When I was consuming quantities of died coke or a monster or two each day I found myself especially around 2 in the afternoon falling asleep or wanting to fall asleep. Quite often I would take a nap. The culprit, caffeine! I have always know caffeine was not good for me, but a lapse in judgment had me drinking more than my share. Hallelujah! The light has been turned on once again.
Enough of the caffeinated products, I can live without you and I have way more energy, I wake up refreshed from a great night's sleep and I don't feel tired at all throughout the day. Who needs caffeine, not me. How about you?
For many years in classrooms and to friends I had a simple visual presentation that I showed people regarding how we most of the time find the blemishes in people when we should really be focused on all the good that person does.
The example went like this, I would take a large piece of white poster board and I would put a tiny dot in the middle of the poster board and then show it to the class and ask the class to tell me what they see. Almost everyone every time would say I see a tiny speck or a black dot and I would then ask them if they see anything else and almost always the answer was no. Then I would say, well what I see is a whole lot of white with a tiny black speck. I would then explain that in life many of us have a tendency to look at others and point out the negative and focus almost exclusively on their faults or for something bad that has happened to them or for a personality or physical characteristic that we perceive to be negative and avoid looking at all the good in that person's life. Isn't it so very easy to be judgmental, critical, compare, gossip, talk negative about and focus on what we perceive to be a weakness just to make ourselves out to be better or superior.
I believe we need to stop trying to find the faults in others and concentrate on finding and looking at all the good that person does in their life, don't you. Lets stop being so negative, judgmental and critical of others, when you do this all you do is make yourself look small. There is no need for this in our society. Lets just all get along, love one another and find the good and in positive in others.
May God Bless you all and have a wonderful day. I will be spending the day with my Sister, my Niece and Nephew and his Fiance today watching football, going for a walk, touring Naples once again and at 10 I am going to yoga outside at a botanical garden.
Here is a piece of paper with the dot. I used poster board for my demonstration but this will give you the idea.
I would like to carry this example a little further, take a look at the next picture and tell me what you see?
I will assume you would say you see a large round black dot, am I correct?
Lets get political for just a moment. Lets say the progressive liberal media like CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CBS in the first picture was asked to look at the first picture as though it was Governor Chris Christy. Do you think they would see all the white, the good the Governor has done for the State of New Jersey or would you think they would pick out the negative? The flaw? Do the bridgegate scandal come to mind. Hasn't the media been focusing for weeks now on the bridgegate scandal? There have been 20 subpoena's filed already and the media is a buzz with this scandal in hopes of bringing the Governor down and out for the 2016 Presidential election. You see the liberal media can only focus on the negative in a Republican candidate because they are nothing more than an arm of the progressive liberal democratic party. STOP LISTENING TO THEM NOW, THEY ARE HELPING TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. The progressive agenda and policies DO NOT WORK. Just ask Detroit, Chicago, the State of California.
Now take the second picture the one with the very large, extremely large black dot and ask the liberal media what they see in this picture as it may relate to President Obama. Well I can assure you they would say, look at the white surrounding that tiny little black dot. In other words, they will completely ignore the devastation and destruction this man is doing to this country and focus on the little bit of good he has done. They will cover up his lies and distort what is happening to the people of this country, Healthcare, Benghazi, NSA, TSA, IRS, Fast and Furious and on and on and on. More taxes, more regulations, more restrictions, more of everything taking our civil liberties from us day after day after day and the liberal media is there to help the progressives sell their agenda. If truth be told, in the second picture the liberal media could not even see the black dot on the piece of paper. Even though it is staring them boldly in their face, they refuse and or can't see the black dot and they refuse to see anything negative about our President, shame on them for ignoring the truth and propagating the false premise that this President is nothing more than a Fraud destroying our great nation.
But oh how they will see the one tiny speck of a flaw from the Governor of New Jersey and blow it way out of proportion day after day. How many subpoena's have been issued to the IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, how many people have been fired? Any how many for the bridgegate scandal? How many people have been fired already for the bridgegate scandal? Two. IRS scandal, none. Benghazi, none. Wake up America, the progressive liberal democrats along with the liberal media are destroying our country, please don't let them, open your eyes.
Do you think it is way to early (6:30 am) to be getting this fired up? Can't even get the picture to line up straight.
It says Liberal Media, nothing to see here.
Holder gate
Fast and Furious
progressive liberal mediagate
Homeland Insecurity
TSA Spygate
The Liberal Progressive Democratic media is complicit with a media cover up of numerous White House and Senate scandals. Whatever you do, do not vote for Hillary Clinton and especially just because she is a woman. Don't fall for the line that she would be the first woman in the White House. Lets vote for fiscal responsibility and vote out the thugs that keep destroying this great nation of ours.
Right now in Naples FL, it is 35 degrees, that's right! Freezing cold outside. burrrrrrrrrrrr. It may be warmer in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Update at 12:30 in the afternoon. I spent the morning at a Yoga studio. I like yoga but it is very difficult for me, I am not very limber. I will be spending the better part of the day watching two football games with my family.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Hero's use to say,
The great Obama is the man behind the curtain, the media is the great OZ.
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