Sunday, August 11, 2024

Behind Closed Doors: HP's Dirty Little Secret


Behind Closed Doors

HP's Dirty Little Secret

Table of contents

In this book, you will journey through the profound and often tumultuous experiences I faced as a business owner entangled in a complex legal battle with a powerful corporation. From the inception of a promising business relationship to the dramatic raids and arrests, each chapter unfolds a new layer of challenges and revelations. You will read about the immense pressures and the eventual realization of being ill-represented legally. This narrative aims to expose the harsh realities of corporate power dynamics, legal battles, and the personal toll it takes. Ultimately, it is a story of resilience, redemption, and the transformative power of faith.

3          Introduction

5          The Genesis of a Business and a Friendship

8          The Call from California

11        The Spare Parts Program Debacle

14        The Call That Changed Everything

20        The Raid and Its Aftermath

32        Arrests and Illegal Harassment

37        The $70,000,000 Lawsuit

41        Federal Involvement and Escalation

42        Crime and Sentencing

50        The Court's Coercion and My Struggle for Integrity

52        It is worth noting from my perspective.

55        The Fallout and Imprisonment

57        Wrongful Charges and Lack of Financial Loss

62        Reflections and Lessons Learned

65        Conclusion

69        Why am I writing this now?

71        Lastly, what is HP's dirty little secret?

72        A Journey to Redemption - The Prison Diaries

75        Disclaimer

77        One last piece of advice




In the world of business, relationships often extend beyond professional boundaries, evolving into genuine friendships. Such was the case with me, Bill Conley, a successful entrepreneur who started my own computer resale business in 1995. My journey into the world of computer resale began much earlier, in 1985 when an individual invited me to join him in the business of selling used Hewlett-Packard computers. Over the next decade, I cultivated a close relationship with an employee of Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Canada. This relationship was built on mutual respect and professional collaboration, growing into a deep friendship that would eventually lead to a series of legal battles and culminate in a prison sentence.

The bond I formed with the HP employee in Canada was more than just a business connection. We often exchanged equipment, shared market insights, and supported each other in our professional endeavors. Our families became close, and we spent vacations together, strengthening our personal ties. This narrative delves into the events that led to my incarceration, examining the complexities of business ethics, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of justice by Hewlett-Packard.

As my business grew, so did my reliance on trusted relationships like the one I had with the HP employee. This friendship, however, would be scrutinized under a harsh legal microscope, revealing the precarious balance between personal and professional lives. The trust and camaraderie that had once been the cornerstone of our relationship became the very elements used to accuse me of unethical conduct and fraud. The friendship that began as a pillar of strength and support ultimately became the focal point of a legal nightmare.

In the high-stakes world of corporate competition, Hewlett-Packard's aggressive tactics to maintain market dominance exposed a darker side of business operations. My story is not just a personal account of friendship and betrayal but a case study in how large corporations can wield their power to destroy smaller competitors. The systemic issues and corruption that I faced from multiple powerful entities, including HP, law enforcement, and the judicial system, paint a troubling picture of the lengths to which some organizations will go to protect their interests.

Throughout this ordeal, I encountered a series of events that challenged my faith in the justice system and the integrity of corporate practices. From being wrongfully accused of possessing stolen computer memory to the invasive and overreaching raids on my business, each step revealed a calculated effort to dismantle my professional and personal life. Hewlett-Packard's relentless pursuit of legal action against me was driven by a combination of suspicion, corporate strategy, and a willingness to exploit legal avenues to their advantage.

This narrative is a detailed account of how my life and career were turned upside down by a company that once valued my contributions and collaboration. It highlights the broader implications of my experience, raising critical questions about the ethics of corporate behavior and the accountability of legal systems. The events that led to my incarceration are not just isolated incidents but part of a larger pattern of corporate overreach and legal manipulation.

In sharing my story, I aim to shed light on the personal and professional costs of such battles. The impact on my family, the emotional toll of enduring multiple legal confrontations, and the strain on my business were profound. My experience serves as a cautionary tale for entrepreneurs and business professionals, illustrating the importance of maintaining clear boundaries, upholding ethical standards, and being vigilant against the potential for corporate and legal abuse.

The journey from a trusted business relationship to a prison sentence is one that underscores the fragile nature of trust in the corporate world. It also emphasizes the need for systemic reforms to protect individuals and small businesses from the disproportionate power wielded by large corporations. My story is a testament to resilience, a call for justice, and a reminder of the critical importance of integrity in all business dealings.

As you delve into the details of my narrative, you will find a story that is as much about the human spirit's resilience as it is about the flaws in our corporate and legal systems. It is a story that reveals how quickly fortunes can change and how crucial it is to stay true to one's principles, even in the face of overwhelming adversity. My hope is that by sharing this journey, I can inspire others to stand up against injustice, seek ethical practices, and advocate for a fairer, more transparent world in both business and law.

The Genesis of a Business and a Friendship

For over a decade, I had been deeply entrenched in the business of buying and selling used computer products. In 1985, an individual asked me if I would like to venture into selling used Hewlett-Packard computers. This marked the beginning of my journey into a niche market that, unbeknownst to me, would shape my professional and personal life in profound ways. I eagerly accepted the offer, recognizing the potential of this burgeoning market and the opportunities it presented.

During my time with this company, I developed a ten-year relationship with an HP employee in Canada. Our relationship began purely as a business transaction, where we would buy and sell Hewlett-Packard computer equipment to each other. This mutually beneficial arrangement quickly turned into a dependable partnership, with me probably selling as much equipment to him as I bought. The HP employee became one of my most reliable sources, ensuring that I had a steady supply of high-quality used equipment to offer my customers.

In 1995, I decided it was time to take a significant step forward in my career. I quit my employment and started my own HP computer resale business. By this time, I had a well-established business and personal relationship with an HP employee in Canada, which I knew would be crucial for my new venture. My decision to start my own company was driven by the desire for independence and the ambition to create something of my own, leveraging the decade-long experience and relationships I had cultivated.

In April 1995, I embarked on this new venture, establishing a computer resale business that specialized in purchasing used Hewlett-Packard equipment for resale. This niche market required reliable supply sources, and I was fortunate to have an HP employee in Canada as one of my primary contacts. His role in selling used equipment to my company was instrumental in ensuring the initial success of my business. Our professional relationship flourished as we continued to support each other's businesses through regular transactions.

Over the years, our business relationship grew into a personal friendship that saw both families vacationing together and exchanging gifts. Mutual trust and respect laid the foundation of our friendship. We shared not only business interests but also personal moments, creating a bond that went beyond mere professional courtesy. The trust we built was solidified through numerous transactions and shared experiences, both in business and in our personal lives.

The HP employee in Canada often requested specific items that were more accessible or cheaper in the United States. As a friend, I gladly purchased these items for him. These items included a camera, bedding for the master bedroom, and a pop-up tent. Each request was met with my willingness to help, viewing it as part of our evolving personal rapport. Additionally, when the HP employee requested that I take him and his family on vacation, I obliged. These vacations were not just business expenses but opportunities to strengthen our personal bond. My friend initiated these requests, not me.

Furthermore, the HP employee asked me for a personal loan to purchase a car for his wife, and I granted it with the assurance of repayment. This loan was not a business transaction but a gesture of trust and friendship. I believed in supporting my friend during his time of need, confident that our relationship was built on mutual respect and integrity. This level of personal involvement underscored the depth of our friendship, blurring the lines between professional and personal boundaries.

However, accusations of fraud and unethical conduct would later scrutinize this friendship under a legal microscope. The acts of kindness and support that were once the bedrock of our relationship were twisted into allegations of misconduct. The vacations, gifts, and loan, all initiated by my friend, became focal points in a narrative that questioned the integrity of our dealings. What was once a testament to our mutual trust and support was now portrayed as unethical behavior.

The relationship that had been a source of strength and support became the very foundation of the legal battles that followed. The accusations not only targeted my business practices but also the personal trust that had been built over years of friendship. This scrutiny put our entire relationship under a harsh spotlight, questioning every act of kindness and support that had been exchanged. It was a painful realization that the trust and friendship we had cultivated could be weaponized in such a devastating manner.

As I navigated these challenges, the importance of maintaining clear boundaries between personal and professional relationships became painfully evident. The lessons learned from this experience have profoundly shaped my approach to business and personal interactions. The journey from a trusted business relationship to a legal nightmare underscored the fragile nature of trust in the corporate world and the potential for personal relationships to be exploited in professional conflicts.

In retrospect, the genesis of my business and the friendship with the HP employee in Canada was a mix of professional ambition and personal connection. It highlighted the potential for great success and deep personal bonds but also the risks involved when those lines blur. This experience has left an indelible mark on my life, serving as a constant reminder of the complexities and potential pitfalls that come with intertwining business and personal relationships.


The Call from California

In the fall of 1995, my business took an unexpected turn when I received a call from an unknown reseller of Hewlett-Packard computer equipment based in California. This reseller claimed to have several dozens of Hewlett-Packard's newest processor boards available for sale at an enticing price of $50,000 each. These processor boards were listed on the market for over $100,000, making their sudden availability at half the price highly suspicious. I was immediately concerned about the legitimacy of this offer and the origins of the equipment.

Given the unusual nature of this offer, I contacted my friend and business associate in Canada to seek his insights. As someone deeply embedded in the HP resale market, his perspective was invaluable. We discussed the improbability of such high-value items appearing in the resale market so abruptly and at such a steep discount. The conversation only heightened my concerns about the legitimacy of the transaction and the potential risks involved.

The next day, my suspicions were validated when I received a call from the United States FBI. The agents on the call explained that they were investigating a significant theft of Hewlett-Packard equipment and had identified the processor boards as stolen property. They asked for my cooperation in recovering the stolen items. The FBI requested that I purchase a couple of these boards to help trace the flow of stolen goods and apprehend those responsible for the theft.

The FBI assured me that I would be reimbursed for the purchase and provided specific instructions on how to handle the transaction. They emphasized that neither I nor my staff should touch the boards upon receipt to preserve the chain of custody for the evidence. Although I was apprehensive about getting involved in such a high-stakes operation, I agreed to assist the FBI, understanding the importance of removing stolen goods from the market and supporting the enforcement of ethical business practices.

Following the FBI's instructions, I wired the money to the sellers and arranged for the overnight shipping of the processors. The transaction was meticulously planned to ensure that the stolen goods could be tracked and recovered without compromising the investigation. The processors arrived at my office the next day, and true to their word, the FBI promptly retrieved them. The agents were able to confirm the items' stolen status and used the evidence to further their investigation.

Through this operation, I identified a seller of stolen computer boards and played a crucial role in assisting the FBI in recovering nearly $25 million worth of stolen equipment. The successful recovery of such a significant amount of stolen property was a major victory for law enforcement and a testament to the importance of cooperation between businesses and authorities in combating crime.

The impact of this operation extended beyond the immediate recovery of stolen goods. I received a commendation from the worldwide director of HP's resale business, acknowledging my crucial role in the successful operation. At that moment, I was a star in the eyes of HP Remarketing. This recognition not only validated my commitment to ethical business practices but also reinforced my dedication to upholding the integrity of the resale market.

The commendation from HP and the successful collaboration with the FBI highlighted my resolve to maintain high ethical standards in all my business dealings. This experience demonstrated the critical role that ethical conduct plays in the business world and the importance of working closely with law enforcement to address and prevent criminal activities. My actions during this operation were driven by a commitment to protecting the integrity of the resale market and ensuring that stolen goods did not find their way into legitimate channels.

The incident also underscored the potential for businesses to contribute positively to the broader community by supporting law enforcement efforts. By participating in the investigation, I was able to contribute to a greater cause and help dismantle a network of criminals involved in the theft and resale of high-value equipment. This experience was a powerful reminder of the responsibilities that come with operating in the business world and the impact that ethical actions can have on society.

The collaboration with the FBI and the recognition from HP bolstered my reputation within the industry and reinforced my commitment to ethical business practices. It was a moment of pride and validation that strengthened my resolve to continue operating with integrity and to support efforts to maintain a fair and honest market. The successful outcome of this operation served as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of ethical conduct in overcoming challenges and achieving positive results in the business world.









The Spare Parts Program Debacle

In another instance, I found myself embroiled in a complex and stressful situation involving Hewlett-Packard's spare parts program. The issue began when I received an alarming bill from Hewlett-Packard for nearly $700,000. This unexpected invoice was part of HP's program within their spare parts department, which allowed customers to send in defective parts in exchange for new ones at a reduced price. However, HP's billing practices for this program were fraught with complications and inconsistencies, leading to a significant and unjustified financial burden on my business.

