Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Embracing Redemption: The Birth of Sinner Anonymous


Embracing Redemption: The Birth of Sinner Anonymous


In a world where addiction and self-destructive behaviors run rampant, numerous support groups have emerged, each addressing specific issues such as alcoholism, gambling, or overeating. While these groups offer valuable assistance in managing symptoms and sharing experiences, they often fall short when it comes to addressing the root cause of our problems – sin. This article proposes the creation of a new support group called "Sinner Anonymous" that focuses on understanding, confronting, and overcoming the fundamental issue of sin in our lives.

Understanding the Concept of Sin

To comprehend the significance of Sinner Anonymous, it's essential to first grasp the concept of sin. Sin is a term that carries deep spiritual and moral implications, and it is often associated with religious teachings. However, it transcends religious boundaries and speaks to the universal human experience of making choices that lead to harm, suffering, and spiritual disconnect.

Sin can manifest in various forms, such as lying, stealing, addiction, anger, envy, and many others. It is an inherent part of the human condition, and acknowledging its presence is the first step toward healing and redemption. Sin is not just a religious concept; it's a human condition that affects us all, regardless of our beliefs.

The Problem with Existing Support Groups

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Gamblers Anonymous, and Overeaters Anonymous have been instrumental in helping individuals overcome addiction and unhealthy behaviors. However, they tend to focus on managing the symptoms rather than addressing the underlying cause. While these groups offer a safe space for sharing experiences and providing support, they often do not delve deep enough into the root of the problem – sin.

The Core Principles of Sinner Anonymous

Sinner Anonymous aims to fill this gap by addressing the root cause of human suffering – sin. The group's core principles are rooted in self-awareness, acceptance, and spiritual growth:

1.     Self-awareness: The first step to healing is recognizing that you are a sinner. Members of Sin Anonymous must confront their own sinful behaviors, acknowledging their role in perpetuating their pain and suffering.

2.     Acceptance: Acceptance is a crucial aspect of recovery. Members are encouraged to accept their sinful nature without judgment or self-condemnation. It is essential to recognize that everyone is susceptible to sin, and it does not make them less worthy of redemption.

3.     Surrender: Sin Anonymous emphasizes that individuals have limited control over their sinful tendencies. Members are encouraged to surrender their pride, ego, and the illusion of control. Only by surrendering to a higher power can they find the strength to overcome sin.

4.     Faith and Transformation: The group promotes the idea that change is possible through faith and transformation. By accepting Jesus as a personal savior and seeking His guidance, members can embark on a path of spiritual growth and redemption.

The Role of Faith and Spirituality

Sinner Anonymous acknowledges the significance of faith and spirituality in the process of redemption. It aligns with the belief that seeking a higher power, represented by Jesus Christ, can provide the strength and guidance necessary to break free from the chains of sin. However, the group does not impose any specific religious beliefs on its members. Instead, it encourages individuals to explore their spiritual journey in a way that resonates with them personally.

The Support of the Sinner Anonymous Community

Sinner Anonymous provides a supportive community where members can share their struggles, seek guidance, and find strength in their shared commitment to overcoming sin. Just as AA meetings offer a safe space for alcoholics to share their experiences, Sinner Anonymous meetings become a sanctuary for individuals grappling with their own sinful behaviors.

These meetings can include discussions, group prayers, and guided meditations focused on self-reflection and spiritual growth. Members are encouraged to lean on each other for support, offering empathy and understanding as they navigate their paths to redemption.

The Church as the Ultimate Sinner Anonymous

While Sinner Anonymous aims to provide support and guidance, it also recognizes that churches have long served as spiritual sanctuaries where individuals can seek redemption. Churches offer a wealth of resources, including sermons, counseling, and community engagement, to help individuals confront and overcome sin. Sinner Anonymous embraces the idea that the church is a place where the "antibiotics" of spiritual healing are readily available.


