something to devour. James 4:7, 8 – Submit yourself, then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Go near to God and he will come near to you. 2 Timothy 2:26 – Escape the trap of the devil who will take you captive to do his will. Luke 8:11, 12 – The seed is God’s word. Those along the path are the ones who hear, then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts so that they may not believe and be saved. From the Parable of the Sower. The Lord cast the devil to earth, placed us here and then said don’t be tempted by him, watch out for him, don’t let him get a foothold. Only the Lord knows why he didn’t make another earth to put his chosen on. Suffice it to say, this is the stronghold of the devil. You hear people comment, this is hell on earth, well it is true. James 1:2 – trials are a test of faith which develops perseverance. James 1:5 – If anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:19 – Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:22 – Do not merely listen to the words and so deceive yourself. Do what it says. James 2:10 – for whoever. James 2:17 – In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead. James 2:22 – Our faith is made complete by what we do. James 2:24 – A person is justified by what he does, not by faith alone. James 2:20 – As the body without the spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds deed. James 4:2, 3 – You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. Guilt – the fact of being responsible for wrongdoing or a crime. A feeling of responsibility for having done something wrong.
Another day has come and gone and with each passing day I grow closer to the Lord. I believe I have a gift for healing, I honestly believe, have faith and don’t doubt my ability to lay my hands upon another and by the grace of my Lord Jesus be an instrument for healing according to his will. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day. Thank you for your many blessings. Amen.
I would love to help you on your journey of life.  Feel free to contact me at to discuss anything you feel as though you need help with.

Monday, January 19, 2015

When did you give up caring about how you look, feel and your life?

When did you give up caring? 

When did you stop caring about how you look
When did you stop caring about how you felt?
When did you stop caring about your life? 

When did you lose hope?
When did you stop loving yourself?
Why do you have so little faith in yourself?
What happens to your self-esteem?
When did you stop believing in yourself? 

What is your story?

Who told you, you couldn't?
Couldn't what?  

What is your story? 

Why did you give yourself permission to stop caring about how you looked, felt or about your life?
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you like the person you see? 

Do you drink too much, smoke too much, use illegal drugs, abuse prescription drugs?  Do you work too much? Have you strayed from your relationship, have you been faithful

Have you stopped exercising? Told yourself, you just don't matter anymore or what's the use?
What's the use of exercising, quitting smoking, using alcohol or drugs to medicate your pain? 

Are you in a relationship that is dead and unfulfilled? 

Why have you quit?  Quit believing in yourself? Quit dreaming? Quit setting goals? Quit on life? 

What's your story? 

I was recently on a cruise and noticed that there were quite a few people who ate too much, drank too much and gambled too much.  I saw a lot of unhappy faces.  People seemed to be moving about, but not living the life they once dreamed of.
I asked myself, why did they quit?  Why did you quit?  When did they stop caring how they looked? When did they give themselves permission to gain an extra 25, 50, 100, 150 pounds, to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, to drink 10, 15 or 20 drinks in a day or to gamble at the casino with what little money they had left?
What possessed them to keep going?  To keep not caring?  To inflict upon themselves behaviors that they know in their heart is not healthy? 

Why?  When? And for what reason? 

Who told you that it was OK to keep drinking to excess or to take drugs or to smoke or to overeat?  Did you tell yourself or did someone tell you it was OK?  Who told you that you were not good enough?  That you didn't measure up? That it was OK to abuse and pollute your body and your mind with harmful products?

It doesn't have to be that way!!!  

Isn't it about time you started caring again?  About how you look?  Feel? Act? 

Isn't it about time you quit drinking too much, gambling too much, eating too much, and using drugs?  We could put a whole host of other behaviors such as shopping too much, soliciting sexual gratification that are unhealthy and any other narcissistic behavior that harms your relationships with others. 


Why did you stop caring?
When did you stop caring about you? 

It is not too late.  It is never too late to change.  It is never too late to start dreaming again. The world is your oyster. 

Have faith in yourself, trust and believe in yourself, know that you are valuable, that you have worth and begin again to love yourself again, just the way you are today and then dream of who you would like to become. 

I would love to hear your story. 

I would love to hear why you stopped caring about yourself.
I would love to hear what you are going to do to change. 

If you need help, I would love to help you.  I can help you.  I can help you dream again.  I can help you change to become the person you once believed in.   

Please feel free to contact me at   

Isn't it time?
Let's begin this journey together, I will help you.