HP's spare parts program worked as follows: customers could return defective parts and, in exchange, receive new parts at a reduced cost. However, HP would impose an exorbitant charge on top of the part cost, which they would then credit back upon the return of the defective part. For example, a defective board costing $1,200 might have an additional $50,000 added to the invoice, which would be refunded upon the return of the defective part. This system was intended to incentivize the return of defective parts promptly, but in practice, it led to considerable confusion and financial strain for businesses like mine.

The situation was further complicated by HP's frequent delays in processing these returns. Despite returning the defective parts promptly, I often faced significant outstanding balances due to HP's slow crediting process. These delays created a continuous state of financial uncertainty, making it difficult to manage cash flow and maintain accurate accounting records. The outstanding balances accumulated over time, and the lack of timely credits from HP put immense pressure on my business operations.

The situation reached a breaking point when HP, after hiring a new investigative team, changed the program without notifying all participants. The changes included sending out bills for the full amounts of the parts as though they were past due, without accounting for the returns that had already been processed or were in the process of being returned. I received a bill for around $700,000, though the actual amount owed was only $12,000, which I had already paid. This billing discrepancy was not just a clerical error but a significant financial threat that could have crippled my business.

The new investigative team at HP seemed more focused on aggressively recovering funds rather than resolving billing discrepancies fairly. Their approach disregarded the established procedures and created chaos for customers who were part of the spare parts program. The abrupt change in billing practices and the lack of communication from HP left me scrambling to understand the basis for the exorbitant invoice. It felt like a deliberate attempt to disrupt my business operations and create financial turmoil.

I immediately sought the assistance of my attorney to address the issue. My attorney sent a strongly worded letter to HP detailing the discrepancies and demanding an explanation for the unjustified charges. The letter highlighted that the actual amount owed had already been paid and that the $700,000 bill was a result of unprocessed credits and changes in the program that were not communicated to customers. The legal intervention was crucial in pushing HP to acknowledge the mistake and rectify the billing error.

Despite the resolution of the issue through my attorney's intervention, the experience exemplified HP's continued efforts to disrupt the used equipment marketplace. The stress and confusion caused by this billing debacle were immense, as I had to fight tirelessly to correct HP's errors and clear my name. The situation highlighted the broader challenges faced by small businesses when dealing with large corporations that wield significant power and influence.

The financial strain was not the only consequence of this debacle. The ongoing stress of managing the billing dispute affected my ability to focus on other aspects of my business. The uncertainty and constant need to monitor and contest HP's billing practices diverted valuable time and resources away from growth and innovation. It was a battle of attrition, where the sheer persistence and determination to seek justice were as draining as the financial implications of the erroneous bill.

This experience also revealed the vulnerability of small businesses to the whims of larger corporations. The power dynamics were starkly evident as HP's bureaucratic processes and aggressive tactics created a hostile environment for businesses like mine. The lack of accountability and transparency in HP's billing practices was a reminder of the challenges inherent in dealing with large organizations that prioritize their financial recovery over fair and ethical treatment of their customers.

Furthermore, the incident underscored the importance of vigilance and proactive management in business dealings. It taught me the critical need to maintain meticulous records, closely monitor transactions, and be prepared to challenge discrepancies assertively. The support of legal counsel was invaluable in navigating the complexities of the dispute and ensuring that my business interests were protected.

In retrospect, the spare parts program debacle was a significant learning experience that reinforced the importance of resilience and determination in the face of corporate adversity. It was a stark reminder of the need for integrity and ethical conduct in business practices, both from companies and their customers. The ordeal, while stressful and financially burdensome, ultimately strengthened my resolve to operate my business with transparency and fairness, despite the challenges posed by interactions with larger, more powerful entities.

The aftermath of this debacle left a lasting impact on my approach to business. It fostered a deeper awareness of the potential pitfalls in corporate relationships and the importance of maintaining a vigilant and proactive stance. While the experience was fraught with challenges, it also provided valuable lessons that have continued to inform my business practices and interactions in the years that followed.


The Call That Changed Everything

One day, while I was sitting in my office, I received a phone call that would change everything. It was from an unknown company in California. I had never dealt with this company before.  The Individual indicated they had a type of memory card I was accustomed to purchasing, typically for around $1,100 each. They offered three of these cards for $1,300 each. Though the price seemed high, I decided to purchase them, as I sold a lot of this type of memory. I sent a faxed purchase order to the company, agreeing to FedEx COD terms, meaning I would receive the memory the next day and send a company check back via FedEx.

The memory arrived as expected, and the transaction seemed routine. However, the same day I received the memory, I received a phone call from the same individual from the company inquiring if I had received it. Little did I know that this phone call was being recorded by Hewlett-Packard, the High-Tech Crimes Task Force, or the Roseville Police Department, I am uncertain. This was an illegal act, given both California and Washington are a two-party consent law, but I was oblivious to the trap being set.  

Definition of a Two-Party Consent State

A two-party consent state requires that all parties involved in a conversation must give their consent before any recording of the conversation can take place. This law is designed to protect the privacy of individuals engaged in communication.

Specific Laws in California:

California Penal Code Section 632:

California's law makes it illegal to record a confidential conversation, including those conducted by telephone, without the consent of all parties involved.

The law defines confidential communication as any conversation carried on in circumstances that reasonably indicate that any party to the communication desires it to be confined to the parties involved.

Violations of this law can result in fines, imprisonment, or both.

Key Points:

All parties must consent to the recording.

Applies to both in-person and telephonic communications.

Exceptions exist for public conversations where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Specific Laws in Washington:

Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 9.73.030:

Washington's law similarly prohibits the recording of private conversations, whether they are conducted in person or over the phone, without the consent of all parties involved.

The statute specifies that intercepting or recording any private communication by any device, without obtaining the consent of all parties, is illegal.

Key Points:

Requires consent from all parties for recording.

Applies to both telephonic and in-person communications.

Violations can result in criminal charges and civil liabilities.


Both California and Washington have stringent laws requiring all parties' consent before recording any private conversations, aiming to protect individuals' privacy rights.

The following day, my world was turned upside down. The High-Tech Crimes Task Force from California, HP, and the Redmond Police department stormed my office in a raid. Guns were drawn, their faces set in grim determination. The sight was surreal and terrifying, far beyond what I could have ever imagined. My employees and I were caught in a whirlwind of chaos and confusion.

This was the first time I was aware that the memory I had bought might have been stolen from Hewlett-Packard. HP claimed the memory was stolen, but was it? Was this company set up by HP as a sting operation to justify lying to a judge in California to get a search warrant to raid my company? The whole scenario seemed premeditated and orchestrated to perfection. I never heard what happened to the company that sold me the memory. Were they arrested for selling stolen memory? I never found out.

Legality of Sting Operations and Entrapment:

1.     Entrapment:

Definition: Entrapment occurs when law enforcement or agents induce a person to commit a crime they otherwise would not have committed. It is a legal defense used in criminal cases to argue that the defendant was coerced or persuaded into committing the crime.

Legality: Sting operations themselves are legal if they involve lawful methods to catch individuals committing crimes they are predisposed to commit. However, it becomes illegal if the operation crosses into entrapment, coercing someone into criminal activity.

2.     Illegally Recorded Conversations:

Washington's Two-Party Consent Law (RCW 9.73.030): Washington state law requires all parties to consent to the recording of private conversations. Recording without consent is illegal.

Implications: If a private company or individuals illegally recorded a conversation as part of a sting operation, they could be violating state law.

Proving Memory Was Stolen:

1.     Proof Required:

Ownership and Possession: Documentation proving that the memory was in the possession of the original owner (HP) and was taken without authorization.

Chain of Custody: Evidence showing how the memory moved from HP’s possession to the current location.

Reports and Records: Police reports, inventory logs, or other documentation indicating the memory was stolen.

Witness Testimony: Statements from witnesses who can attest to theft or unauthorized transfer.

2.     Lack of Proof:

If no concrete evidence was presented to you proving the memory was stolen, you have grounds to question the legitimacy of the allegations.

Legality of Private Companies Conducting Sting Operations:

1.     Private Company Conducting a Sting:

Legality: It is unusual and potentially problematic for a private company to conduct a sting operation without law enforcement involvement. Such actions can lead to legal issues, especially if they involve illegal activities like unauthorized recording.

Recording Conversations: If the company records conversations without the other party's consent, it violates two-party consent laws in states like Washington.

2.     Alleging Stolen Property:

Proof of Theft: For a private company to allege that property received by another company was stolen, they need substantial proof that the property was originally theirs and was stolen.

Setup Scenarios: If a company sets up another by selling memory, recording the transaction without consent, and then claiming it was stolen, it can lead to accusations of entrapment and illegal recording.

Your Case:

1.     Was the Memory Stolen?

Without concrete evidence presented to you, it remains unclear whether the memory was stolen. The burden of proof lies with the accuser (HP in this case) to provide credible evidence.

2.     Proof Needed to Know It Was Stolen:

To establish that the memory was stolen, you would need to see clear evidence such as ownership records, proof of theft, and documentation showing the memory's unauthorized transfer.

Legal Actions and Considerations:

1.     Challenge the Allegations:

Request all evidence HP has regarding the alleged theft.

Consult with a legal professional to explore the validity of the search warrant and the methods used to obtain it.

2.     Potential Legal Violations by HP:

If HP conducted a sting operation involving illegal recordings, they might have violated state recording laws and could face legal consequences.

3.     Entrapment Defense:

If there’s evidence that HP induced you into a situation where you unknowingly received stolen property, an entrapment defense might be applicable.


Sting operations must be conducted lawfully and without entrapment. Recording conversations without consent in Washington is illegal. If a private company, like HP, set up a sting operation, illegally recorded conversations, and alleged theft without providing concrete evidence, their actions could be legally and ethically questionable. To address these issues, gathering all available evidence, seeking legal counsel, and challenging any unlawful actions or baseless allegations are crucial steps.

The timeline of events was incredibly tight. I spoke with the individual from the California company on Wednesday, received the memory FedEx COD on Thursday, and HP raided my company on Friday. How could HP possibly discover stolen memory, identify the people who took it, have them call me, and obtain a search warrant from a California judge and a King County judge all within less than 36 hours (about 1 and a half days)? My belief is this was planned by HP in advance to set up a company to sell me the memory and then allege it was stolen.

HP's allegation that the memory was taken illegally was never confirmed, and I never heard if the company that sold it to me was ever charged. This entire episode seemed like a meticulously crafted scheme to bring down my business and tarnish my reputation. The dramatic nature of the raid, the swift and aggressive actions by HP and law enforcement, and the complete lack of transparency about the supposed crime pointed to a sinister plot rather than a legitimate investigation. The orchestrated attack was not just on my business but on my very livelihood, painting me as a criminal in the eyes of my employees, clients, and the wider community.





The Raid and Its Aftermath

The situation escalated dramatically after I received the memory, when HP, in collaboration with the Redmond, WA, police department, and the High-Tech Crimes Task Force detectives from California, executed a search warrant on my business. Hewlett-Packard had hired several police officers from the Roseville Police Department as part of a Fraud Investigation Team. These employees were also part of the raid. In fact, they were the ones directing the raid since they knew what they were looking for. This incident, marked by multiple breaches of legal and ethical standards, had a profound impact on my business and personal life.

The planning and execution of the raid were meticulously orchestrated to maximize the element of surprise and ensure a strong show of force. Hewlett-Packard and the task force operated under the premise that they were dealing with a significant criminal operation, which justified the involvement of multiple law enforcement agencies and the dramatic nature of the raid. However, the reality was far from the exaggerated scenario they presented.

First, Hewlett Packard, or the Task Force, illegally recorded a conversation I had with the computer memory supplier, despite Washington being a two-party consent state that requires both parties to be aware of the recording. This blatant violation of state law was the first of many unethical actions taken during the investigation. Secondly, the task force misled a judge in California by falsely claiming that I was in California when I purchased the memory when, in fact, I was in my office in Washington. This misinformation was used to obtain the search warrant, further highlighting the deceptive practices employed by HP and the task force.

In California, providing false, misleading, inaccurate, or blatantly false information to obtain a search warrant can lead to several potential criminal charges, depending on the circumstances and the intent behind the false information.

Potential Criminal Charges:

1.     Perjury (California Penal Code Section 118):

If an individual intentionally provides false information under oath in an affidavit used to obtain a search warrant, it can be considered perjury.

Perjury is a felony in California and can result in imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years.

2.     Filing a False Report (California Penal Code Section 148.5):

It is illegal to knowingly file a false report of a crime with the police or other authorities.

Violating this section is a misdemeanor and can result in imprisonment in a county jail for up to six months, a fine of up to $1,000, or both.

3.     Fraudulent Procuring of a Search Warrant (California Penal Code Section 1536):

If a person knowingly provides false information in an affidavit to procure a search warrant, they can be charged under this section.

This is considered a serious offense, and while specific penalties under this section are not explicitly outlined, it often overlaps with perjury and filing a false report.

