Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Activity for Children illustrating John's message in 8:12 of Jesus proclaiming I am the light of the World.


A beautiful and practical way to illustrate the message of John 8:12 to children. Here's how you can turn the words of John 8: into a meaningful exercise:

John 8:12 – I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

Activity: Living in Darkness, Living in Light

Materials Needed:

1.     A completely dark room or a space covered in thick curtains or blinds.

2.     One or more candles and matches or a flashlight.

3.     A comfortable space for discussion and reflection.


1.     Setting the Stage:

·       Gather the children and explain that you're going to help them understand what Jesus meant when He said, "I am the light of the world."

2.     Entering the Darkness:

·       Lead the children into the completely dark room or the space covered in curtains. Make sure it's safe, and everyone is comfortable.

·       In the darkness, discuss how it feels to be in complete darkness. Ask the children how they think it would be to live in such darkness all the time. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings.

3.     Introducing Jesus as the Light:

·       Light the candle or turn on the flashlight, representing Jesus as the light of the world. Explain to the children that, just as the light brightens the dark room, Jesus brings light and understanding to our lives.

·       Discuss how knowing Jesus can guide us and help us see through difficult times, just like the candle or flashlight helps us navigate the darkness.

4.     Living in the Light:

·       Walk around the room with the lit candle or flashlight, showing how it makes it easier to see and move without stumbling.

·       Explain that following Jesus and His teachings can help us live our lives with love, kindness, and purpose, just as the light helps us see clearly in the dark room.

5.     Discussion and Reflection:

·       Gather the children in a comfortable space outside the dark room.

·       Have a discussion about the experience. Ask them what they learned from being in the darkness and then experiencing the light. Encourage them to share their thoughts on what it means to follow Jesus and have the "light of life" in their lives.

·       You can also read and discuss John 8:12 together to reinforce the lesson.

6.     Closing Thoughts:

·       Conclude the exercise by emphasizing that following Jesus can lead us away from darkness and help us live a life filled with love, compassion, and understanding.

·       Encourage the children to carry this lesson with them and think about how they can be a light in the world by following Jesus' example.

This practical exercise not only helps children understand the biblical message but also provides them with a memorable and relatable experience that can stay with them as they grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus as the "light of the world."

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