Sunday, December 27, 2015

Life is filled with choices

I can choose to love, be loved, not to love or I can choose nothing at all.  What I do or don’t do are my decisions.  How I act or react is my choice.  What I think, believe or say are completely under my control.

I choose to not hurt others in any way.  I choose to honor and respect the feeling and beliefs of others.

I also choose not to be hurt by others.  I will stand up for myself and not allow others to control or manipulate me.  I will call them out on their behavior.

How I react to others personal insults, hostile words, degrading or belittling comments, harsh criticism, angry or punishing words and tone of voice, threats, bullying and intimidation is within my control.

I can remain positive, upbeat and not be influenced by the words or actions of others. 

I understand the angry outburst of others towards me is their problem.  The fact that they have chosen to direct their anger and hostility towards me does not influence how I feel about myself. 

I will remind myself that my value is not on the line.  What others think about me, say to me or act towards me does not influence who I am.  I am unique, one of a kind, amazing, talented, child of God who is love by many and who loves all.

I choose to be a giver of love, attention and validation to others and I choose to not make things about me.  I recognize that when I see life through the lens of others, I am inspired to love them just as they are.

I choose to love and serve all those I come in contact with and pray for those who could use a little assistance from God our Father in Heaven.

I accept the location in my journey through life as it is right NOW. Where I am at right now is my perfect journey for me.  

I am on this earth to love, more specifically to learn to love, myself and those around me.  

The need to be right is not a desire of mine.  When others feel a need to be right, get the last word in, prove their point, win me over to their way of thinking and attempt to beat me in to submission, I will remain strong and not be influenced by their words or actions.

I am healthy in my thoughts and remain strong in my beliefs. 

I recognize the past is in the past, the future is not yet here and the present is the only time I have.  I choose to live in the present, learn from the past and hope for the future.

I respect the right of others to express how feel and think as they do. I respect their right to hold opinions different than mine.  No two people are exactly the same; that is what makes us different.  What we say, do, think, believe, how we interact, communicate and our ability to listen, accept and understand others helps us in our quest for joy, peace and happiness.

Love and cherish the time you have on this earth. 

Be grateful for the blessing you have received and love all those you come in contact with. 

Pray to God our Father for wisdom to learn how to love and forgive.

This time on this earth is yours to do with what you will, make the most of it.

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