Saturday, September 14, 2013

Why do we put on weight how do we take it off?

Why do we put on weight how do we take it off?


I have been thinking the past couple days about weight gain and the inability to lose weight.

I have come up with four reasons why people put on weight

1. Stress, 

2. Boredom,  

3. Unhappiness,  

4. Genetics.  

It was easier to gain weight than to lose weight, so the key is not to gain extra weight.  

Boredom – to tire with dullness or repetition.  

Stress – mental, emotional, or physical tension, strain or distress.  

Unhappy – sad, sorrowful. Causing misfortune, unlucky. Not pleasing or satisfied.  

Genetics – the biological study of heredity. Of or relating to origin or development.  

Compulsion – the act or compelling or state of being compelled. An irresistible impulse to act irrationally.

Of course overeating can also be viewed as a habit, a compulsion, an addiction or an attempt at self-destruction.  

For example, if I overeat and become fat then no one will be interested in me.  

In this case the person is consciously choosing to overeat, so as to gain weight, in order that they will in their eyes become less appealing.  

This of course is covering up some other problem with self -worth, image or esteem that they are wrestling with.  

I am certainly bored with the routine I am currently in.

I am very happy. I perceive I have very little stress; there is no genetic basis for my weight gain so my weight gain comes when I am bored, typically with routine.  

In this case a very boring routine.

What is the reason for your weight gain or your inability to take-off weight? 

What is the cause?

Are you predestined because of genetics or heredity to being a bit overweight?  

Are you unhappy with some aspect in your life which causes you to overeat in order to mask the pain of unhappiness?  

Is there so much stress or tension in your life that when you get a moment of any kind you are putting food in your mouth?  

Or are you just bored with your routine in life, can’t figure out how to get out of the rut so you eat for pleasure? 

Eating can be very pleasant when you are in the act of eating.  

After you are done eating, you may fill yourself with guilt and thus making the experience very unpleasant.

In order to lose weight, it would be helpful to know the reason behind why you overeat and then accept that as the reason and move one.  

Some people are predisposed to be overweight.  

Others bring the problem upon themselves.

If it is a problem, then there is a solution 

First recognize the problem, accept it as a problem and create a plan to overcome the problem.  

As with every problem in life there is always a solution.  

I love you my Lord. I am so happy that you provide me with bits of inspiration. I know I probably don’t have very many original thoughts, it is nice however to put my thoughts down on paper.  

As I write, I think about things. It helps clarify things for me.  

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, could you please give me a good night’s rest this evening. I haven’t slept well in weeks as you know and I would really appreciate having a long nights rest. I commit to honoring you Lord, I commit to humbling myself before you. Watch over me this weekend; keep me free from harm, away from temptation and away from the evil one. 

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