4.     Obstruction of Justice:

Providing false information to law enforcement can be seen as obstructing justice, which includes acts that impede the operation of the legal process.

Penalties for obstruction of justice can vary but may include misdemeanor or felony charges depending on the severity and impact of the obstruction.

Legal Consequences:

Suppression of Evidence: If a search warrant is obtained based on false information, any evidence collected during the search may be suppressed (excluded from being used in court) under the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine.

Civil Liability: The individual or law enforcement officers involved in obtaining the search warrant based on false information could face civil lawsuits for damages resulting from the illegal search.


Providing false information to obtain a search warrant in California can result in serious criminal charges, including perjury, filing a false report, and fraudulent procuring of a search warrant. These offenses carry significant penalties, including imprisonment and fines, and can lead to the suppression of evidence and potential civil liability.

When dealing with the need for a search warrant across state lines, the police force from the initiating state (in this case, California) typically must follow specific procedures to ensure the search is legal and valid in the state where the search will be conducted (Washington). Here is a detailed breakdown:

Jurisdictional Authority and Search Warrants:

1.     California Search Warrant:

A judge in California can issue a search warrant that is valid within California. However, this warrant does not have jurisdictional power in another state, like Washington. California authorities cannot directly execute a California-issued search warrant in Washington.

2.     Obtaining a Search Warrant in Washington:

The proper procedure involves California law enforcement working with Washington law enforcement to obtain a search warrant that is valid in Washington.

Procedure to Obtain a Search Warrant in Another State:

1.     Initial Investigation and Evidence Gathering:

California law enforcement must first gather sufficient evidence indicating that a crime has occurred, and that evidence or contraband is located in Washington.

2.     Interstate Cooperation:

California law enforcement must then contact their counterparts in Washington. This can be done through formal channels such as the state Attorney General’s office, local police departments, or other relevant law enforcement agencies in Washington.

3.     Request for Search Warrant:

California law enforcement will provide all the evidence and documentation to Washington law enforcement. Washington authorities will review this information and, if they find probable cause, they will then seek a search warrant from a judge in Washington.

4.     Execution of the Search Warrant:

Once the search warrant is issued by a Washington judge, Washington law enforcement will execute the warrant. California law enforcement may assist but the actual execution must be carried out by officers with jurisdiction in Washington.

Legal Considerations:

1.     Probable Cause:

Both states’ legal standards for establishing probable cause must be met. California law enforcement must ensure that the evidence they provide is compelling and aligns with the legal requirements in Washington.

2.     Jurisdictional Compliance:

The process respects the jurisdictional boundaries and ensures that the search is conducted legally within Washington. This helps prevent any issues related to the admissibility of evidence due to jurisdictional overreach.

3.     Interstate Compact and Cooperation:

There are often agreements and compacts between states to facilitate cooperation in legal and law enforcement matters, including the execution of search warrants.


California law enforcement does not directly receive a search warrant from a California judge for execution in Washington. Instead, they must collaborate with Washington law enforcement to obtain a search warrant from a judge in Washington. This ensures that the search is conducted legally within the jurisdiction of Washington, respecting both states’ legal processes and ensuring the admissibility of any evidence obtained.

The task force and Hewlett-Packard employees arrived on a private Hewlett-Packard plane, not a commercial flight. This choice of transportation was indicative of the resources HP was willing to expend to pursue its objectives.

The situation where Hewlett Packard (HP) might fly members of the California High Tech Crimes Task Force (HTCTF) to Washington on a private jet to search a company for stolen memory raises significant legal and ethical concerns. Here is an analysis of the key points:

Legal Considerations:

1.     Jurisdiction and Authority:

The California HTCTF has jurisdiction within California. For them to conduct a search in Washington, they would need to coordinate with Washington law enforcement and obtain a search warrant from a Washington judge.

Law enforcement officers from one state do not have the authority to execute a search warrant in another state without following proper legal procedures.

2.     Conflict of Interest and Impropriety:

If HP is providing transportation for the HTCTF, it may appear that HP is exerting undue influence over the law enforcement officers, potentially compromising their objectivity and independence.

Accepting transportation or other significant benefits from a private company could violate ethical standards and regulations regarding conflicts of interest.

3.     Chain of Custody and Evidence Handling:

Any evidence collected during the search must be handled according to strict protocols to ensure its admissibility in court. Any perception of bias or improper influence could jeopardize the integrity of the investigation.

Ethical Considerations:

1.     Perception of Bias:

Accepting transportation from HP could create a perception that the HTCTF is acting as a private security force for HP rather than an impartial public law enforcement agency.

This perception can undermine public trust in the law enforcement agency and its actions.

2.     Code of Ethics:

Law enforcement officers are typically bound by a code of ethics that requires them to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain public confidence in their impartiality and integrity.

Accepting significant gifts or favors, such as private jet transportation, can be seen as a violation of these ethical standards.

Practical Steps and Best Practices:

1.     Transparent Procedures:

Any assistance provided by HP should be transparent and properly documented. Ideally, any logistical support should be handled through official channels, ensuring that no undue influence is perceived.

2.     Interagency Cooperation:

The HTCTF should work with Washington law enforcement to handle the search operation. This ensures that all legal and jurisdictional protocols are followed, maintaining the integrity of the investigation.

3.     Avoiding Conflicts of Interest:

To avoid any appearance of impropriety, the HTCTF should seek transportation and logistical support from public sources or through official channels, not from the private company involved in the investigation.


While there may not be a specific law outright prohibiting a private company like HP from providing transportation to law enforcement, it raises significant ethical and legal concerns. The HTCTF should avoid any actions that could be perceived as compromising their impartiality or integrity. Instead, they should rely on public resources and coordinate with Washington law enforcement to ensure that the search is conducted legally and ethically.

Upon arrival, the Redmond police officers, Task Force representatives, and the three HP employees, entered my office with guns drawn. This show of force was disproportionate, given that my company only had nine employees and the issue at hand involved a mere $3,900 worth of computer memory. The sight of armed officers storming our workplace was terrifying for my employees and created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

The lead detective isolated me from my staff behind closed doors, failing to provide me with a copy of the search warrant. During the time I was sequestered by a High-Tech Task Force person, he was secretly recording our conversation, a violation of the law in the State of Washington, which is a two-party consent law state, meaning both parties need to know that they are being recorded. I had no knowledge that I was being recorded. The lead detective questioned me for over three hours without fully revealing the circumstances in my office. Before they finally showed me the search warrant, I asked to see it 22 times. Meanwhile, Hewlett-Packard employees, including an ex-Roseville police officer, sequestered and interrogated my employees, treating them as if they were police officers and thereby violating their civil rights.

The actions described raise several potential legal and procedural issues that may involve violations of various laws and rights. Here is an analysis of the potential legal violations:

Legal Violations:

1.     Fourth Amendment Violations:

Unreasonable Search and Seizure: The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. If the detective’s entry and actions were not properly justified by a valid search warrant, this could constitute a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights.

Warrant Procedures: The detective's refusal to provide a copy of the search warrant upon request and the excessive number of requests before compliance could be seen as procedural misconduct.

2.     Washington State Law:

RCW 10.79.040: In Washington, the officer must show a copy of the search warrant if requested. Refusing to provide the warrant upon request could be a violation of state law.

RCW 9A.52.110: The state law regarding criminal trespass might apply if the detective's entry into your office was not legally justified.

3.     Detention and Coercion:

False Imprisonment: Sequestering you in your office for hours could potentially be considered false imprisonment if it were done without proper legal justification.

Intimidation and Coercion: If the detective’s questioning about your business, suppliers, competitors, and customers extended beyond the scope of the warrant or was intended to intimidate or coerce, it could be seen as abuse of power.

4.     Recording Conversations:

Washington State Two-Party Consent Law (RCW 9.73.030): Washington is a two-party consent state, meaning that both parties must consent to the recording of a private conversation. If the detective recorded the conversation without your consent, this could be a violation of Washington state law.


The actions described potentially involve violations of both federal and state laws, including the Fourth Amendment, Washington state laws on search warrants and recording conversations, and issues related to false imprisonment and coercion.

I was being questioned, the task force and HP employees were conducting a thorough search of my business premises and interviewing my employees. The search warrant limited their ability to locate and retrieve only three pieces of memory. However, they took software tapes from my warehouse, used for configuring computer servers, before they left. Additionally, they went into the accountant's office, interviewed him, and took the opportunity to back up the entire computer system. They now knew about all my customers, my vendors, my past and present inventory, sales, profit and loss, employees, and much more. This comprehensive data extraction was a blatant overreach of the search warrant's scope and a clear violation of my rights.

They also documented the serial numbers of various pieces of computer equipment in stock and captured photographs of all the computer products. The raid culminated with the task force and HP employees high-fiving and taking group photos outside the business, a final insult to my already shattered trust. The celebratory demeanor of the task force and HP employees, as they departed, was a stark contrast to the devastation they left behind.

They came for three pieces of computer memory, but they left with nearly all my business contents. They used this raid as evidence in their $70 million lawsuit against me, which included the illegally recorded conversation. Why would Hewlett Packard, accompanied by the High-Tech Crimes Task Force from California, fly from California to Washington on a private jet, lie to a judge to obtain a search warrant for my business, and bring along five Redmond, WA police officers, and three HP employees for three pieces of memory worth $3,900 dollars? The answer is simple: they were trying to destroy me and my company and put me in jail any way they could. They knew they had violated a dozen laws; they just did not care.

During the execution of a search warrant at my office, Hewlett Packard (HP) employees conducted interviews with my employees behind closed doors. These actions were not only unauthorized but also involved misrepresentation, coercion, and potential violations of several laws. Here are the specific legal transgressions committed by HP employees during these interviews:

1.     Impersonation of Law Enforcement Officers:

California Penal Code Section 538d / Washington RCW 9A.60.045: HP employees falsely represented themselves as law enforcement officers or as part of the official search party. This misrepresentation is a clear violation of both California and Washington laws prohibiting the impersonation of public servants, including police officers. By doing so, they created a misleading impression of their authority and legitimacy in conducting the interviews.

2.     False Imprisonment:

California Penal Code Section 236 / Washington RCW 9A.40.040: By detaining my employees behind closed doors without their voluntary consent and under false pretenses, HP employees committed false imprisonment. This unlawful detention restricted my employees' freedom of movement and forced them to comply with the questioning, constituting a serious violation of their personal liberties.

3.     Coercion:

Washington RCW 9A.36.070: HP employees used threats, intimidation, or undue pressure to coerce my employees into participating in the interviews. Such coercive tactics are prohibited under Washington law, as they infringe upon an individual's ability to freely make decisions without fear of retribution or harm.

4.     Misrepresentation and Fraud:

Fraud and Deceit: By misrepresenting themselves as part of the law enforcement team executing the search warrant, HP employees engaged in fraudulent behavior. This deceitful conduct was aimed at extracting information under false pretenses, violating principles of honesty and integrity.

California Business and Professions Code Section 17200: The deceptive practices employed by HP employees, which involved unfair and fraudulent methods to gain cooperation from my employees, fall under the category of unfair business practices. This violation underscores the unethical and illegal nature of their actions.

5.     Invasion of Privacy:

Invasion of Privacy: Conducting interviews in a secluded and unauthorized manner intruded upon the privacy rights of my employees. This invasion of privacy is particularly egregious given the false pretenses under which the interviews were conducted, compromising the dignity and confidentiality of my employees.

6.     Interference with Employment:

Interference with Employment: The unauthorized and coercive interviews disrupted the normal work environment and operations of my business. By interfering with my employees' work responsibilities and creating a hostile environment, HP employees not only violated legal standards but also inflicted potential harm on my business.


The actions of Hewlett Packard employees during the search warrant execution were not only unethical but also illegal. Their misrepresentation as law enforcement officers, coercion, false imprisonment, fraudulent behavior, invasion of privacy, and interference with employment constitute serious legal violations. These transgressions necessitate a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action to address the harm caused and prevent future occurrences.

The aftermath of the raid was devastating. HP took several items from my office, which they were not entitled to. I brought a lawsuit against HP for the return of these items and hired the two most prominent attorneys in the state of Washington to represent me. During the trial, two HP people admitted on the witness stand they did, in fact, take these items. The result of this was that the judge in King County, WA decided that HP did not have to return the items taken more than the three memory parts. This is just another shining example of a corrupt judge working in conjunction with a corrupt company. I was entitled to the items HP took, but the judge did not think so. I spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get my items back, only to be thwarted by a King County judge. The emotional toll of this raid left me, and my employees devastated, questioning the integrity of the legal system we once trusted.

The psychological impact on my employees and me was profound. The fear and anxiety induced by the raid lingered long after the task force had left. My employees, who had trusted me and believed in the integrity of our business, were now questioning their future with the company. The raid had not only disrupted our operations but also shattered the sense of security and stability that we had worked so hard to build.

