Saturday, May 18, 2013

Honoring your commitments

                                                           Honor your commitments


William Paul Conley

An erupt from my book titled “While I was walking, God was talking and this is what he said.”

 Honor your commitments

Know the limitations of time, be totally conscious of the previous component of time, be a person of your word, displaying the highest personal integrity by honoring your word, be responsible – don’t take on more than you can chew. Respect and honor the rights, feelings and time of others. Schedule your day around someone or some event you deem to be the most important and then schedule everything you do that day around that meeting or that event.


Who do people respect?

What type of person is respected by all? Why is it important to be respected? A few definitions worth looking at.

Respect – to feel or show differential regard to, esteem. To avoid violation or interference (avoid conflict with one another). Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.

Responsible– having to account for one’s actions, answerable. Having a duty or obligation. Dependable.

Considerate– mindful of the needs and feelings of others.

Commitmentcommit– to be responsible for. To pledge or obligate one’s self.

Integrity – strict adherence to a standard, value or conduct. Personal honesty and independence.

Honesty– non deceptive, truthful. Not fraudulent, truthful, sincere, genuine, of good repute. Frank.

Frank– sincere and open – straightforward.

Honor – esteem, respect, recognition or distinction. Reputation.

Reputation – the general estimation of a person held by the public. The condition of being highly regarded.

Wouldn’t it seem logical?

It sounds so logical (marked by consistent reasoning, reasonable, rational) that each of us would desire to have a golden reputation, to be a person others could always count on, a person who was trusted, respected, revered (to regard with great devotion or respect), a person known to be able to get the job done, done right, done on time, done professionally, a person others could always count on, depend on, come to in a time of need. A person who never lies, fabricates, rationalizes, justifies, wavers, tell the truth in all circumstances (tells it like it is) doesn’t mince words, deceive, confuse, distort or misguide. It seems logical to tell the truth and never lie under every circumstance. So why don’t we do it?  Why do we lie? Fall down on our word, disappoint others, leave others waiting for us, not finish what we have started, and mislead people into believing what is not true as we rationalize – we are just protecting their feelings. Why do we tell half-truths, only part of the story, or mix and mince our words to cover what really happened? Why do we need to choose our words carefully, be cautious of the impression we are attempting to cultivate. How can we justify after we have made a commitment to not calling, writing, and meeting with others? What makes us so special, the center of the universe that we believe we are entitled to lie, cheat, steal, misinform, disengage, justify and rationalize our every thought, word and action – of course as it relates to us?

People want to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

People want to associate with those that they can count on, who are responsible, trustworthy, dependable, honest, forthright, sincere, loving, kind, committed, genuine, straightforward, an open book, happy, positive, driven, successful, humble. So why aren’t we all these qualities listed above. Why do so many of us say we are going to call, do something, meet someone at a specified time, commit our self to a certain activity and then fail to honor that commitment?  One word –

Darkness – having little or no light, dismal, gloomy, difficult to comprehend, obscure. Unenlightened, ignorant, absence of light. Wicked, sinister.

Light– brightness, enlightenment, understanding. A prominent person. Illuminate. The illumination from a source of light. A way of looking or considering something.

People believe that their survival in this world is more important than those around them. Many of us commit to someone or something never intending to honor that commitment. What we are attempting to do is pacify, put off or delay another in order to confuse, distort, distract and give them a sense of false hope.

Pacify– to alleviate the anger or distress of calm.

We go around telling others what we believe they want to hear. The problem with this is that we are not telling the truth, we are not honest with others and eventually the light will shine on our every thought, word and deed. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. People believe they are entitled to live in the darkness, to think about themselves first, to rationalize and justify their words and actions. The truth of the matter is, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus Christ came into this world and declared in John 8:12I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. We see in the definition of light from the dictionary that it is the illumination of a source of light. Jesus is the source of light. In 1 John 1:5, 6 – it states God is light, in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness we lie and do not tell the truth. Jesus told us in John 3:19, 20, 21 – This is the verdict: light has come into this world (Jesus) but men loved the darkness instead of the light, because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. Men choose darkness over light when their deeds are evil.

