Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A letter to my children from their Father on Thanksgiving day

A letter to my children from their Father on Thanksgiving

I love you, I miss you and I wish I could see you more often.
I wish you didn’t live so far away and I wish you didn’t lead such busy lives.
I wish you would call me more often just to let me know you are thinking of me.
I wish you would text me just to say hi.
I wish you would let me know of every single activity, event or sporting activity you are involved with because I would love to come and watch you.
I wish you would make an effort to see me.
I wish I had more time with you.
Tears come to my eyes all the time when I think of the time we are missing together.
I cry when I see families together.
I cry at movies when I see Father’s with their children.
I dream of the time we get to spend together.
I feel as though I have failed you not being their every single day to put you to bed.
I loved seeing you in the mornings when you woke, making you a hot breakfast before you went off to school, taking you to school and picking you up, driving you to your activities, helping you with your homework and telling you stories before you went to bed.
I miss your smiles and your hugs, I miss the joy of being around you, I miss your laughter and your energy.
I miss the moments where I am able to share my wisdom with you and teach you how to become a responsible adult.
I must admit, I am not very good at knowing how to deal with very active teenage children.
I don’t know what to say or do to get you to desire to spend time with your Father.
I ask and suggest all the time that we get together, but it seems you are just too busy to see me.
I know how important your social life is with your friends.
I have often said family before friends, that your family will be their long after your friends and I get it that this falls on deaf ears because at this stage of your life, your friends seem to be more important than your family.
I want you to know how important you are to me.
I cherish the moments we have together and desire more of them.
I am so proud of you when I hear from you that you have done well in an activity or school.
I love being a Dad and it hurts me that this divorce has led to us not being able to spend time together.
I want you to know I will always be there for you.
I will always make time for you.
I will always support and love you unconditionally.
I will go the extra mile to see you if you give me the time.
I don’t know how to ask you for your time.  I don’t know what to say or how to say it that would lead you to want to spend more time with me.
I respect you enough to let you live your life as you see fit.
I just want you to be happy.
I love you my sweet child.
I thank God every day that you are my child.
May God bless you and may he fill your life with happiness and joy.
Happy Thanksgiving Day my precious child.
Loving you always
You Father

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