The raid's financial implications were equally dire. The loss of business-critical information, coupled with the disruption of our daily operations, severely affected our revenue and client relationships. The raid's timing and execution seemed designed to inflict maximum damage, undermining our ability to recover quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, the public perception of my business took a significant hit. News of the raid spread quickly, and the sensational nature of the event led to rumors and speculation. Clients and partners, unsure of the full story, began to distance themselves from us, fearing association with a company under such intense scrutiny. The raid had effectively tarnished our reputation, making it even harder to rebuild and regain the trust of our stakeholders.

Despite the overwhelming challenges, I was determined to fight back and clear my name. The lawsuit against HP for the return of the items they had unlawfully taken was a critical step in this process. Although the judge's decision was disheartening, the admissions from the HP employees on the witness stand validated my claims and highlighted the extent of HP's unethical actions.

This ordeal reinforced my resolve to seek justice and hold HP accountable for their actions. It also underscored the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The experience taught me invaluable lessons about the vulnerabilities of small businesses when confronted with the might of large corporations and the complexities of navigating a legal system that often seems skewed in favor of the powerful.

In the end, the raid and its aftermath were a stark reminder of the lengths to which some entities will go to achieve their objectives, regardless of the ethical and legal boundaries they cross. My journey through this challenging period was marked by a relentless pursuit of justice, a deepened understanding of the importance of integrity in business, and a strengthened commitment to advocating for fair and transparent practices in all aspects of life.


Arrests and Illegal Harassment

The raid was only the beginning of a relentless campaign by HP and law enforcement to destroy me and my business. The lengths to which Hewlett Packard and various law enforcement agencies went to harass and intimidate me were unprecedented and painted a disturbing picture of corporate and legal corruption.

Shortly after the raid, the Bellevue Police Department arrested me for possessing stolen computer memory. Despite having legitimately purchased the memory via a purchase order shipped by FedEx COD with a cashier's check for $3,900, I was taken into custody. The arrest was sudden and shocking, adding another layer of stress and confusion to an already chaotic situation. The legitimacy of my purchase did not matter to the Bellevue Police; they seemed more intent on making an example out of me.

The situation you describe involves several important legal questions and considerations. Here is an in-depth look at the relevant issues:

Proof Required to Establish Theft:

1.     Evidence of Theft:

To prove that memory or any other property was stolen, a company like Hewlett Packard (HP) would typically need to provide concrete evidence. This could include:

 Inventory Records: Showing the item was in their possession and subsequently went missing.

Surveillance Footage: If available, showing the theft occurring.

Witness Testimony: Statements from employees or others who can attest to the theft.

Chain of Custody: Documentation tracing the ownership and transfer of the item, demonstrating it was taken without authorization.

2.     Probable Cause for Search Warrants:

For law enforcement to obtain a search warrant, they need to demonstrate probable cause to a judge. Probable cause requires a reasonable belief, based on factual evidence, that a crime has been committed and that evidence related to the crime is likely to be found in the place to be searched.

If the warrant were issued solely based on HP’s assertion without supporting evidence, it could raise questions about the validity of the probable cause presented.

Legal Violations and Consequences:

1.     If HP Cannot Prove the Memory Was Stolen:

False Reporting (California Penal Code Section 148.5 / Washington RCW 9A.84.040): If HP knowingly made a false report of a crime, they could be charged with filing a false police report. This is typically a misdemeanor but can have serious consequences, including fines and potential jail time.

Defamation (Libel and Slander): Making unfounded allegations that damage a person’s or company’s reputation could result in a defamation lawsuit. This would require proof that the allegations were false and caused harm.

Malicious Prosecution: If it is shown that HP pursued legal action without probable cause and with malicious intent, they could be liable for malicious prosecution. This is a tort claim that can result in compensatory and punitive damages.

2.     If the Receiving Company Had No Clue, the Memory Was Stolen:

Receiving Stolen Property (California Penal Code Section 496 / Washington RCW 9A.56.140): To be convicted of receiving stolen property, the prosecution must prove that the person or company knew the property was stolen. If the receiving company had no knowledge or reason to suspect the memory was stolen, they typically would not be criminally liable.

Good Faith Purchases: If the receiving company purchased the memory in good faith, believing it to be legitimate, they might have a defense against criminal charges. However, they may still be required to return the property if it is proven to have been stolen.


To legally establish that memory was stolen, HP would need to provide concrete evidence such as inventory records, surveillance footage, witness testimony, and documentation. If HP falsely reported the theft without evidence, they could be liable for false reporting, defamation, and malicious prosecution.

If the receiving company had no knowledge that the memory was stolen, they typically would not have broken any laws. The key element is whether the receiving company knew or had reason to believe the property was stolen. Without such knowledge, criminal liability for receiving stolen property is unlikely.

Upon my arrest, I was transported to King County Jail, where I spent three harrowing days. The experience was deeply unsettling. The jail environment, with its constant noise, lack of privacy, and oppressive atmosphere, was a stark contrast to the life I knew. The emotional strain of being incarcerated, combined with the uncertainty of my situation, took a significant toll on my mental well-being. My family was also deeply affected, struggling to understand why this was happening and fearing for my safety.

After three days, I was released and scheduled for trial. However, before the trial began, the charges were dropped. Despite this reprieve, the damage had already been done. I had spent tens of thousands of dollars preparing for my defense and endured the emotional strain of jail time, all for charges that were ultimately dismissed. The legal fees, coupled with the disruption to my business, created a financial burden that was difficult to overcome.

This initial arrest was only a prelude to further harassment. A while later,  Bellevue Police department resurrected the charges, hell-bent on arresting me again and transporting me to California to be placed in the Sacramento County Jail. Their determination to pursue these charges, despite the lack of evidence, highlighted the corrupt nature of their motives.

Fortunately, I was notified by my attorney that the Task Force was on their way to arrest me and take me back to California. This timely warning allowed me to take preemptive action. I immediately flew to Sacramento to turn myself in at the Sacramento County Jail, thereby avoiding a potentially more extended period of incarceration. Upon my arrival, I was processed and spent another three days in jail before being released. If I had not taken this action, the Task Force would have transported me to California, requiring me to remain in jail for 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) prior to my release. This proactive move spared me from a month-long detention, but the ordeal was still far from over.

Once again, the Bellevue Police Department dropped the charges a few months later. In total, I spent nearly seven days in jail and was charged twice for being in possession of computer memory, with both charges ultimately being dropped. The constant threat of arrest and the looming specter of legal battles created an atmosphere of perpetual anxiety and stress. My business suffered immensely as I was forced to divert my attention and resources to fighting these baseless charges.

The lengths Hewlett Packard went to destroy me, my company, my family, my finances, and my standing in the community and the business world were extreme. The employees of Hewlett Packard and the members of the High-Tech Crimes Task Force were, in my opinion, corrupt, dishonest, and driven by a single goal: to put me in jail by any means necessary, bankrupt me, destroy my relationship with my family, the business community, and my ties to the local community where I was a devout churchgoer, coach, mentor, and friend to many.

The coordinated efforts to discredit me extended beyond legal harassment. HP's aggressive tactics included public smear campaigns that damaged my reputation and sowed doubt among my clients and partners. The media, influenced by HP's narrative, portrayed me as a criminal, further isolating me from the support I needed. Friends and colleagues who once stood by me began to distance themselves, fearing association with someone embroiled in such high-profile legal battles.

The financial impact was devastating. The legal fees alone were astronomical, but the true cost went far beyond that. My once-thriving business was now struggling to stay afloat. Clients were hesitant to continue their partnerships, and potential deals fell through as word of the ongoing legal issues spread. The resources I had to allocate to my defense meant that I could not invest in my business or pursue growth opportunities. The constant legal battles drained my finances and left me in a precarious position.

The emotional toll on my family was equally severe. My wife and children had to endure the uncertainty and fear that came with my repeated arrests and the ongoing legal threats. They witnessed firsthand the toll it took on me and were forced to navigate their own feelings of helplessness and frustration. The impact on my children was particularly heartbreaking, as they struggled to understand why their father was being treated this way and had to cope with the stigma of having a parent involved in legal issues.

HP and the Task Force's relentless pursuit was a campaign of attrition designed to wear me down physically, emotionally, and financially. The legal system, which I had once believed in, now seemed like a tool for the powerful to crush those who stood in their way. The experience exposed the deep flaws and biases within the system, highlighting how easily it could be manipulated by those with resources and influence.

Despite these overwhelming challenges, I refused to give in. My resolve to clear my name and protect my family and business only grew stronger. The support of a few loyal friends and dedicated legal counsel provided the strength I needed to keep fighting. Every dropped charge, and every small victory in court was a reminder that truth and justice were still worth pursuing, no matter how daunting the battle.

In retrospect, the relentless legal harassment I faced tested my endurance and integrity. It revealed the darker side of corporate America and the lengths to which some companies will go to eliminate competition. The experience taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, the importance of a strong support network, and the necessity of standing up against injustice, no matter the cost.

The arrests and legal harassment were not just about me; they were a calculated effort to dismantle everything I had built. But through it all, I remained committed to my principles and determined to fight for what was right. The journey was grueling, but it also revealed a strength and resilience within me that I had never fully realized. And while the battle against HP and the corrupt elements of the legal system was far from over, I emerged from each ordeal with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the importance of justice and integrity in both business and life.

The $70,000,000 Lawsuit

Hewlett-Packard's relentless pursuit of me reached its zenith with the filing of a $70,000,000 lawsuit. They leveraged the evidence gathered during the raid and the taped interviews to construct their case, alleging that I had improperly transferred software licenses to Hewlett-Packard. This lawsuit was not merely a legal proceeding; it was a calculated assault aimed at obliterating my business and personal life. The use of an illegally recorded conversation in a lawsuit, especially one recorded by a police department during a raid, raises significant legal issues related to evidence admissibility and privacy rights. Here is a detailed analysis:

Illegally Recorded Conversations

1.     Two-Party Consent Law (Washington RCW 9.73.030):

Washington is a two-party consent state, meaning that all parties involved in a private conversation must consent to the recording. If the conversation was recorded without your consent, it may be considered illegal under Washington law.

2.     Exclusion of Illegally Obtained Evidence:

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine: Evidence obtained illegally or as a result of illegal activity (such as an unauthorized recording) is generally inadmissible in court. This doctrine is intended to deter illegal conduct by law enforcement and others.

Suppression Motions: In criminal cases, defendants can file a motion to suppress evidence that was obtained unlawfully. If granted, the court will exclude the evidence from the trial.

Use in Civil Lawsuits

1.     Admissibility in Civil Cases:

The rules of evidence in civil cases also typically disallow the use of evidence obtained illegally. If a private company attempts to use an illegally recorded conversation in a lawsuit, you can challenge its admissibility.

Motion to Exclude: You can file a motion to exclude the recording from evidence, arguing that it was obtained in violation of state law and your privacy rights.

2.     Privacy Violations:

Using an illegally recorded conversation may constitute a violation of your privacy rights under both state and federal law.

Civil Liability for Privacy Invasion: If a private company uses or attempts to use an illegally obtained recording, you may have grounds to sue for invasion of privacy or other related torts.

Illegally recorded conversations are generally inadmissible in both criminal and civil cases due to the violation of privacy laws and the principles of the exclusionary rule. If a private company or law enforcement agency recorded your conversation without your consent and is attempting to use it in a lawsuit, you have the right to challenge its admissibility. Consulting with an attorney will provide you with the best strategy to protect your rights and potentially exclude the illegally obtained evidence from the legal proceedings.

The genesis of their lawsuit lay in the discovery of 37 computer systems that I had resold. These systems were identified from the illegally obtained backup of my computer system during the raid. Hewlett-Packard claimed that I had failed to properly transfer the necessary software licenses for these systems. They contended that the absence of proper documentation constituted a breach of contract and justified the staggering sum of $70,000,000 in damages. However, the reality was far different.

Out of the 37 computer systems in question, I possessed 36 software license transfers signed by HP itself. The documentation for one system was missing, but this did not justify the astronomical figure HP demanded. This discrepancy was not due to any fraudulent activity on my part but rather the result of a simple oversight or an administrative error. Nevertheless, HP capitalized on this minor lapse to mount a massive legal assault.

The true injustice lay in the fact that I was being sued by a company that had manipulated the judicial system to its advantage. The corrupt practices of Hewlett-Packard were evident in the way they conducted the raid, illegally backed up my computer system, and used this illicitly obtained information as the cornerstone of their lawsuit. The judicial system, which should have been a bastion of fairness, instead seemed to support HP's underhanded tactics, making the entire legal process feel like a David versus Goliath battle, with the scales heavily tipped in favor of the giant corporation.