Can an honest man lie? If he lies he is NOT an honest man

Earlier I asked the question why men fail to honor their commitments. I then said one word, darkness. Many people never intended to honor their commitment when they made it. They may have had good intentions of honoring knowing full well that if they did not honor it they would be forgiven or that they could convincingly rationalize or justify the dishonoring of that commitment. Every time we do not honor our commitment, we tell a lie, a half-truth, people lose trust and faith in us. The effect of repeated acts of not honoring our word or our commitment to action leads to stronger and stronger feelings of distrust until eventually the other person has no trust in us at all and wants to flee the situation. Every act is cumulative, they may be forgiven however they are never forgotten. When you dishonor your commitment by breaking it, others will look for a repeated behavior for none of us enjoys acts of disrespect. Once we break any act, others will be on guard for the next time and the next time and the next time. Believe me when I say they will keep track and learn what your true character, true nature is all about. Who you are and what you are will always come into the light. Others will come to know you for who and what you are, they will then make a decision to retain you as their friend, worker, team mate, husband, and wife. For some of us it takes longer to make that decision. Remember it takes a fool to know a fool. People who live in darkness have a tendency to surround themselves with others who reside in darkness. People who live in the light and truth surround themselves with others who live in the light and truth. Those who live in darkness and continue to live in darkness that surround themselves or associate with those who live in light will have their darkness revealed. In 2 Corinthians 11:14, 15 we see that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of the light. It is not surprising then if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. We will always get what we deserve. Light for light, truth for truth, darkness for darkness, pain for pain, joy for joy, sorrow for sorrow, misery for misery.

They say that misery loves company

Who is the father of misery? Satan and he loves your company, if you let him he will be your best friend. Remember to never bite off more than you can chew, don’t over commit, don’t ever make a commitment you are incapable, unable, unwilling, unmotivated, never intend to keep. Your best intentions may prove to be your worst nightmare. Where there is light there is an absence of darkness and where there is darkness there is an absence of light. You can’t have light and darkness at the same time. You can have varying degrees of light and darkness and that is how most of us live our lives, in varying degrees of light and darkness. Remember in Mark 3:25 – A house divided against itself cannot stand. We are the house, if we divide our allegiance between men and God we will not stand – in fact, we will not stand for anything!

Dimmer switch versus light switch

Most of us are like dimmer switches in a house. In one position you are able to have the room fully illuminated, in another position totally dark and then there are every fraction of a turn of the dial will bring either more light or darkness. The problem with a dimmer switch is that there are varying degrees of light and darkness which are easily changed. Most people like dimmer switches because they have greater control over the amount of light and darkness illuminated throughout a room. We are no different than that, we want to be in control depending on the mood, the setting, the atmosphere, the circumstance, the people around, we turn our dials to illuminate more light or dampen the light. We are constantly turning the dial in our life depending on the situation. What would happen if when you least expected it the bulb went out and you had the dimmer switch on dark. Would you know the bulb was burned out? Certainly not because you had the dimmer switch on the darkness setting. What would happen if you had the dimmer switch on the brightest setting. Once the bulb went out would you know the bulb went out, of course you would. In Matthew 24:1-35,Mark 13:1-37, and Luke 21:5-36 – Jesus explains to us the end of the age. He explains that we will know, he will give us a sign as to when he is coming however he won’t tell us when that will be so that we have to make ourselves ready at all times. Matthew 25:1-13 enlightens us with the Parable of the Ten Virgins…..

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.


We need to have our dimmer switch set to full brightness at all times to that we live in truth and light and so we will see to be prepared for the second coming of the Lord. Those who have their dimmer switches in the offsetting or in total darkness will not be prepared and be cast off into outer darkness where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. It is better for us to be like a light switch that is always in the on position, always in the light, always in truth, always prepared.

