Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Tug of War Between Covetousness and Envy: Our Society's Battle

The Tug of War Between Covetousness and Envy: Our Society's Battle

In a world that often seems divided by the haves and have-nots, it's not just money that fuels this constant tug of war. It's an insidious undercurrent of covetousness and envy that permeates our society, driving wedges between us and sowing discord. The tenth commandment in God's law, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house, spouse, or anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Exodus 20:17), speaks volumes about the destructive power of these emotions.

Covetousness, defined as the envious desire for another's possessions, and envy, the discontented yearning for someone else's advantages, are like silent saboteurs, slowly corroding the bonds that should hold us together as a community. Our society, from the moment we are born, subtly encourages us to covet and crave what others have, be it wealth, possessions, or status.

One aspect of this societal divide is our taxation system, which redistributes wealth and power in the name of collective responsibility. While this approach has its merits, the government's assumption that it can take from us without our input and allocate resources as it sees fit is a cause for concern. Often, those chosen to wield this power prove to be corrupt or self-serving. It is clear that a member of Congress from Oklahoma, or any other state for that matter, does not have the personal interests of every citizen at heart when voting on legislation.

Worse yet, our leaders have successfully pitted the haves against the have-nots, the wealthy against the poor, and the advantaged against the disadvantaged. This division perpetuates the very covetousness and envy we are warned against in the commandments. The political landscape further exacerbates this divide, with Republicans pitted against Democrats in a seemingly endless battle that distracts us from addressing the root causes of our societal ills.

Covetousness, envy, jealousy, greed, corruption, lying, cheating, and stealing have become the hallmarks of our government. How can we expect people not to steal when that's the impression we have of our own government? None of us truly believe that the government is entitled to a share of our hard-earned wages.

Some have even argued that the reason the government criminalizes theft, drug distribution, murder, robbery, and other crimes is to eliminate competition. They want to monopolize control and be the only game in town. But how can you have a tax system that is not voluntary and then expect people not to feel as though they have been stolen from?

Our leaders bear the responsibility of setting the moral tone for those they govern. Love begets love, greed begets greed, and envy begets envy. If our government truly wishes to combat theft, murder, drug distribution, and other societal problems, it must lead by example. It must put an end to its own theft, murder, and distribution of questionable policies.

John F. Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." However, perhaps it's time for our government to take a different stance. Rather than asking what we can do for them, they should be asking how they can love and serve us better.

Our currency bears the phrase "In God we trust," but in reality, our government has strayed far from this principle. When our nation lost its allegiance to God as our spiritual and moral leader, we began to depend on godless men to lead us. This shift has led our country down a perilous path, marked by greed, envy, and covetousness.

While we may tout a free-market economy based on competition, we continue to operate on envy and covetousness. A godless society has only furthered our descent into ruin, despair, and destruction. The individuals we elect to Congress, the Senate, or the presidency play a crucial role in shaping our nation's moral and ethical fiber. Electing power-hungry, self-serving, greedy, immoral, unethical, dishonest leaders will inevitably transform our nation into a reflection of those qualities.

There is a growing movement to remove God from schools and all state and federal institutions, a grave mistake of epic proportions. By doing so, we are instructing generation after generation in the ways of darkness, a path that leads to the demise of our society and the suffering of countless souls. It's time for our government to return to its moral compass, to lead with love and serve the people, and to rediscover the true meaning of "In God we trust." Only then can we hope to mend the rifts in our society and heal the wounds of covetousness and envy that threaten to tear us apart.

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