To put this in perspective, in 1985, when I initially began selling Hewlett-Packard equipment, the price of the hardware included the operating system software. This bundling made the resale of used equipment straightforward. However, HP later decided to separate the cost of the software from the hardware and began charging for each separately. This move was intended to disrupt the resale market for used HP computers, which was largely dominated by dealers like me.

At this juncture, HP also introduced a tiered pricing structure based on the number of users who could access the software. They sold licenses for varying user counts: 8, 16, 32, 64, and unlimited users. Previously, each computer came with an unlimited user license. This change was another strategy by HP to complicate the resale of their products and extract more revenue from their software licensing.

When they brought the $70,000,000 lawsuit against me, HP claimed that I had sold the 37 computer systems with unlimited user licenses and failed to properly transfer these licenses. They assigned an inflated value to these licenses to reach the $70,000,000 figure. This claim was not only grossly exaggerated but also fundamentally flawed. The total value of the software user licenses involved did not even approach $70,000,000. Moreover, I had provided HP with legitimate software user license transfers for 36 of the 37 systems in question.

Despite the clear evidence of my compliance with HP's licensing requirements, the corporation was undeterred. They were confident that their influence and the corrupt judicial system would ensure their victory in court. Faced with the overwhelming financial and emotional burden of a protracted legal battle, I felt cornered. The prospect of defending myself against a $70,000,000 lawsuit, with the odds stacked against me, was daunting.

In 1998, I sold my company to a larger entity, and the amount owed on that purchase was $1,500,000. This payment was supposed to secure my financial future and provide a cushion for any business uncertainties. However, as the legal pressure mounted, it became clear that I had to make a painful decision. Believing that I had no other viable alternative, I decided to forfeit the $1,500,000 owed to me from the sale of my company to Hewlett-Packard as part of the settlement. This decision was not made lightly; it was a sacrifice born out of necessity to protect my family and salvage whatever was left of my business.

The irony was that the entire basis for HP's lawsuit rested on information they would never have had if they had not illegally backed up my computer during the raid. This critical point underscored the depth of their unscrupulous tactics. They had violated multiple laws and ethical standards to obtain the evidence they used against me. Yet, the judicial system appeared to turn a blind eye to these transgressions, allowing HP to proceed with its case unchallenged.

Throughout this ordeal, my belief in the integrity of the judicial system was severely tested. The blatant misuse of legal processes by HP, coupled with the judicial system's complicity, painted a bleak picture of corporate power and corruption. The experience was a harsh lesson in the realities of business, where ethics and fairness are often overshadowed by the ruthless pursuit of profit and dominance.

In the end, the settlement with Hewlett-Packard, while a temporary reprieve, was a bitter pill to swallow. I did not owe Hewlett-Packard a single dime, as I had all the proper license transfers for 36 out of the 37 computer systems. The settlement was a forced concession, a necessary evil to bring some semblance of closure to a nightmare that had consumed my life for years. The financial and emotional toll of this lawsuit left scars that would take a long time to heal, but it also reinforced my resolve to fight for justice and uphold the principles of integrity and fairness in all my future endeavors.



Federal Involvement and Escalation

In October 2000, the situation reached a critical point when the U.S. Federal Attorney's Office in Sacramento contacted me. This call marked the culmination of years of legal harassment and intimidation orchestrated by Hewlett-Packard and supported by various law enforcement agencies. The federal authorities presented me with an ultimatum that left me with little room to maneuver, face a trial on multiple charges, which they assured would lead to a 12-year prison sentence if I lost or accepted a plea deal. The charges were serious and multifaceted, encompassing allegations of fraud, misrepresentation, and other business-related offenses.

The U.S. Attorney's Office, colluding with HP, had built a case that hinged on misrepresentations and exaggerations of my business practices. They painted a picture of a systematic scheme designed to defraud HP, using the evidence gathered during the raids and the illegally obtained computer backups. The immense stress and financial burden of fighting these charges left me with little choice. Defending myself in a protracted legal battle against such formidable opponents would have required resources and stamina that were already depleted by years of legal skirmishes.

The plea deal presented to me seemed like the lesser of two evils. It offered a way to avoid the draconian 12-year sentence that loomed over me if the case went to trial. The federal prosecutors portrayed the plea deal as a lifeline, a way to mitigate the damage and bring some closure to the ordeal. However, this so-called lifeline was fraught with its own set of perils. The terms of the plea deal required me to admit guilt to one count of honest services wire fraud, a charge that carried significant legal and personal consequences.

The pressure to accept the plea deal was immense. The U.S. Attorneys were adamant, painting a grim picture of my chances at trial and the likely outcome. They emphasized the strength of their case and the overwhelming evidence they claimed to possess. The thought of enduring a lengthy trial, with the risk of a lengthy prison sentence, was too daunting. Faced with the prospect of losing everything – my freedom, my family, and my livelihood – I chose to accept the plea deal.

Crime and Sentencing

The charge leveled against me was one count of honest services wire fraud. Honest services wire fraud is a legal term referring to a scheme to deprive another of the intangible right to honest services through deceitful or fraudulent means, typically involving bribes or kickbacks. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1346, the statute defines "scheme or artifice to defraud" to include schemes to deprive another of honest services. The key elements of this offense include:

1.     Scheme to Defraud: There must be a deliberate plan or scheme to deprive someone else of their right to honest services.

2.     Intent to Defraud: The person must have a specific intent to deceive or defraud. This means they knowingly and willfully engaged in deceptive practices to deprive someone of honest services.

3.     Use of Wire Communications: The fraudulent scheme must involve the use of interstate wire communications, such as phone calls, emails, or other electronic means.

HP indicated that I had violated the HP Canada employee's rights to honest service, citing the HP Way and the related Gifts and Business Ethics Policy as part of their reasoning. However, how was I supposed to know that such a document as the HP Way existed? I had no knowledge of this document, so I was unaware that the HP Canadian employee was bound by a business code of ethics. This responsibility lay with the HP Canada employee, not with me. He violated the HP Way, not me. It was entirely unjust for the U.S. Attorney to suggest that I had any knowledge of this document, and that the HP Canada employee was required to adhere to it.

Case for Non-Charge of Honest Services Wire Fraud

Background Context: The charge of honest services wire fraud generally involves a scheme to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services, often through bribery or kickbacks. To be guilty, one typically must knowingly and willfully engage in conduct that they are aware is dishonest or fraudulent.

Key Arguments for Non-Charge:

1.     Lack of Knowledge of HP Way Guidelines:

Unaware of Specific Policies: At the time of the alleged infraction, I was not aware of the specific ethical guidelines outlined in the HP Way. These internal policies were not explicitly communicated to me, and I had no reasonable way to access or understand these specific limits.

Common Business Practices: The actions in question—taking an HP Canada employee and his family on vacation and giving gifts—were consistent with common business practices in the 1980s and 1990s, which often involved entertaining clients and fostering relationships through generous hospitality.

2.     Absence of Intent to Defraud:

Good Faith Actions: My actions were conducted in good faith, with the genuine belief that they were part of ordinary business practices aimed at building and maintaining strong business relationships. There was no intention to deceive or defraud HP or any other party.

Transparent Conduct: The trips and gifts were not hidden or conducted in secrecy. They were open and transparent, further indicating the absence of any fraudulent intent.

3.     Ordinary and Necessary Business Expenses:

IRS Guidelines Compliance: The expenses incurred were within the realm of what were considered ordinary and necessary business expenses according to IRS guidelines of the time. This further supports the argument that my actions were within the accepted business practices of the period.

Documented Business Activities: The trips included documented business activities, discussions, and meetings, which align with the criteria for deductible business expenses.

4.     Lack of Personal Gain or Malicious Intent:

No Personal Benefit: The primary beneficiary of the trips and gifts was the business relationship between my company and HP, not me personally. There was no substantial personal gain from these actions.

Enhancing Business Relations: The sole aim was to enhance business relations and foster a stronger partnership with HP Canada, which is a legitimate business objective.

5.     Historical Context and Business Norms:

Prevailing Business Norms: In the 1980s and 1990s, the norms around business entertainment were more lenient, and such practices were widely accepted and encouraged. My actions were in line with these norms and not out of the ordinary.

No Clear Violation of Laws: At the time, there was no clear legal precedent or law that I knowingly violated. The actions were compliant with the broader business practices of the era.

6.     No Specific or Clear Notification:

Lack of Clear Communication: There was no specific or clear notification from HP to me regarding their ethical guidelines or the limits on gifts and entertainment. It is unreasonable to expect compliance with policies that were never clearly communicated or made accessible.

Reasonable Expectation: I had a reasonable expectation that my actions were within the bounds of acceptable business conduct, given the lack of clear and explicit communication from HP regarding their policies.

Conclusion: Given the lack of knowledge about HP’s specific ethical guidelines, the absence of fraudulent intent, the adherence to common business practices of the time, and the absence of any personal gain or malicious intent, it is clear that charging me with one count of honest services wire fraud is unwarranted. My actions were in good faith, aimed at fostering legitimate business relationships, and compliant with the norms and guidelines available to me at the time. Therefore, the charge should be reconsidered and dismissed.

Overview of The HP Way

Foundation and History:

  • "The HP Way" was developed by HP's co-founders, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, and has been a guiding philosophy for the company since its inception in the 1930s.
  • It reflects their vision for creating a company that fosters innovation, respects employees, and delivers high-quality products and services.

Core Values:

  • Respect for Individuals: Treating employees with dignity and valuing their contributions.
  • Focus on Innovation: Encouraging creativity and technological advancement to drive the company's growth and success.
  • High Standards of Integrity: Emphasizing ethical behavior and transparency in all business dealings.
  • Teamwork and Trust: Promoting collaboration and mutual trust among employees and with business partners.
  • Contribution to Society: Committing to social responsibility and making a positive impact on the community.

Gifts and Business Ethics Policy

HP has specific policies addressing the issue of receiving gifts from individuals or companies. These policies are designed to avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest and to ensure that business decisions are made based on merit and not influenced by personal gain.

Key Points Typically Found in Corporate Gift Policies:

  • Acceptable Gifts:
    • Generally, HP policies may allow employees to accept nominal gifts, such as promotional items or gifts of minimal value, often specified by a dollar limit (e.g., $25, or less).
    • Occasional business meals or entertainment may be acceptable if they are reasonable, infrequent, and directly related to business discussions.
  • Unacceptable Gifts:
    • Expensive gifts, cash, or cash equivalents (such as gift cards) are typically prohibited.
    • Frequent or lavish gifts, travel, or entertainment that could be seen as attempts to influence business decisions are also not allowed.
  • Reporting and Approval:
    • Employees may be required to report any gifts received to their supervisors or through an internal reporting system.
    • Some gifts may need prior approval from higher management or the ethics office, especially if they exceed the nominal value limit.
  • Conflicts of Interest:
    • The policy emphasizes avoiding situations where personal interests could conflict with business interests.
    • Employees are encouraged to act with integrity and transparency, ensuring that their actions reflect the company's values and standards.

Example Language from HP’s Business Conduct Guidelines (Historically): While the exact wording may vary over time and across different iterations of HP’s policies, here is an example of how such policies is typically framed:

"Gift Acceptance Policy: Employees should not accept gifts, favors, or entertainment that might influence, or appear to influence, their business decisions. Acceptable gifts are generally limited to items of nominal value, typically less than $25. Any gifts exceeding this value should be reported to and approved by your supervisor or the ethics office."

HP’s policies related to gifts are designed to maintain ethical standards and prevent conflicts of interest. They usually include clear guidelines on the acceptable types and values of gifts, the need for transparency and reporting, and the importance of making unbiased business decisions.

This detailed explanation underscores that it was the HP Canada employee's responsibility to know and adhere to the language in "The HP Way" document. There was no way for me to know about these internal policies, and it was reasonable for me to rely on the employee's knowledge and communication regarding what he could and could not accept. The U.S. Attorney's assertion that I had knowledge of this document and its implications for the HP Canada employee was entirely unjustified.

I had no intent in depriving Hewlett-Packard of the honest service of their employee. I did not devise a scheme to defraud HP out of the honest service of their employee. The employee had requested personal items from me, trips for him and his family with myself and my family, and a loan for a car for his wife. The total value the federal government assigned to this was around $82,000. They had no idea what the true value was of what the HP employee received; they just picked this number out of thin air. Moreover, I had to put up $82,000 with the courts to reimburse HP for their alleged loss. So, not only did I pay out money to the HP employee, but I also had to pony up the same amount of money to the court.

At the time of my sentencing, the judge asked the U.S. Attorney what was to happen to the $82,000 sitting with the court. The U.S. Attorneys conferred with Hewlett-Packard, and they said they did not want the money, so the judge said he would then use the money and designate it as a fine. Have you ever heard of such a case where the alleged victim, Hewlett-Packard, did not want the money? Not only did I pay out the money once to the HP Canada employee, but I also paid it out a second time to the court as a fine.

