Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Words to live by; Lessons in life for our children.


Words to live by; Lessons in life for our children.


If you tell someone you will meet them, be there and on time.

If you tell someone you will call them, call them at the appointed time and date.

If you tell someone you will do something, do it on time and on the appointed date.

If you tell someone you will be somewhere at a specified time, be there on time.

Do (which is a call to act) that which you say you are going to do.

Honor your commitments always!

Never, ever take your commitment for granted and never, ever take your relationships for granted.

Everything you do has a cumulative effect on your relationships, everything!

Never, ever say you are going to do something and then not do it.

Every time you do this, others trust in you will weaken until one day they will have no trust in you left.

Don’t ever take advantage of other’s good will, kindness, weakness, generosity, and trust in you.

Always be considerate of the rights and feelings of others before your own.

Always love, always be of service to others.

Never give in to temptation.

Pray continuously for the Holy Spirit to counsel you on what to do, think or say.

Trust and put your faith in Jesus and not in the world or other men.

Build bridges to others don’t act as a wrecking ball destroying everything in its path.

Honor and respect your elders and those in authority.

Be charitable, loyal, dedicated and trustworthy.

Be honest, kind and considerate.

Live in peace, avoid conflict.

Choose life over death, light over darkness, and righteousness over evil.

Be joyful and let thanks be continually on your tongue.

Respect others always and in every situation.

Love, love, love – serve, serve, serve.

Remember to take turns and share everything.

Life is not fair, if you expect it to be you will be greatly disappointed.

Always put 100% effort into everything you do.

Never settle for second best.

Always believe in yourself and your abilities.

Think success not failure, gain not loss, victory not defeat.

Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you.

Be the best at that which you choose to do.

Enjoy your vocation for if you do it will bring you a great deal of happiness and joy.

Never have a relationship with someone you work with or are in a group or association with.

Work hard at everything you do.

Practice, practice, practice – with repetition comes perfection.

Review everything you do and say to see if it pleases the Lord.

Never quit, quitters never win, and winners never quit.

Be joyful in everything.

Have a goal in life, make a plan for achieving that goal and then work your plan one day at a time.

Dare to dream really big dreams.

Follow the light and will of our father in heaven.

Be patient, quiet, humble.

Don’t swear, drink alcohol, or caffeinated products, avoid at all cost nicotine, drugs, and unwarranted medication.

Surround yourself with winners.

Stay positive, avoid negativity, complaining and gossip.

Share your tales of misery with the Lord only and your tales of joy to everyone.

Don't forget to be humble and give the glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father.

Love the Lord, your life and your neighbor.

Don’t judge others.

Don’t assume anything,

Don’t rationalize or justify your behavior.

Don’t expect anything in return for your acts of service.

Open your eyes and ears to the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Stay focused, be single minded.

Don’t stray from the path of righteousness.

You don’t always get what you need want and desire.

Flee temptation, run from evil.

Remember trials are a test of faith. Have faith and never doubt the Lord.

Trust that he will hear, listen and answer your prayers.

Do the will of the Lord always, which is why it is said patience is a virtue.

Lose the me, me, me, I, I, I attitude.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Do things which please the Lord.

Never stop growing, developing your spirit, mind and body.

Remember always – you are the best, you are the temple of the spirit of our Heavenly Father.

Live in peace, happiness and harmony with one another.

Avoid loud laughter.

Avoid those who live in rebellious sin, which drink excessively, take drugs, smoke cigarettes and who frequent bars.

Remember dancing can be construed as a vertical expression for a horizontal intention.

Stay pure and unspoiled until your wedding night at which time consummates your marriage in the love of the Lord – two shall become one flesh.

Stay busy, idleness is the playground of the devil.

Live today as though it was your last.

 Remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Slow down – don’t take on more responsibility than you can comfortably achieve.

Be joyful in your greetings to others.

Call everyone by their name, there is nothing more pleasing to a man than the sound of his own name.

Forgive others, forgive yourself.

Don’t carry your past transgressions on your back– give them to the Lord and forget about them.

Accept Christ as your savior, pray, read his word, study his word, put his word into action, be obedient to our Father in Heaven.

Above all love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.

Start your day off early.

The early bird does get the worm.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

A fool and his money are soon departed.

Be a wise and prudent steward of all that the Lord has brought into your stewardship.

Tithe 10%.

Nothing in life that comes to you is free; everything in life comes with a price tag attached.

Are you willing to pay the price?

Stay physically fit and mentally alert at all times.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, smile, it will brighten any setting and bring joy to everyone.

Never say I can’t, always say I can.

Remember it is not you doing it, but the Lord.

Have faith, through him all things will be unto you.

Dress appropriately on all occasions.

Be clean, neat and with an attitude of professionalism in everything you set out to accomplish.

Finish all good works to completion regardless of the cost.

Never ever give up on anything that is good and always avoid temptation or placing yourself in a compromising situation.

Find joy and happiness in the simple things in life.

Be on guard always.

SATAN IS REAL, but so is our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ his son and our comforter the Holy Spirit.

Three against one, now that is what I consider an easy victory – for the good guys.

Get the point!

Love, love, love, serve, serve, serve, our Lord, our Lord, our Lord, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, receive, receive, receive, joy, joy, joy, peace, peace, peace, happiness, happiness, happiness, salvation, salvation, salvation.

Has God made his point clear yet?


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