Sinner Anonymous represents a unique approach to addressing the root cause of human suffering – sin. By fostering self-awareness, acceptance, surrender, and faith, this support group provides individuals with the tools they need to break free from the shackles of their sinful behaviors. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing that we are all sinners and that redemption is possible through faith and spiritual transformation.

While existing support groups have made significant strides in helping individuals manage their symptoms, Sinner Anonymous goes a step further by targeting the very essence of our struggles. It acknowledges that the path to redemption is not easy but believes that, with faith and the support of a loving community, individuals can find the strength to overcome their sins and live more fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.

In closing, Sinner Anonymous is a beacon of hope for those seeking spiritual healing and redemption. It invites individuals from all walks of life to come together, confront their sinful nature, and embrace the transformative power of faith and acceptance. The doctor is indeed in, and the door is always open for those ready to knock and begin their journey toward a life free from the burdens of sin.


Activity for Children illustrating John's message in 8:12 of Jesus proclaiming I am the light of the World.


A beautiful and practical way to illustrate the message of John 8:12 to children. Here's how you can turn the words of John 8: into a meaningful exercise:

John 8:12 – I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

Activity: Living in Darkness, Living in Light

Materials Needed:

1.     A completely dark room or a space covered in thick curtains or blinds.

2.     One or more candles and matches or a flashlight.

3.     A comfortable space for discussion and reflection.


1.     Setting the Stage:

·       Gather the children and explain that you're going to help them understand what Jesus meant when He said, "I am the light of the world."

2.     Entering the Darkness:

·       Lead the children into the completely dark room or the space covered in curtains. Make sure it's safe, and everyone is comfortable.

·       In the darkness, discuss how it feels to be in complete darkness. Ask the children how they think it would be to live in such darkness all the time. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings.

3.     Introducing Jesus as the Light:

·       Light the candle or turn on the flashlight, representing Jesus as the light of the world. Explain to the children that, just as the light brightens the dark room, Jesus brings light and understanding to our lives.

·       Discuss how knowing Jesus can guide us and help us see through difficult times, just like the candle or flashlight helps us navigate the darkness.

4.     Living in the Light:

·       Walk around the room with the lit candle or flashlight, showing how it makes it easier to see and move without stumbling.

·       Explain that following Jesus and His teachings can help us live our lives with love, kindness, and purpose, just as the light helps us see clearly in the dark room.

5.     Discussion and Reflection:

·       Gather the children in a comfortable space outside the dark room.

·       Have a discussion about the experience. Ask them what they learned from being in the darkness and then experiencing the light. Encourage them to share their thoughts on what it means to follow Jesus and have the "light of life" in their lives.

·       You can also read and discuss John 8:12 together to reinforce the lesson.

6.     Closing Thoughts:

·       Conclude the exercise by emphasizing that following Jesus can lead us away from darkness and help us live a life filled with love, compassion, and understanding.

·       Encourage the children to carry this lesson with them and think about how they can be a light in the world by following Jesus' example.

This practical exercise not only helps children understand the biblical message but also provides them with a memorable and relatable experience that can stay with them as they grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus as the "light of the world."

"Living in Darkness, Living in Light: A Practical Exercise to Illuminate the Message of John 8:12 for Children"


"Living in Darkness, Living in Light: A Practical Exercise to Illuminate the Message of John 8:12 for Children"


In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, it's crucial to find creative and meaningful ways to teach our children important life lessons and spiritual truths. One of the most profound messages in the Bible comes from the words of Jesus in John 8:12: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." This scripture conveys a powerful message of hope and guidance through faith in Jesus Christ. To help children grasp the depth of this message, we can use a practical and engaging exercise that brings the concept of living in darkness and living in the light to life.

The Dark Room Exercise:

This exercise is designed to help children understand the profound meaning behind Jesus's words in John 8:12 by immersing them in an experiential journey from darkness to light.

Materials Needed:

1.     A completely dark room or a space with thick curtains or blinds.

2.     One or more candles and matches or a flashlight.

3.     A comfortable space for discussion and reflection.


1. Setting the Stage: Begin by gathering the children and explaining the purpose of the exercise. Let them know that you're going to create an experience that will help them understand the message of Jesus in a tangible way.

