Sunday, January 25, 2015

New way to brush your teeth while rinsing with mouthwash

Recently I stumbled across the idea of putting a bit of mouthwash in my mouth, then putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushing my teeth with the mouthwash in my mouth.  When I finish brushing, I swoosh the mouthwash in my mouth around for a bit and finally spit the mouthwash out.  I love it.  It  is like killing two birds with one stone.  I never liked brushing my teeth and then swishing the mouthwash around my mouth for another minute or so.  So I thought, why not do both at the same time. I do not rinse my mouth out with water after I have spit the mouthwash out.  The mouthwash freshens my mouth.  I now can't imagine brushing my teeth without first putting mouth was in my mouth.  It is absolutely the best.  I suggest you try it, I can assure you, you will love it.

If you have a water pik, I suggest you fill the water basin with 1/2 water and 1/2 mouthwash.  The bacteria fighting properties of the mouthwash will be driven into the gums and leave your mouth feeling refreshed. 

It is also important to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

Try this and let me know what you think.

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