It is worth noting that the HP Canada employee was never charged with any crime. Typically, in the case of bribery, the person receiving the benefit is charged with a crime, not the person who provided the benefit. I was the one who, in this case, was alleged to have provided the benefit, and the HP Canada employee was the one who received the benefit. Keep in mind HP Canada is a subsidiary of HP US; this employee and the company were not even located in the United States. Therefore, the jurisdictional basis for the charges against me was dubious at best. This was not a federal crime if there was any crime at all; this was an international crime since the fraud did not happen in the United States but across international borders in Canada. Most cases of honest services fraud typically involve both the person offering the bribe or benefit and the individual receiving it, with both parties often facing charges. Additionally, the majority of these cases involve entities or individuals within the United States.

The legal landscape for honest services fraud was significantly clarified by the Supreme Court in the case of Skilling v. United States. The Court ruled that honest services fraud is only applicable in cases involving clear instances of bribes or kickbacks. This ruling aimed to narrow the scope of the statute, which had previously been applied broadly by prosecutors​ (Wiley)​​ (Azhari)​.

Instances where only the benefactor was charged are uncommon, as the statute generally targets schemes involving a breach of fiduciary duty that deprives another of honest services. The application of this statute typically requires the participation of both parties—the one offering the benefit and the one accepting it—to establish the corrupt intent necessary for a conviction​ (Wikipedia)​​(Wiley)​.

Moreover, the context of the company being in Canada adds an additional layer of complexity. While cross-border cases can occur, they often involve significant collaboration between U.S. and foreign law enforcement agencies. The fact that the HP employee did not inform you of their obligations under "The HP Way" and the HP Canada employee's responsibilities to adhere to these guidelines further complicates the matter. It emphasizes the employee's duty to understand and comply with their own company's internal policies, which is not typically expected knowledge for an external party like yourself.

If you were unaware of the internal policies of HP, it would be a critical point in your defense, as knowledge and intent are essential elements for a conviction under honest services fraud​ (Federal Criminal Defense Advocates)​​ (Justice)​.

Sentenced by a federal district judge in California, I faced one year and one day behind bars, equally divided between six months in prison and six months in home detention. Along with my sentence, I received three years of probation after serving it. With excellent behavior, I served five months in prison and, at the same time, in home detention. My journey in prison commenced in California, weaving its way through Oregon, and finally settling in a federal detention center in Washington. Each step of the way, the weight of my actions and their consequences loomed large, a constant reminder of the detour my life had taken. The added probation period extended the strain on me and my family, serving as a prolonged punishment that continually reminded us of the injustice we had faced.



 The Court's Coercion and My Struggle for Integrity

Prior to meeting with the judge, I was required to meet with a court official for a presentencing interview. During this meeting, I was asked to write a detailed explanation of the crime I was pleading guilty to—one count of honest services wire fraud. I took a day to compose my account, presenting a truthful narrative of my relationship with the HP Canada employee. Upon reviewing my account, the court official's reaction was one of disbelief. He told me that if my account was accurate, then no crime had been committed. He then declared my account unacceptable and took it upon himself to draft a new, supposedly acceptable version of events for the court.

When I returned the next day, he presented me with a two-page document that he and others in the court had fabricated. As I read the report, I was shocked and horrified. The document was filled with lies, misrepresentations, and completely inaccurate accounts of my relationship with the HP Canada employee. Boldly, I told the court official that this document was not true, accurate, or correct in any way. I had not committed the actions they claimed I had; the entire narrative was a fabrication designed to fit their prosecutorial needs.

The official's response was chilling. He informed me that if I did not sign the document immediately, the plea agreement would be void, and I would have to renegotiate with the U.S. Attorneys. This would likely lead to a trial, with all the risks and uncertainties that entailed. At that moment, all I could think about was my family. The prospect of a lengthy court battle, the possibility of a harsher sentence, and the strain it would place on my loved ones weighed heavily on my mind. Feeling trapped and without real options, I signed the document, knowing it was a lie and that I would be perjuring myself in court.

This coercive tactic by the court official was a gross miscarriage of justice. It forced me into a position where I had no choice but to comply with their fabricated narrative. The pressure and manipulation I faced were overwhelming, and I was made to feel that my only option was to go along with the lie to protect my family from further hardship. This experience highlights the lengths to which the legal system can go to secure a conviction, regardless of the truth.

Signing that document meant that I was lying to the court, a fact that still haunts me. The official's threats left me no room for honest defense or a fair trial. Instead, I was bulldozed into a false confession, further entrenching the injustice I had already faced. This episode is a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in the legal system, where the truth can be twisted, and individuals can be coerced into compliance through fear and intimidation.



 It is worth noting from my perspective

Justifying a Business Trip with HP Canada Employee and Families

In the 1980s and 1990s, the business landscape was characterized by personal relationships and face-to-face interactions, which were pivotal in fostering long-term business partnerships. As a businessperson, I firmly believed that taking an HP Canada employee and his family on a vacation, along with myself and my family, was well within the bounds of acceptable and legitimate business practices. This belief was grounded in the prevailing business customs of the time, as well as IRS guidelines that allowed for the deduction of various business-related expenses, provided they were ordinary, necessary, and directly related to the conduct of business.

Business Justification for the Trip

1.     Strengthening Business Relationships: The primary purpose of the trip to Aruba and Hawaii was to strengthen our business relationship with the HP Canada employee, which was essential for our ongoing and future projects. By engaging in a relaxed and informal setting, we were able to discuss business strategies, negotiate deals, and explore new opportunities in a manner that formal office meetings could not facilitate.

2.     Enhancing Business Communication: A week-long trip provided an uninterrupted environment to delve into deeper business discussions and strategies without the usual daily distractions. This setting was ideal for brainstorming sessions, planning future projects, and addressing any concerns or challenges in our partnership.

3.     Demonstrating Commitment and Appreciation: By including the employee's family and my family, I intended to show a high level of commitment and appreciation for the employee's hard work and dedication. This gesture was in line with the business ethos of the time, where personal loyalty and appreciation were seen as key factors in employee motivation and retention.

Belief in Legitimacy Based on IRS Guidelines

1.     Ordinary and Necessary Expenses: According to IRS guidelines during the 1980s and 1990s, expenses that were ordinary (common and accepted in the business) and necessary (helpful and appropriate for the business) were deductible. The costs associated with this trip fell squarely within these parameters, as building strong business relationships was a common and accepted practice.

2.     Directly Related to Business: The IRS allowed deductions for expenses that were directly related to or associated with the active conduct of business. The trip was designed to conduct business discussions, strategize future collaborations, and reinforce our business relationship, making it directly related to our business objectives.

3.     Comprehensive Documentation: I meticulously documented all aspects of the trip, including meeting agendas, minutes of discussions, and business activities conducted. This thorough documentation reinforced my belief that the trip was a legitimate business expense.

Personal and Business Benefits

1.     Effective Business Strategy: The informal setting of a vacation allowed for more open and honest communication, fostering a stronger business rapport. This approach was in line with the effective business strategies of the era, where personal interactions were highly valued.

2.     Long-Term Business Gains: Investing in such a trip was seen as a long-term strategy to ensure a robust and productive business relationship. The benefits of this approach were expected to manifest in the form of increased business collaboration, mutual trust, and future business success.

3.     No Suspicion of Wrongdoing: At no point did I suspect that I was engaging in any improper activity. My actions were guided by the business norms and IRS guidelines of the time, which I believed supported the legitimacy of such expenses. The trip was a well-intentioned effort to enhance our business relationship and drive future success.

In conclusion, based on the business practices and IRS guidelines of the 1980s and 1990s, I was confident that taking the HP Canada employee and our families on a vacation was a legitimate business expense. My actions were driven by a strong belief in the importance of personal relationships in business and the clear guidelines provided by the IRS for such expenses.


The Fallout and Imprisonment

The plea deal brought an end to the immediate legal battles, but at a significant personal and professional cost. For nearly five years, I had been the target of HP's determined efforts to dismantle my business. The relentless legal actions, including the high-profile raids and multiple arrests, had tarnished my reputation, strained my finances, and caused immense stress.

My decision to accept the plea deal was not an admission of guilt but a pragmatic choice to avoid the risk of an even harsher penalty. Allegations of fraud and unethical conduct now overshadowed the friendship and trust that had characterized my relationship with the HP employee. The plea deal marked the culmination of a tragic journey from a trusted business relationship to a prison sentence. The psychological burden of pleading guilty to a crime I did not commit weighed heavily on me, but the alternative was far worse.

In my discussion with the U.S. Attorneys in Sacramento, I was told that if I pleaded guilty, I would not receive a prison sentence. The U.S. Attorneys assured me that since I was a first-time offender, the judge would not sentence me to prison. They assured me that I would, at worst, get home confinement for a short period and probation or only probation. At sentencing, the judge imposed a sentence of one year and one day in prison. As I mentioned before, half of this was in prison, the other half in home confinement. I looked over at the U.S. attorneys in disbelief, only to see them laughing. They knew what they told me to plead guilty was a lie, and they enjoyed the moment when the judge sentenced me. The U.S. attorneys should be ashamed of themselves.

At the time of my imprisonment, I was married and the father of four beautiful young daughters, the youngest of whom was only one and three years old, when I received my prison sentence. I was active in my community and church, and I enjoyed a peaceful life. The imposition of my prison sentence disrupted all of that. On the day of my sentencing and prior to the imposition of my sentence, I spoke in court and told the judge that my children needed a father more than the prison needed another inmate. This did not deter the judge from imposing the sentence. The disruption to my family life was profound. My wife suddenly had to navigate the challenges of raising our children alone while dealing with the emotional and financial strain of my absence. My children, especially the youngest, had to grow up without their father's daily presence, which was heartbreaking for all of them. The emotional and psychological toll on my family was immense, with each member facing their own struggles in my absence.

The reality of prison life was harsh. The days were long, filled with monotony and a constant undercurrent of tension. Each day, I was reminded of the injustice that had led me there. My fellow inmates, the routines, the restrictions – all were a stark contrast to the life I had known. The time spent in confinement gave me ample opportunity to reflect on the events that had brought me to this point, the friends and business partners I had trusted, and the betrayal I felt from a system that I had believed would protect the innocent.

The six months of home confinement that followed were no less challenging. While I was physically present at home, the restrictions and constant surveillance created a different kind of imprisonment. The strain on my family continued as we adjusted to a life of limited freedom and ongoing financial hardship. The probation period that followed extended this state of limbo, a constant reminder of the precarious position we were in.

Despite the adversity, I remained determined to rebuild my life and my business. The ordeal had stripped away many of the certainties I once held, but it had also revealed a reservoir of resilience and strength. The support of my family and a few loyal friends provided the foundation upon which I began to reconstruct my life, piece by piece.

The experience of imprisonment and the subsequent probation period served as a crucible, reshaping my perspective on justice, integrity, and the importance of standing up for what is right. It was a period of profound transformation, marked by a relentless pursuit of personal and professional redemption. As I navigated the challenges that lay ahead, I carried with me the lessons learned from this tumultuous chapter, determined to emerge stronger and more resolute in my commitment to justice and fairness.



Wrongful Charges and Lack of Financial Loss

In the realm of business and law, the case involving Hewlett-Packard (HP) and myself stands as a profound example of the justice system's potential pitfalls. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Sacramento charged me with honest services wire fraud, despite HP confirming no financial loss and a lack of intent or scheme on my part to deprive HP of the honest services of their employee. This section delves into the reasons why these charges were unjustified, highlighting the absence of financial loss, prosecutorial misconduct, and jurisdictional overreach while emphasizing the systemic issues within the judicial process and the undue influence of powerful corporations.

No Financial Loss to HP

The crux of the prosecution's case was that my actions deprived HP of the honest services of their employee. However, HP USA and HP Canada both confirmed that they did not sustain any financial loss from my transactions. Here is why this is critical:

  • Sentencing Guidelines: The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines consider financial loss when determining the severity of a sentence. The absence of financial loss should have significantly mitigated the severity of the charges and potentially resulted in a lighter sentence. Financial loss is a pivotal factor in sentencing, and the lack of any such loss fundamentally undermines the basis for imposing severe penalties.
  • Invalid Basis for Charges: Honest services wire fraud charges are typically based on schemes that result in some form of financial loss or disadvantage to the victim. If HP did not incur any loss, it calls into question the entire premise of the charges. The prosecution's inability to demonstrate a tangible loss to HP significantly weakens their case.