2. Entering the Darkness: Lead the children into the completely dark room or the space covered in curtains. Ensure that everyone is safe and comfortable. In the darkness, discuss how it feels to be in complete darkness. Encourage the children to share their thoughts and feelings about living in such darkness all the time.

3. Introducing Jesus as the Light: Light the candle or turn on the flashlight, which represents Jesus as the light of the world. Explain to the children that, just as the light brightens the dark room, Jesus brings light and understanding to our lives. Share with them the verse from John 8:12 and discuss its significance.

4. Living in the Light: Walk around the room with the lit candle or flashlight to demonstrate how it makes it easier to see and move without stumbling. Relate this to the idea that following Jesus and His teachings can help us live our lives with love, kindness, and purpose, just as the light helps us see clearly in the dark room.

5. Discussion and Reflection: Gather the children in a comfortable space outside the dark room. Have a discussion about the experience. Ask them what they learned from being in the darkness and then experiencing the light. Encourage them to share their thoughts on what it means to follow Jesus and have the "light of life" in their lives. Discuss how they can apply this lesson to their everyday lives.

6. Practical Applications:

Now, let's explore practical ways to apply the lessons learned from this exercise in children's lives.

a. Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to perform acts of kindness to brighten someone's day. Explain that just as Jesus is the light of the world, they can be a source of light in the lives of others by showing love, compassion, and generosity.

b. Prayer and Reflection: Teach children the importance of prayer and spending time in reflection. Just as the candle illuminated the dark room, encourage them to seek Jesus's guidance and wisdom to navigate the challenges they face.

c. Reading and Learning: Emphasize the value of reading the Bible and learning about the teachings of Jesus. This knowledge can serve as a guiding light in their lives, helping them make good decisions and develop strong moral values.

d. Community Involvement: Engage children in community service activities. Show them that by helping others and making a positive impact on their community, they can be the light that Jesus talked about.


Incorporating practical exercises like the Dark Room Exercise can be a powerful way to convey spiritual lessons to children. By immersing them in an experience that symbolizes the transition from darkness to light, we can help them understand the profound message of Jesus in John 8:12 on a deeper level. As they apply these lessons to their daily lives, children can become beacons of light, spreading love, hope, and kindness in a world that sometimes feels shrouded in darkness. Just as the candle illuminated the dark room, may the light of Jesus brighten the path for our children, guiding them towards a life filled with purpose and faith.


The Tug of War Between Covetousness and Envy: Our Society's Battle

The Tug of War Between Covetousness and Envy: Our Society's Battle

In a world that often seems divided by the haves and have-nots, it's not just money that fuels this constant tug of war. It's an insidious undercurrent of covetousness and envy that permeates our society, driving wedges between us and sowing discord. The tenth commandment in God's law, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house, spouse, or anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Exodus 20:17), speaks volumes about the destructive power of these emotions.

Covetousness, defined as the envious desire for another's possessions, and envy, the discontented yearning for someone else's advantages, are like silent saboteurs, slowly corroding the bonds that should hold us together as a community. Our society, from the moment we are born, subtly encourages us to covet and crave what others have, be it wealth, possessions, or status.

One aspect of this societal divide is our taxation system, which redistributes wealth and power in the name of collective responsibility. While this approach has its merits, the government's assumption that it can take from us without our input and allocate resources as it sees fit is a cause for concern. Often, those chosen to wield this power prove to be corrupt or self-serving. It is clear that a member of Congress from Oklahoma, or any other state for that matter, does not have the personal interests of every citizen at heart when voting on legislation.

Worse yet, our leaders have successfully pitted the haves against the have-nots, the wealthy against the poor, and the advantaged against the disadvantaged. This division perpetuates the very covetousness and envy we are warned against in the commandments. The political landscape further exacerbates this divide, with Republicans pitted against Democrats in a seemingly endless battle that distracts us from addressing the root causes of our societal ills.

