Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12 million illegal aliens, 39 million uninsured, 5 million illegals granted amnesty, 14 million new enrollee's in the Obama Health Care Plan.......what is the truth?

12 million illegal aliens, 30 million uninsured, 5 million illegals granted amnesty, 14 million new enrollee's in the Obama Health Care Plan.......what is the truth?

Over and over again on the news and on the talk shows, radio and TV, we hear numbers being thrown out about this or that, usually whole numbers, typically rounded WAY up.

How do they know we have 12 million illegal aliens in this country?
How do they know we have 30 million uninsured American's?
How do they know that Obama's new executive order is going to allow 5 million illegal aliens amnesty?
How do they know their are 14 million new enrollee's in the Obama Health Care plan?

Lets take a look at the numbers.

But first, you do know the reporting of these numbers is a bulls___t, right?

Who do they think we are?

Do they believe we trust anything they say?

Are there really 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now?  Who are they, where are they, what are their names, phone numbers and address?  Do they have an email account? Do they own or rent their home?  Are they living on the streets?  Are they receiving government assistance of any kind?  Do they have a drivers license?  Did they stand inline and get counted?  How do we know their are exactly 12 million illegal aliens in this country right now.  Are you sure their aren't 30 million or 60 million or 100 million? 

In reality, you have no idea how many illegal aliens are in the country and you throw out this number like it is truth.  It is not the truth and once again you are lying to the American Public.

Same could be said for the uninsured, the newly insured, the illegals who just were awarded amnesty.

We really have no idea of the number.  The number is just made up with no accounting for the number. 

In order for the number to be correct.  We would need to know the following.

Name, address, phone number, all contact information, SS number if they had one, Drivers license number if they have one. We would need their picture and lastly proof they really exist.

How could you possibly count all the illegal aliens in the country?  How could you possible even estimate?  Are thy lining up waiting to be counted?

Another sham, scam on the party of the talking heads and our political officials to lie, distort and manipulate the numbers to achieve their goal.

Isn't it about time the government stops lying to us?

The numbers they spew have no meaning, they are not valid, there is no truth behind them and they are completely made up.

12 million illegals, 30 million uninsured, 14 million newly insured, 5 million granted amnesty.


We want to know the names, address, phone number and all other contact information that proves the number you are spewing.

It is time for Americans to wake up and not take our politicians at their word. Every word spoken by our politicians is spoken to achieve an agenda and they absolutely could care less if they lie or even get caught in a lie, that is what they do for a living.



And for goodness sake, VOTE WITH YOUR POCKETBOOKS IN MIND.  Don't be misled by the social issues.  At the end of the day, vote for those who will put more money back into your pocket. 

Seriously, do we really have any control over issues like abortion, gay marriage, contraception, much of what is in the health care bill that does not apply to us?  In the end, Federal Court Judges will change the laws in the land to reflect what the current President says. 

How many states voted to have marriage be between one man and one woman only to have one Federal Court Judge come in and change the laws we passed at the State level. 

Wake up America, start voting with your pocketbook.

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