Questioning the Validity of the Charges

Without financial loss, the validity of the honest services wire fraud charges is fundamentally compromised:

  • Lack of Loss: Honest services fraud typically involves depriving a victim of honest services, leading to some form of loss. If HP did not incur a loss, it challenges the prosecution’s case, suggesting that the alleged fraud did not have the detrimental impact necessary to justify the charges. The U.S. Attorney’s Office should have reconsidered the validity of the charges once it was evident that HP did not suffer any financial harm.
  • No Intent or Scheme: There was no intent on my part to deprive HP of the honest services of their employee. The employee requested personal items, trips, and a loan for his wife, which I provided as a friend. These actions were not designed to undermine HP's interests, and there was no fraudulent scheme involved. The gifts and loans were given out of friendship and mutual trust, not as part of any plan to defraud HP.

Plea Agreement Considerations

The absence of financial loss should have been a pivotal factor during plea agreement discussions:

  • Material Information: This is critical information that could have influenced my decision to accept a plea deal. Knowing that HP did not incur a loss might have provided a stronger position to negotiate the terms or contest the charges more vigorously. The prosecution's failure to fully consider or disclose this information may have coerced me into accepting an unfavorable plea deal under false pretenses.
  • Informed Consent: A plea agreement should be based on full and accurate information. HP's lack of loss is material information that would have influenced my decision-making process. The absence of this information deprived me of the opportunity to make an informed decision about my legal strategy.

Prosecutorial Misconduct

There may be questions about whether the prosecutors fully disclosed all relevant information during the legal proceedings:

  • Duty of Disclosure: Prosecutors are obligated to disclose exculpatory evidence that might exonerate the defendant. If they knew that HP had not sustained any loss and did not adequately communicate this, it could constitute prosecutorial misconduct. The withholding of such crucial information undermines the fairness of the legal process and my right to a fair trial.
  • Ethical Obligations: Prosecutors have an ethical obligation to pursue justice, not just convictions. Failing to disclose HP's lack of financial loss violates this principle and raises serious questions about the prosecution's conduct in my case.

Restitution and Fine

The refusal by HP to accept the $82,000 and the subsequent designation of this amount as a fine is highly unusual and raises further questions:

  • Restitution vs. Fine: Restitution is typically ordered to compensate victims for their actual losses. If there was no actual loss, the basis for restitution and the conversion of the amount into a fine need to be scrutinized. This unusual handling of the funds suggests that the financial penalty might not have been justified, adding another layer of complexity to my case. The imposition of a fine in place of restitution where no loss occurred is questionable and calls into question the integrity of the prosecution’s approach.
  • Financial Impact: The imposition of an unjustified fine further exacerbated the financial burden on me. The financial penalties should be directly related to the actual harm caused, and in this case, there was no harm to HP. This discrepancy highlights the disproportionate and punitive nature of the prosecution's actions.

Legal Recourse and Appeals

The facts surrounding the financial impact on HP and the handling of the funds provide grounds for legal recourse or appeal:

  • Appeal Grounds: Demonstrating that HP did not suffer a loss could potentially alter the outcome of the case. This revelation fundamentally challenges the basis of the charges and the fairness of the proceedings against me. If this information were not fully considered or disclosed during my trial and sentencing, it could be grounds for an appeal or a motion to vacate the sentence.
  • Post-Conviction Relief: Given the material nature of the information regarding HP's lack of financial loss, there may be grounds for post-conviction relief. This could include filing a motion to vacate the conviction or seeking a new trial based on the failure to disclose exculpatory evidence.

Jurisdictional Issues

The relationship between HP USA and HP Canada also complicates the jurisdiction of the U.S. Attorney’s Office:

  • Subsidiary Relationship: HP Canada operates as a subsidiary of HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), making it a separate legal entity under Canadian law. This structure allows HP Canada to operate under Canadian law while aligning with the strategic directives of the U.S. parent company. The lack of financial harm to HP USA or HP Canada raises questions about the U.S. jurisdiction over this case, particularly since the actions involved a Canadian employee.
  • International Cooperation and Effects Doctrine: While the U.S. can assert jurisdiction over activities with significant connections to the U.S., this case involves transactions and communications with a Canadian subsidiary. The international nature of the activities and the lack of financial loss to the U.S. parent company should have prompted a more thorough examination of jurisdictional boundaries before pursuing charges. The jurisdictional overreach in prosecuting this case raises serious concerns about the appropriateness of the charges.


The U.S. Attorney's Office in Sacramento should not have brought charges against me based on several critical points. The information that HP USA and HP Canada did not sustain any financial loss and declined the restitution money is crucial. It undermines the prosecution's case and affects the sentencing guidelines. This material information should have influenced plea negotiations, potentially reduced the charges, and impacted the severity of the sentence.

1.     No Financial Loss: HP USA and HP Canada confirmed they did not sustain any financial loss.

2.     Invalid Charges: The absence of loss challenges the basis for honest services wire fraud charges.

3.     Material Information: The prosecution failed to disclose crucial information that could have influenced the plea agreement.

4.     Prosecutorial Misconduct: The potential withholding of exculpatory evidence suggests misconduct.

5.     Unjust Fines: The imposition of a fine instead of restitution where no loss occurred is questionable.

6.     Jurisdictional Issues: The international aspect and subsidiary relationship complicates the jurisdictional basis for the charges.

Addressing these issues legally with the assistance of a qualified legal expert could potentially alter the outcome of the case, emphasizing the wrongful nature of the charges and the systemic issues that led to this unjust prosecution. The wrongful pursuit of these charges highlights a troubling misuse of legal power, underscoring the need for vigilant oversight and accountability within the justice system. The systemic failures and prosecutorial overreach in my case serve as a stark reminder of the critical importance of justice, fairness, and integrity in legal proceedings. My case not only illustrates the potential for miscarriages of justice but also calls for comprehensive reform to prevent similar injustices from occurring in the future.

Additionally, I was sentenced to one year and one day in prison, with half serving in prison and the other half in home detention. I pleaded guilty to the crime of one count of honest services wire fraud. Unfortunately for me, I served my time and three years of probation, hoping that others would not be as unjustly impacted as I was.


Reflections and Lessons Learned

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize the complexities and nuances of blending personal friendships with business relationships. The intertwining of these two spheres created a landscape where acts of kindness and support could easily be misconstrued as unethical conduct. What I perceived as genuine acts of friendship—providing personal loans, purchasing items upon request, and vacationing together—were later scrutinized and used against me in the harshest possible light. This experience has profoundly impacted my perspective on business practices, trust, and the legal boundaries that govern professional relationships. It has underscored the necessity of maintaining clear, professional boundaries and being vigilant about the potential legal interpretations of well-intended actions.

The legal system's interpretation of my actions as breaches of ethical conduct was a harsh awakening. The same gestures that built strong personal bonds were now painted as manipulative tactics aimed at securing business advantages. This reinterpretation of my intentions by the legal authorities served as a stark reminder of the fragile line between personal and professional interactions. It became evident that in the world of business, especially when dealing with large corporations, the perception of one's actions can be as important as the actions themselves. This realization has reshaped my approach to business, emphasizing the need for transparency and the documentation of all transactions and interactions.

During my time in prison and home detention, I had ample opportunity to contemplate the path that led me there. The isolation and introspection brought about a deeper understanding of the importance of integrity, the fragility of trust, and the far-reaching consequences of our actions. The daily routines of prison life, devoid of the distractions of the outside world, forced me to face the realities of my situation head-on. Each day, I was confronted with the decisions I had made and the people I had trusted, leading to a profound internal reckoning.

The solitude of prison provided a unique environment for introspection. It was a place where time seemed to stretch endlessly, giving me the space to reflect on every aspect of my life and business practices. The isolation stripped away the layers of distractions and allowed me to examine my actions and their implications with brutal honesty. This period of intense self-reflection was both challenging and humbling. It laid bare the vulnerabilities in my business dealings and highlighted the importance of foresight and caution in professional relationships.

The experience also brought into sharp focus the systemic issues that had led to my downfall. It became clear that my situation was not just the result of individual actions but also a symptom of broader problems within the corporate and legal systems. The collusion between HP and the legal authorities, the misuse of power, and the corrupt practices that pervaded the investigation were indicative of a system that was skewed against small business owners like me. This realization fueled my determination to advocate for justice and reform. I resolved to use my experience to shed light on these issues and work towards creating a more equitable environment for entrepreneurs.

While the experience was challenging and humbling, it also provided me with invaluable lessons that have shaped my approach to life and business moving forward. One of the most significant lessons was the importance of integrity in all dealings. The ordeal reinforced that maintaining high ethical standards is paramount, even when faced with pressure to compromise. Integrity not only builds trust but also fortifies one's character against the corrosive effects of corruption and deceit.

The fragility of trust was another critical lesson. Trust, once broken, is incredibly difficult to rebuild. My experience taught me to be more discerning in my relationships and to value transparency and honesty above all else. This new perspective has influenced how I engage with others, ensuring that my actions are always aligned with my values and ethical principles.

The far-reaching consequences of our actions were also made abundantly clear. Every decision, no matter how small, can have significant repercussions. This understanding has instilled in me a heightened sense of responsibility and accountability. I now approach business decisions with a greater awareness of their potential impact, not only on my life but also on the lives of those around me.

The time in detention allowed me to reflect deeply on the systemic issues that had led to my downfall, fueling my determination to advocate for justice and reform. It became apparent that the system was not just flawed but also susceptible to manipulation by those with power and influence. This realization was a turning point, transforming my experience from one of personal tragedy to a catalyst for change. I became resolved to use my story to highlight the need for transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in both the corporate world and the legal system.

The journey through legal battles, imprisonment, and the subsequent reflection has profoundly transformed me. It has equipped me with a deeper understanding of the complexities of personal and professional relationships and the critical importance of maintaining integrity and transparency. The experience, while arduous, has fortified my resolve to advocate for a fairer and more just system, ensuring that others do not have to endure the same injustices. The lessons learned have become the foundation upon which I am rebuilding my life and business, guided by the principles of honesty, responsibility, and unwavering commitment to ethical conduct.




My story is a sobering reminder of the complexities and potential pitfalls at the intersection of business and personal relationships. What began as a mutually beneficial friendship and business partnership ended in legal battles and imprisonment. The narrative underscores the importance of maintaining clear boundaries and transparency in business dealings, especially when personal friendships are involved.

The relentless pursuit by Hewlett Packard, driven by suspicions and legal strategies, ultimately led to my downfall. My experience highlights the power dynamics between small businesses and large corporations, as well as the lengths to which the latter can go to protect their interests. The systemic corruption and collusion among HP, law enforcement, and the judicial system reveal a disturbing reality that many small business owners face. The sheer scale of resources that HP could mobilize against a small business owner like me highlights a gross imbalance of power. This imbalance is not just in financial resources but in influence over legal and law enforcement agencies.

The narrative of my journey through this ordeal is also a testament to the profound personal and emotional toll such legal battles can inflict. The stress and uncertainty of being caught in the crosshairs of a corporate giant and a legal system seemingly predisposed to favor the powerful have lasting effects on one’s mental health and well-being. The strain on my family, the disruption to my business, and the tarnishing of my reputation are burdens that extend beyond the courtroom and into the daily lives of those affected. The emotional and psychological impact on my family was significant, with each member facing their own struggles as they navigated the challenges brought on by these events.

Moreover, this story exposes a crucial issue in the justice system: the potential for misuse and manipulation by powerful entities. When corporations like HP can employ tactics that involve bullying, threatening, and leveraging the judicial system as a weapon, it raises serious concerns about fairness and justice. The fact that they could coordinate with law enforcement to conduct raids, manipulate legal proceedings, and push for severe penalties underscores a need for greater oversight and accountability. This misuse of power not only undermines the integrity of the legal system but also erodes public trust in the institutions meant to uphold justice.

In the end, my story is one of resilience and caution. It serves as a cautionary tale for entrepreneurs and business professionals about the importance of ethical conduct, the risks of intertwining personal and business relationships, and the far-reaching consequences of corporate legal actions. Despite the hardships, my journey also reflects a determination to rebuild and learn from the past, striving for a future where trust and integrity are paramount.

Rebuilding my life and career after such a profound setback required immense perseverance and the support of my family and friends. It also demanded a re-evaluation of how I approached business and personal relationships. I learned the critical importance of maintaining clear ethical boundaries and the value of transparency in all dealings. These lessons have not only shaped my personal conduct but have also influenced how I mentor and advise others in the business community.

Looking forward, my hope is that my experience can serve as a beacon for change. I aspire to see a world where small business owners can operate without fear of being unjustly targeted by larger corporations, where legal systems function impartially and protect the rights of all individuals regardless of their financial or social standing. The pursuit of justice and fairness should be unwavering, ensuring that no one has to endure what I went through simply to try to run an honest business.

Ultimately, my story is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the possibility of redemption and renewal. It is about standing up against injustice, no matter how daunting the adversary, and about the enduring belief in a just and equitable society. By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to maintain their integrity, seek justice, and hold on to hope even in the face of overwhelming odds. Together, we can strive for a future where ethical conduct and fairness are the cornerstones of all business and legal practices.