Covetousness, envy, jealousy, greed, corruption, lying, cheating, and stealing have become the hallmarks of our government. How can we expect people not to steal when that's the impression we have of our own government? None of us truly believe that the government is entitled to a share of our hard-earned wages.

Some have even argued that the reason the government criminalizes theft, drug distribution, murder, robbery, and other crimes is to eliminate competition. They want to monopolize control and be the only game in town. But how can you have a tax system that is not voluntary and then expect people not to feel as though they have been stolen from?

Our leaders bear the responsibility of setting the moral tone for those they govern. Love begets love, greed begets greed, and envy begets envy. If our government truly wishes to combat theft, murder, drug distribution, and other societal problems, it must lead by example. It must put an end to its own theft, murder, and distribution of questionable policies.

John F. Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." However, perhaps it's time for our government to take a different stance. Rather than asking what we can do for them, they should be asking how they can love and serve us better.

Our currency bears the phrase "In God we trust," but in reality, our government has strayed far from this principle. When our nation lost its allegiance to God as our spiritual and moral leader, we began to depend on godless men to lead us. This shift has led our country down a perilous path, marked by greed, envy, and covetousness.

While we may tout a free-market economy based on competition, we continue to operate on envy and covetousness. A godless society has only furthered our descent into ruin, despair, and destruction. The individuals we elect to Congress, the Senate, or the presidency play a crucial role in shaping our nation's moral and ethical fiber. Electing power-hungry, self-serving, greedy, immoral, unethical, dishonest leaders will inevitably transform our nation into a reflection of those qualities.

There is a growing movement to remove God from schools and all state and federal institutions, a grave mistake of epic proportions. By doing so, we are instructing generation after generation in the ways of darkness, a path that leads to the demise of our society and the suffering of countless souls. It's time for our government to return to its moral compass, to lead with love and serve the people, and to rediscover the true meaning of "In God we trust." Only then can we hope to mend the rifts in our society and heal the wounds of covetousness and envy that threaten to tear us apart.

The Profound Divide: Understanding the Distinction between Body and Spirit


The Profound Divide: Understanding the Distinction between Body and Spirit


In the intricate tapestry of human existence, the age-old debate between the body and the spirit has captivated the minds of philosophers, theologians, and individuals from diverse walks of life. This fundamental distinction has profound implications for our understanding of ourselves, our actions, and our ultimate destiny. According to religious teachings, the Lord has granted us the power of the mind to discern between the desires of the body and the aspirations of the spirit. In this article, we will explore the intrinsic separation between the body and the spirit, the dangers of allowing the mind to be deceived, and the role of this distinction in spiritual well-being.

I. The Body and the Spirit: A Profound Divide

At the heart of many religious and philosophical traditions lies the concept of a clear demarcation between the physical body and the intangible spirit. This division is not merely an abstract idea; it carries significant implications for how we perceive and navigate the world around us.

A. The Body: A Vessel of Earthly Desires

The body is often seen as the physical vessel that houses our earthly desires and instincts. It is the tangible vehicle through which we interact with the material world, experience pleasure, pain, and engage in the basic functions necessary for survival. Our physical senses, appetites, and instincts are all rooted in the body, making it the locus of worldly experiences.

1.     Pleasures of the Body. The body is naturally inclined toward seeking pleasure, comfort, and satisfaction. These desires can manifest in various forms, including the pursuit of physical pleasure, material wealth, and self-gratification. The body's desires are often immediate and can lead individuals down paths of indulgence and hedonism.

2.     The Influence of Temptation. Temptation often originates in the body's cravings and desires. The allure of temptation can be powerful, drawing individuals away from their spiritual aspirations and towards the gratification of their physical needs. This tug-of-war between the body's cravings and the spirit's yearning for higher purposes is a central theme in many religious narratives.

B. The Spirit: A Beacon of Transcendence

In contrast to the body, the spirit is often regarded as the eternal and intangible essence of a person. It represents our higher consciousness, moral compass, and spiritual aspirations. The spirit is the seat of our beliefs, values, and connection to the divine.

