Thursday, September 12, 2024

Email to Donald Trump and the RNC: September 12, 2024 - 13 Key Comparison Statements

Email to Donald Trump and the RNC

Subject: Important Questions to Open Every Debate and Rally

Dear President Trump and the RNC,

I hope this message finds you well. As we head into critical debates and rallies leading up to the next election, I wanted to share a set of 13 key comparison statements that could resonate strongly with the American people and highlight the failures of the current administration. These questions, posed directly to voters, would prompt them to reflect on whether their lives have improved or worsened over the past four years.

Here are the 13 statements that I believe could powerfully frame the narrative:

·  Are you better off financially today than you were four years ago, or has rising inflation hurt you and your family?

·  Do you feel safer in your communities today than you did four years ago, or has crime increased in your city and across the country?

·  Is our southern border more secure today, or have millions of illegal immigrants poured into our country unchecked over the past four years?

·  Are our towns and cities across America thriving and growing, or are they struggling with crime, homelessness, and economic downturns?

·  Is your paycheck stretching further today than it did four years ago, or are you paying more for gas, groceries, and everyday essentials?

·  Is the world a safer place today, with strong American leadership, or has our global standing weakened, leaving us vulnerable to foreign threats?

·  Are you more confident in America’s future today, or has the country become more divided, more unstable, and more uncertain under the current administration?

·  Do you trust your government and its institutions more today than you did four years ago, or has corruption and partisanship eroded your confidence?

·  Is America more energy-independent today, or are we more reliant on foreign oil and facing higher energy prices?

·  Has your healthcare become more affordable and accessible over the past four years, or have costs continued to skyrocket while quality has declined?

·  Are your children receiving a better education today, or have school closures, declining standards, and divisive curricula hurt their ability to succeed?

·  Do you feel that law enforcement is more respected and supported today, or has the defunding of police and anti-law enforcement rhetoric made your community less safe?

·  Is America’s military stronger and more prepared today to defend our nation and our interests, or has our military become weaker and less respected under the current leadership? 

These questions can effectively drive home the message that Americans are far worse off today than they were when you left office, setting the stage for a winning campaign. I respectfully ask you to consider adopting these statements as part of your messaging before any debate or rally.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, we can remind the American people of the strong, prosperous nation we were building—and the future we can create again.

Best regards and Good Luck in this Upcoming Presidential Election.

You have my vote.

Bill Conley

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