Furthermore, my ordeal underscores the importance of vigilance and advocacy for systemic change. The need for comprehensive reforms within the legal and corporate systems is evident. Mechanisms must be in place to protect individuals from the overreach of powerful corporations and ensure that justice is not swayed by financial influence. Whistleblower protections, stronger regulations against corporate misconduct, and greater transparency in legal proceedings are crucial steps toward safeguarding the rights of small business owners and individuals alike.

The experiences I endured have also fostered a deeper understanding of the value of community and support networks. The isolation and hardship of facing such formidable opposition can be mitigated by the strength and solidarity of those who stand by you. My family, friends, and supporters provided the emotional and moral backbone that helped me persevere. Their unwavering support was instrumental in navigating the darkest periods of my journey. This sense of community and mutual support is something I now strive to cultivate and encourage in others facing similar challenges.

In addition, my journey has taught me the power of resilience and adaptability. The ability to recover from setbacks, learn from experiences, and continuously strive for improvement is essential in both personal and professional life. These qualities have been crucial in my efforts to rebuild my business and restore my reputation. They have also informed my approach to mentoring and advising others, emphasizing the importance of resilience in the face of adversity.

As I reflect on my experiences, I remain committed to advocating for justice and ethical conduct. My story is not just a recounting of past events; it is a call to action for others to stand up against injustice and fight for a fairer, more transparent world. By sharing my narrative, I hope to contribute to a broader movement toward accountability and integrity in both the corporate and legal arenas.

In conclusion, my journey through the legal and corporate labyrinths has been a profound learning experience. It has exposed the deep flaws in systems that are supposed to uphold justice and protect individuals. Yet, it has also revealed the strength of the human spirit and the capacity for resilience and renewal. My story is a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of ethical conduct, and the enduring hope for a just and fair society. As I look to the future, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to ensuring that the injustices I faced do not befall others. Together, we can build a world where integrity and fairness are not just ideals but everyday realities.


Why am I writing this now?

Nearly 25 years have passed since I served my time in prison, and almost 30 years have passed since the alleged offenses that led to my incarceration. For two decades, the desire to share my story has lingered, culminating in a long-held ambition to write a book titled "Behind Closed Doors: HP's Dirty Little Secret." The title itself holds deep significance. Bill Hewlett and David Packard founded Hewlett-Packard in a small garage. The metaphor of 'closed doors' references garage doors—an ironic nod to the humble beginnings of a company that would grow into a colossal enterprise with tens of thousands of employees.

Little did these pioneering individuals know that nearly 80 years later, the company they started would be involved in actions leading to the wrongful imprisonment of a small business owner. My journey to prison, a journey that came at a tremendous cost to me and my family, is a story that needs to be told—not just for the sake of personal vindication but to shed light on the dark corners of corporate and legal misconduct.

My book, "The Prison Diaries: While I Was Walking, God Was Talking, and This is What He Said," chronicles my experiences in prison. It encapsulates the reflections and insights I gained during those challenging times. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound ways faith can provide solace and guidance.

Writing this article now is part of my continued effort to document and share the injustices I faced. It is a narrative of resilience, a cautionary tale about the intersection of personal and professional relationships, and an exposé of the systemic corruption that can exist within large corporations and legal institutions. My story is not just about the past; it is a beacon for future entrepreneurs, business professionals, and anyone who might find themselves at the mercy of powerful entities. By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to maintain integrity, seek justice, and never lose hope, even in the darkest times.

This article serves as both a prelude to my book and a standalone narrative that illuminates the harsh realities I encountered. It underscores the importance of transparency, ethical conduct, and standing up against corruption, no matter how formidable the opposition may seem. By telling my story, I hope to contribute to a world where justice prevails and the voices of the wronged are heard and respected.



Lastly, what is HP's dirty little secret?

The secret is straightforward: HP aims to achieve business success by any means possible, including legal and non-legal means of competitor destruction, intimidation, bullying, threatening, and using the judicial system as a weapon. This article serves as a prelude to my book and a standalone narrative that brings to light the harsh realities I encountered. It underscores the importance of transparency, ethical conduct, and the need to stand up against corruption, no matter how formidable the opposition may seem. By telling my story, I hope to contribute to a world where justice prevails and the voices of the wronged are heard and respected.






 A Journey to Redemption

Out of the depths of my prison experience, a new chapter of my life began to unfold. Amidst the trials and tribulations, I found solace and strength in my faith, and this spiritual journey culminated in the creation of a book that I am now proud to share with the world. "The Prison Diaries: As I Was Walking, God Was Talking and This Is What He Said" is the result of countless hours of reflection, prayer, and divine inspiration.

The Prison Diaries

"The Prison Diaries, While I Was Walking, God Was Talking, and This is What He Said" can be found on Amazon. Cut and paste the following link to the book, or click on the link:

The Prison Diaries: While I was walking, God was talking, and this is what he said. - Kindle edition by Conley, Bill. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

Introduction to "The Prison Diaries: As I Was Walking, God Was Talking, and This Is What He Said"

Welcome to "The Prison Diaries: As I Was Walking, God Was Talking, and This Is What He Said," a transformative journey into the depths of the human soul. This compelling book delves into the profound spiritual experiences and divine messages received by the author during a challenging period of confinement. Through the lens of faith, hope, and redemption, "The Prison Diaries" seeks to illuminate the darkest corners of the human spirit, bringing to light the profound lessons and insights that emerge from deep introspection and divine communication.

In "The Prison Diaries," you will find a collection of powerful narratives and reflections that capture the essence of the author's spiritual journey. Each entry is meticulously crafted to provide an authentic and deeply personal account of the author's experiences, focusing on this year's emotional and spiritual journeys. These stories are about the transformative power of faith and divine guidance.

One of the central themes of "The Prison Diaries" is the quest for redemption and spiritual growth. The author, a devout Christian, shares his personal faith journey, detailing how his relationship with God provided solace and strength during his time in prison. Through prayer, reflection, and the study of Scripture, the author found a sense of purpose and hope that transcended the physical confines of his cell. This spiritual awakening is a recurring motif throughout the book, offering readers a message of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

"The Prison Diaries" also addresses the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation. Through poignant anecdotes and reflective passages, the book explores the healing power of forgiveness and the liberation from letting go of past mistakes.

In addition to the personal narratives, "The Prison Diaries" includes practical advice and insights for readers facing their struggles. Whether dealing with personal hardships, seeking spiritual growth, or simply looking for inspiration, readers will find valuable lessons and guidance within these pages. The author's experiences serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative potential of faith and perseverance.

Throughout the book, the author shares the divine inspiration that guided him to write the articles contained within. As he walked through the trials of imprisonment, he received divine messages that provided clarity, wisdom, and a renewed sense of purpose. These messages form the book's foundation, offering readers profound insights into the nature of faith, hope, and the human spirit.

The book concludes with a powerful message of hope and renewal. As the author reflects on his journey, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith and hope, even in the darkest times. "The Prison Diaries" is a testament to the idea that no matter how dire the circumstances, there is always the possibility of redemption and a brighter future.

"The Prison Diaries" is more than just a memoir of life in prison; it is a profound exploration of the human condition and the capacity for growth and transformation. Through honest and heartfelt narratives, the book invites readers to reflect on their lives and consider how they can find strength, hope, and redemption in adversity.

Prepare for "The Prison Diaries" to move, inspire, and challenge you. This book is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of places, the light of faith and hope can shine through, illuminating the path to a better and more meaningful life




The information contained in this document is based on my personal recollections and experiences from 25 to 30 years ago. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented here is accurate from my point of view; however, I acknowledge that my memory of events may be wrong, inaccurate, misleading, or false. This is not intentional, and I am making my best effort to document my recollection of these experiences for the first time.

I do not intend to harm, injure, or damage the reputation of any individual, company, or organization mentioned herein, including but not limited to the Redmond Police Department, the Bellevue Police Department, the State of California, Hewlett Packard Canada, Hewlett Packard US, the High Tech Crimes Task Force, the King County Court, the Federal District Court in Sacramento, the King County Jail, the Sacramento County Jail, and any persons within these entities or any other person who may have knowledge of this matter or may have been impacted.

I hereby explicitly state that I cannot be held liable for my recollection of events as shared in this document. I have no interest or intent to harm anyone or any company. I am merely sharing my personal memory of events as I recall them.

I apologize to anyone or any company who feels that this document has hurt, harmed, or offended them; that was never my intent.

By reading or referencing this document, you agree to release me, my family, and anyone I know from any legal claims or actions. This includes but is not limited to lawsuits, claims of defamation, libel, slander, or any other legal action that could be brought based on the content of this document. This release applies to all entities and individuals mentioned above and any other parties who may be impacted by the information contained herein.

Acknowledgment of Disclaimer

By continuing to read or make use of this document, you acknowledge and accept this disclaimer in full. You agree that no legal action will be taken against me, my family, or anyone I know based on the contents of this document.


I extend my sincere apologies to anyone or any company who may feel hurt, harmed, or offended by this document. My intent is not to cause any damage or distress but simply to share my personal recollection of past events. If you feel harmed in ANY way, contact me immediately at


One last piece of advice

The Importance of Competent Legal Representation

I was naive, and I hired attorneys who were not up to the task. In my defense regarding the case of the alleged stolen memory, I hired an attorney who, in the end, was not very helpful. The defense attorney I hired in California to assist me in the honest services wire fraud case, as it turns out, was not up to the task of properly assisting me. Similarly, the attorney I hired in California to help me in the $70,000,000 lawsuit case was equally not up to the task. I was extremely naive, and I was bulldozed by the US Attorney and the rest. I was meek as a lamb being led to slaughter by a group of attorneys who did not represent me well.

I was bamboozled by legal jargon, not knowing what to believe, and relied on the expertise of the attorneys who represented me. With some simple Google searches, I found out that I had all kinds of legal defenses for each of my cases, which none of the attorneys attempted to use. We capitulated to every request and demand and did not put up a fight. It was as though; you want me to plead guilty to one count of honest services fraud? OK! I had all kinds of defenses and did not use one, or should I say, the attorney representing me did not offer up a single defense. The same goes for the $70,000,000 lawsuit from HP; my attorney basically bent over backward to give them $1,500,000 of my money.

I am not bitter at these attorneys; I am not upset. As I mentioned, I am a novice, naive, dedicated, devoted father and a man who has never been in trouble with the law and trusted others when I should not have. I relied on the expertise of others; they failed me, and I suffered the consequences. I am still suffering the consequences today, and so are my children. My wife divorced me, and my two youngest daughters at the time were 12 and 13 years old. My wife moved away, and I saw my children every chance I could. My greatest responsibility in life is to my children, being a father, and mentoring and teaching these children into adulthood and beyond.

The aftermath of ineffective legal representation was profound. My relationship with my children was disrupted. While I have a wonderful relationship with three of my children, one has disowned me. The experience of being sent to prison disrupted my entire life; it affected my children, my relationship with my wife, my church, and my community. Having the millstone of being a convicted felon has impacted my life in numerous ways, from social stigma to practical challenges in rebuilding my career and personal life.

Understanding the severe consequences of ineffective legal representation is crucial. My experiences underscore the need for diligent, knowledgeable, and proactive legal counsel. Had I been represented by attorneys who were well-prepared and willing to fight for my rights, the outcomes of my cases might have been different. Instead, my life was upended by a series of legal missteps and oversights that could have been avoided with proper representation.

During these trials, my focus remained on my children. Despite the upheaval, I strove to be present in their lives and provide the guidance and support they needed. The bond with my children has been a source of strength and motivation, even as I navigated the complexities of legal battles and their aftermath. Their resilience in the face of adversity has inspired me to keep moving forward, to rebuild and to heal.

The journey through the legal system has taught me resilience and the importance of advocating for oneself. It has also highlighted the critical role that competent legal representation plays in ensuring justice and fairness. My hope is that others can learn from my experiences and make informed decisions when it comes to legal matters. The importance of choosing the right legal representation cannot be overstated, as the consequences of failing to do so can be life-altering.

Today, I continue to rebuild my life with a sense of gratitude and a renewed commitment to my family. The lessons learned from these experiences have shaped my approach to life and reinforced the values of integrity and perseverance. While the past cannot be changed, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for oneself and seeking justice, no matter the challenges faced. I have moved on with my life, love my life and my children, and am grateful for every day.

In sharing my story, I hope to shed light on the importance of competent legal representation and the far-reaching effects that legal battles can have on one's life. My experience is a testament to the necessity of thorough, dedicated, and effective legal advocacy. It is my sincere wish that by recounting my journey, others may avoid the pitfalls I encountered and find the strength to pursue justice with the right support by their side.


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