Thursday, September 12, 2024

99 Questions for the Vice President Kamala Harris: A Record of Broken Promises


99 Questions for the Vice President Kamala Harris: A Record of Broken Promises

As Donald Trump steps onto the national stage in his run for President of the United States, he is committed to asking the tough questions Americans have been waiting to hear. For four years, the current Vice President, Kamala Harris and the administration have made countless promises—on the economy, immigration, healthcare, crime, and more. Yet, after four years, many of these issues have worsened or remained unaddressed.

The Vice President, who was given significant responsibilities in this administration, has often deflected criticism with vague promises of future action. But as Donald Trump prepares for debates and town halls, he believes it’s time to hold the administration accountable for its track record. It’s time to ask: Why hasn’t this administration delivered on its promises? Why are we still facing the same challenges, or in many cases, even worse ones than before?

In these critical times, the American people deserve transparency and results, not empty rhetoric. They want to know why healthcare costs are still rising, why our borders remain unsecured, why crime is rampant in major cities, and why middle-class families are struggling to keep up with inflation. Donald Trump believes that every politician—especially those seeking re-election—must answer for their actions over the last four years.

The following 99 questions reflect the concerns of everyday Americans. These are questions that demand answers from Vice President Kamala Harris, who has played a key role in this administration. They touch on every major issue facing the country, from foreign policy failures to domestic crises. These are not just political talking points—they are the frustrations of a nation seeking leadership, honesty, and accountability.

Donald Trump believes in the power of tough questions to drive real change. These 99 questions are not just a critique of the past four years; they are the foundation for a future where leaders are held to their promises, and the needs of the American people are put first.