We started off earlier by discussing a person’s honor. Remember never to commit to that which you are incapable, unwilling, unable, don’t intend to honor. Earlier I listed a set of characteristics that epitomize the character and quality of an individual. Strive for those, be men and women of your word, live in truth and harmony, avoid conflict by living in the light, honor your commitments, build trusting relationships, structure your time and your life around serving others, never ever lie, tell a half truth, mince words or embellish or fabricate. Remember to always tell the truth, honor your commitments, be reliable, dependable and straightforward. The Lord will bless you and reward you with an abundance of family, friends, success, positive encounters, joy, peace, happiness, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. It is right to live in the light! In the light you know where you are going, where you have been, and where you are right now. As for me and my house we choose to live with the lights on now and forever! Amen.

Living in Darkness

If we are going to live in darkness we need to be willing and understand that there are negative consequences associated with living and darkness. We expose our self to all kinds of problems, misery, pain, frustration, hurt when we live in darkness. Every time we don’t honor our commitments and break the band of trust we have with others the fabric of our lives begin to tear and unravel. We become tattered, torn, worn, used, abused, disregarded, unwanted, unloved, discard able, unneeded, disrespected. We are thrown away, put in the back of the closet or drawer or used as a cleaning rag. People use us, abuse us, and throw us away.


Because we don’t live in the light of truth, honesty and commitment. Rather we live in a world of lies, deceit, broken commitments, dishonesty, disobedience, distrust, self-preservation, greed, lust, anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, loneliness, suffering, abandonment, disrespect, envy, jealousy, pride, conceit, never thinking of the impact our broken promises have on others. We are only concerned about our self, our glory, our preservation, our needs, our wants, our desires, our fulfillment, our satisfaction, our pleasure, our gratification, our interest. Me, me, me, or I, I, I, leads to dark, darker and pitch black, total darkness. If you are going to live in darkness you better be willing to accept the consequences. Do you think people who live in darkness accept the consequences of their dark actions. Some do most all don’t. They don’t even see or have a clue what they did wrong, nor can they understand or accept that they did anything wrong. Quite the contrary they look to blame someone else for their actions. You made me, you made me feel this way, made me do this, that or the other thing, I couldn’t help myself, I am not responsible, he did it, she did or they did it. They are constantly shifting the blame to someone other than themselves, not accepting responsibility for their actions or lack of action, justifying or rationalizing their behavior or words, avoiding, hiding or shirking their responsibility so as to not be exposed to the light. That is why evil operates at night out of the light of day. Avoid the darkness, gravitate to the light, start to turn up and on your dimmer switch revealing greater and greater amounts of light and truth. You don’t want to have to live with the consequences of living in darkness, it only leads to complaining, negativity, pain, misery and loneliness. You see the only company you get when you are miserable is misery and the father of misery is Satan and if he is your friend I would love to see your enemy. You have a friend in the light and Jesus is his name, there you will find comfort, peace and joy because he plays no games. He lives in truth and righteousness, that you can be sure, for Jesus is a friend to all those who choose to endure. As for me and my house we choose to endure to the end in the light and the life of Jesus. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Words to live by; Lessons in life for our children

If you tell someone you will meet them, be there and on time.

If you tell someone you will call them, call them at the appointed time and date.

If you tell someone you will do something, do it on time and on the appointed date.

If you tell someone you will be somewhere at a specified time, be there on time.

Do (which is a call to act) that which you say you are going to do.

Honor your commitments always!

Never, ever take your commitment for granted and never, ever take your relationships for granted.

Everything you do has a cumulative effect on your relationships, everything!

Never, ever say you are going to do something and then not do it.

Every time you do this, others trust in you will weaken until one day they will have no trust in you left.

Don’t ever take advantage of other’s good will, kindness, weakness, generosity, and trust in you.

Always be considerate of the rights and feelings of others before your own.

Always love, always be of service to others.

Never give in to temptation.

Pray continuously for the Holy Spirit to counsel you on what to do, think or say.

Trust and put your faith in Jesus and not in the world or other men.

Build bridges to others don’t act as a wrecking ball destroying everything in its path.

Honor and respect your elders and those in authority.

Be charitable, loyal, dedicated and trustworthy.

Be honest, kind and considerate.

Live in peace, avoid conflict.

Choose life over death, light over darkness, and righteousness over evil.

