Tuesday, January 30, 2024

By Their Fruit You Will Know Them: Discerning True Friends and Righteousness


By Their Fruit You Will Know Them: Discerning True Friends and Righteousness

Introduction: In

Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus imparts a timeless wisdom to his disciples: "By their fruit, you will know them." This profound teaching serves as a guiding principle for identifying false prophets, evil individuals, and those who may lead us astray from the path of righteousness. This essay explores the significance of this biblical concept in discerning the character of people, especially when choosing friends.

The Meaning of "By Their Fruit": When Jesus refers to "fruit," he speaks metaphorically about the results of a person's actions, the consequences of their behavior, and the nature of their character. It goes beyond mere appearances or superficial impressions. By examining a person's fruit, we assess whether they are honest, fair, just, loyal, and true to their word. We observe whether they obey laws and authority, fulfill their obligations such as paying taxes, and exhibit qualities of love, hope, and charity. Conversely, we look for signs of negative traits like gossip, slander, selfishness, and vanity. In essence, "by their fruit," we gain insight into the essence of a person's moral and ethical makeup.

The Importance of Discernment in Friendships: Choosing friends is a significant aspect of one's life. Friends influence our beliefs, behaviors, and decisions. They can either uplift and support us on our spiritual journey or lead us astray. Hence, it is crucial to assess the fruit of those we befriend. Are they individuals of integrity and virtue, or do they possess qualities that might jeopardize our faith and moral compass?

Jesus' teaching encourages us to be discerning in our choice of friends. When we surround ourselves with individuals whose fruit is good, we are more likely to experience a harmonious and spiritually enriching friendship. In contrast, associating with those whose fruit is tainted with negative qualities can have detrimental effects on our lives.

Seeking Divine Guidance: When in doubt about the character of potential friends or acquaintances, we can turn to the Lord for guidance through prayer and reflection. God's wisdom can provide clarity and discernment, helping us make informed choices about the company we keep. It is important to remember that we are not alone in our journey; the Lord is always ready to guide us towards righteousness.

The Rewards of Righteous Friendships: In the writer's personal experience, they express gratitude for the wonderful friends they have in their church community, emphasizing the sweetness and goodness of the fruit these friends bear. Such friendships are a source of blessing, kindness, and inspiration. They serve as examples of righteous living, reinforcing the importance of choosing friends wisely.

Conclusion: Matthew 7:15-20 serves as a timeless reminder that the character of individuals can be discerned by their actions and the consequences of their behavior. When choosing friends, it is essential to evaluate the fruit they bear, ensuring that it aligns with our values and beliefs. Seeking divine guidance through prayer can further assist in making informed choices. Ultimately, nurturing relationships with friends who bear good fruit is a path to righteousness and spiritual growth, bringing blessings and fulfillment to our lives.


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