99 Questions for the Vice President Kamala Harris

You’ve had four years to address the border crisis. Why hasn’t it been secured?
You said you’d lower healthcare costs. Why are premiums and drug prices still rising?
Inflation is crippling the middle class. What did you do to stop it?
Crime rates are up across the country. Why haven’t your policies worked to reduce it?
You talk about future plans, but why haven’t you accomplished these things already?
You promised unity, but we’re more divided than ever. Why?
Why haven’t you fixed the student loan crisis as you promised?
What steps did you take to fix the supply chain crisis that hurt American businesses?
Why did your administration botch the Afghanistan withdrawal?
Why did you allow 20 million illegal aliens into the country?
You promised to fight for working families. Why haven’t you raised wages or reduced taxes?
Veterans still struggle to get healthcare. Why hasn’t your administration done more?
Why did you cut domestic oil production, leaving us reliant on foreign energy?
Your administration’s spending has ballooned the national debt. Why is that?
What have you done to support law enforcement in high-crime areas?
Your administration promised transparency, but where is it? Why are there so many scandals?
The border remains a crisis. Why didn’t you take action when you were assigned to fix it?
Why haven’t you been able to reduce homelessness in major cities?
What have you done to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.?
The American economy is shrinking. Why haven’t your policies encouraged growth?
Why are American businesses closing down due to your administration’s restrictive regulations?
You promised stronger relations with our allies. Why are they more strained than ever?
Why haven’t you addressed the growing fentanyl crisis at our borders?
Why haven’t you taken stronger steps to stop cyberattacks?
You’ve called for gun control, but violent crime is on the rise. Why haven’t you addressed that?
You promised affordable housing, but rents have skyrocketed. Why haven’t you delivered?
Why have wages stagnated under your administration, despite promises to raise them?
What steps have you taken to reduce the cost of childcare for working families?
Why haven’t you prioritized cybersecurity given the increase in cyberattacks?
Your administration’s handling of the economy has led to high inflation. Why haven’t you reversed course?
Why did you fail to secure America’s energy independence?
You talk about the importance of democracy, but why haven’t you addressed concerns over election integrity?
Why is the middle class shrinking under your administration?
Your administration has allowed crime to skyrocket. What specific actions have you taken to stop it?
Why haven’t you addressed the labor shortages that are hurting small businesses?
What have you done to tackle the rise in opioid overdoses during your time in office?
Why haven’t you created a pathway for the student loan forgiveness you promised?
You promised to stand up for women’s rights, but women’s workforce participation has declined. Why?
Why haven’t you been able to reduce the national debt despite historic levels of spending?
You said you would tackle homelessness, but it’s worse than ever. Why haven’t you made progress?
Why haven’t you supported American innovation in key technologies like AI and cybersecurity?
You’ve had four years to address the root causes of migration. Why hasn’t it worked?
Why haven’t you delivered on your climate change promises?
Why did your administration make it harder for Americans to afford everyday necessities?
Why are gas prices higher now than they were four years ago?
Why have taxes increased for the middle class under your leadership?
Why did you fail to secure critical supply chains during the pandemic?
You promised action on voting rights, yet many Americans feel disenfranchised. Why?
Why haven’t you enacted meaningful criminal justice reform?
Why haven’t you strengthened protections for religious liberty?
You promised to raise wages, but why haven’t American workers seen substantial wage increases?
Why did your administration fail to prepare for automation's impact on jobs?
Why haven’t you addressed the crisis of rising prescription drug prices?
You promised to reduce the wealth gap. Why has it grown instead?
What actions have you taken to stop the surge in fentanyl deaths?
Why haven’t you increased funding for mental health care?
You promised stronger relations with NATO. Why are tensions still high with our allies?
Why haven’t you pushed for more American energy independence?
Why haven’t you addressed the crisis of skyrocketing housing costs?
What have you done to address the backlog of veteran benefits claims?
Why haven’t you taken stronger action to address the threat of China’s growing influence?
You’ve allowed millions of illegal immigrants into the country. Why haven’t you secured the border?
Why haven’t you stopped American jobs from being outsourced overseas?
Why did your administration let inflation get so out of control?
Why haven’t you created the jobs you promised during your time in office?
Why haven’t you supported American farmers struggling with trade policies?
You’ve had four years to tackle climate change. Why haven’t your efforts been more effective?
Why haven’t you addressed the surging homelessness crisis in our cities?
Why haven’t you fought harder for student loan forgiveness?
Why haven’t you supported small businesses struggling with inflation and labor shortages?
Why haven’t you increased access to affordable health care?
Why did you allow the labor crisis to worsen during the pandemic?
Why haven’t you addressed the growing national security threat from Russia?
Why haven’t you done more to support low-income Americans struggling with rising costs?
Why did your administration fail to control inflation before it got out of hand?
Why haven’t you provided meaningful relief for student debt holders?
Why have you failed to reduce inequality in education?
Why haven’t you done more to support American energy workers?
Why haven’t you addressed the failure of your administration’s climate change policies?
Why haven’t you strengthened America’s energy independence?
Why haven’t you done more to lower healthcare costs for American families?
Why haven’t you acted to reduce the wealth gap in the U.S.?
Why haven’t you supported law enforcement amid the rising crime rates?
Why haven’t you provided more funding for mental health services?
Why have you allowed American jobs to be outsourced to foreign countries?
Why did you allow the housing market to become unaffordable for millions of Americans?
Why haven’t you done more to protect free speech in America?
Why haven’t you strengthened America’s military readiness?
Why haven’t you taken stronger action to stop cyberattacks on American companies?
Why haven’t you supported public school reform?
Why haven’t you done more to bring affordable healthcare to rural communities?
Why haven’t you addressed the mental health crisis affecting our youth?
Why haven’t you taken action to curb the rising cost of living?
Why did your administration fail to protect American companies from foreign cyberattacks?
Why haven’t you addressed the shortage of affordable housing?
Why haven’t you protected American farmers from harmful trade policies?
Why haven’t you strengthened cybersecurity protections for American businesses?
Why did your administration let inflation spiral out of control?
Why haven’t you taken meaningful action to reduce the national debt?


These 99 questions are a reflection of the frustrations and concerns that millions of Americans have today. Under the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris and the current administration, the country has faced one crisis after another. From the economy to national security, from healthcare to the border, the promises made four years ago have not been met with the results the American people expected or deserved.

Donald Trump believes that it’s time for a new kind of leadership—one that is focused on accountability, transparency, and real solutions for the challenges we face. These questions aren’t just about the past; they’re about the future. They’re about holding leaders accountable for their actions and making sure that the American people are never taken for granted again.

The Vice President had her chance to lead, and by all accounts, the results have been disappointing. Donald Trump’s campaign is about offering a different path—a path that prioritizes the needs of working families, secures our borders, strengthens our economy, and restores America’s standing in the world. These 99 questions are just the beginning of a conversation that Donald Trump is ready to have with the American people. Now, it’s time for answers. 


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