Be joyful and let thanks be continually on your tongue.

Respect others always and in every situation.

Love, love, love – serve, serve, serve.

Remember to take turns and share everything.

Life is not fair, if you expect it to be you will be greatly disappointed.

Always put 100% effort into everything you do.

Never settle for second best.

Always believe in yourself and your abilities.

Think success not failure, gain not loss, victory not defeat.

Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you.

Be the best at that which you choose to do.

Enjoy your vocation for if you do it will bring you a great deal of happiness and joy.

Never have a relationship with someone you work with or are in a group or association with.

Work hard at everything you do.

Practice, practice, practice – with repetition comes perfection.

Review everything you do and say to see if it pleases the Lord.

Never quit, quitters never win and winners never quit.

Be joyful in everything.

Have a goal in life, make a plan for achieving that goal and then work your plan one day at a time.

Dare to dream really big dreams.

Follow the light and will of our father in heaven.

Be patient, quiet, humble.

Don’t swear, drink alcohol, or caffeinated products, avoid at all cost nicotine, drugs, and unwarranted medication.

Surround yourself with winners.

Stay positive, avoid negativity, complaining and gossip.

Share your tales of misery with the Lord only and your tales of joy to everyone.

Don't forget to be humble and give the glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father.

Love the Lord, your life and your neighbor.

Don’t judge others.

Don’t assume anything,

Don’t rationalize or justify your behavior.

Don’t expect anything in return for your acts of service.

Open your eyes and ears to the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Stay focused, be single minded.

Don’t stray from the path of righteousness.

You don’t always get what you need want and desire.

Flee temptation, run from evil.

Remember trials are a test of faith. Have faith and never doubt the Lord.

Trust that he will hear, listen and answer your prayers.

Do the will of the Lord always, which is why it is said patience is a virtue.

Lose the me, me, me, I, I, I attitude.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Do things which please the Lord.

Never stop growing, developing your spirit, mind and body.

Remember always – you are the best, you are the temple of the spirit of our Heavenly Father.

Live in peace, happiness and harmony with one another.

Avoid loud laughter.

Avoid those who live in rebellious sin, which drink excessively, take drugs, smoke cigarettes and who frequent bars.

Remember dancing can be construed as a vertical expression for a horizontal intention.

Stay pure and unspoiled until your wedding night at which time consummates your marriage in the love of the Lord – two shall become one flesh.

Stay busy, idleness is the playground of the devil.

Live today as though it was your last.

 Remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Slow down – don’t take on more responsibility than you can comfortably achieve.

Be joyful in your greetings to others.

Call everyone by their name, there is nothing more pleasing to a man than the sound of his own name.

Forgive others, forgive yourself.

Don’t carry your past transgressions on your back– give them to the Lord and forget about them.

Accept Christ as your savior, pray, read his word, study his word, put his word into action, be obedient to our Father in Heaven.

Above all love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.

Start your day off early.

The early bird does get the worm.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

A fool and his money are soon departed.

Be a wise and prudent steward of all that the Lord has brought into your stewardship.

Tithe 10%.

Nothing in life that comes to you is free; everything in life comes with a price tag attached.

Are you willing to pay the price?

Stay physically fit and mentally alert at all times.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, smile, it will brighten any setting and bring joy to everyone.

Never say I can’t, always say I can.

Remember it is not you doing it but the Lord.

Have faith, through him all things will be unto you.

Dress appropriately on all occasions.

Be clean, neat and with an attitude of professionalism in everything you set out to accomplish.

Finish all good works to completion regardless of the cost.

Never ever give up on anything that is good and always avoid temptation or placing yourself in a compromising situation.

Find joy and happiness in the simple things in life.

Be on guard always.

SATAN IS REAL, but so is our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ his son and our comforter the Holy Spirit.

Three against one, now that is what I consider an easy victory – for the good guys.

Get the point!

Love, love, love, serve, serve, serve, our Lord, our Lord, our Lord, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, receive, receive, receive, joy, joy, joy, peace, peace, peace, happiness, happiness, happiness, salvation, salvation, salvation.

Has God made his point clear yet?

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