1.     Pursuit of Spiritual Growth. The spirit's primary pursuit is often centered on spiritual growth, enlightenment, and connection with a higher power or purpose. It seeks to transcend the limitations of the physical world and align with values such as love, compassion, and selflessness.

2.     Resistance to Temptation. The spirit plays a critical role in resisting the temptations that originate in the body. It provides the moral fortitude and inner strength needed to make choices that are in harmony with one's spiritual beliefs, even when faced with the allure of worldly pleasures.

II. Deception of the Mind: A Hazardous Path

The mind, as a bridge between the body and the spirit, wields significant influence over our actions and decisions. It can either align with the spiritual essence or be swayed by the desires of the body. The danger lies in allowing the mind to be deceived, which can lead to a divergence from one's true spiritual path.

A. The Power of Discernment. The Lord, according to religious teachings, has bestowed upon us the gift of discernment through our minds. This discernment enables us to differentiate between the righteous and the sinful, the virtuous and the wicked. It empowers us to make choices that honor our spiritual calling.

1.     Guarding Against Deception. To maintain the purity of one's spirit, it is crucial to guard the mind against deception. False doctrines, external influences, and negative thought patterns can all lead the mind astray. Vigilance and a commitment to spiritual principles are essential to navigate this treacherous terrain.

B. The Influence of External Forces Satan, often depicted as the embodiment of evil, is believed to actively seek to deceive the minds of individuals. When one succumbs to the influence of Satan, their thoughts, words, and actions can be manipulated to serve malevolent purposes.

1.     The Role of Temptation Satan's primary tool is temptation, which capitalizes on the desires of the body. When the mind succumbs to temptation, it becomes a conduit for actions that are contrary to one's spiritual values, leading to pain, misery, and suffering.

2.     Misery Loves Company Satan's ultimate goal is to lead individuals away from the path of righteousness and into the depths of spiritual darkness. The saying, "misery loves company," underscores the idea that those who are led astray often become complicit in the suffering of others, perpetuating a cycle of spiritual decay.

III. Navigating the Divide: Pleasing the Lord

To maintain spiritual well-being and alignment with one's higher purpose, it is imperative to make conscious choices that please the Lord. This involves constant vigilance, self-reflection, and a commitment to living a life that honors the distinction between the body and the spirit.

A. Cultivating Spiritual Awareness The first step in pleasing the Lord is cultivating spiritual awareness. This involves deep introspection, prayer, and meditation to connect with one's inner spirit and divine guidance. It requires a conscious effort to align one's thoughts and actions with spiritual principles.

B. Resisting Temptation Resisting temptation is a continuous battle. It requires inner strength and discipline to overcome the allure of immediate gratification and choose actions that are in line with one's spiritual values. This process involves self-control and the willingness to confront and conquer the desires of the body.

C. Seeking Spiritual Community.  Surrounding oneself with a supportive spiritual community can provide encouragement, accountability, and guidance on the journey to please the Lord. A community of like-minded individuals can help reinforce one's commitment to spiritual growth and resist the influence of deception.


The distinction between the body and the spirit is a fundamental aspect of human existence that carries profound implications for our choices, actions, and ultimate destiny. While the body is often drawn towards immediate pleasure and gratification, the spirit seeks higher purpose, spiritual growth, and connection with the divine. The mind, as the bridge between these two realms, plays a pivotal role in discerning between the two and guarding against deception.

It is essential to recognize the influence of external forces, such as Satan and temptation, which can lead the mind astray and derail one from their spiritual path. The saying "misery loves company" serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of succumbing to these negative influences.

To please the Lord and maintain spiritual well-being, individuals must cultivate spiritual awareness, resist temptation, and seek the support of a spiritual community. By making conscious choices that honor the distinction between the body and the spirit, one can navigate the complexities of human existence and find solace in the pursuit of higher purpose and spiritual fulfillment.