Monday, February 5, 2024

Finding Fulfillment and Purpose: A Journey Beyond Expectations


Finding Fulfillment and Purpose: A Journey Beyond Expectations

Do you ever find yourself asking, "Why do I feel so lonely, so unloved, so frightened, and so upset?" It's a common struggle many of us face, seeking fulfillment and meaning in our lives. The truth is, these emotions often stem from a misguided reliance on others to satisfy our deepest needs and desires. In this blog post, we will explore the root causes of such feelings and how redirecting our focus from human expectations to a higher power can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

The Illusion of Expectations

We live in a world where reciprocity often seems to be the norm. We do things for others, expecting something in return—whether it's love, gratitude, or fulfillment of our own needs. The disappointment arises when those expectations aren't met. But what if this approach is flawed from the start?

When we don't love ourselves, we tend to seek external validation to fill the void within. The misconception is that we have to take from others to experience love. This belief system, however, is built on a false premise. Our primary source of fulfillment shouldn't be derived from human interactions but from a higher power—God.

Trusting in God, Not Man

The root cause of our emotional turmoil lies in placing too much trust in the capabilities of human beings. People are inherently flawed and incapable of fulfilling our every need, want, and desire. The writer suggests that relying on God rather than man is the key to a more stable and content life.

God is described as unchanging—yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In contrast, humans are ever-changing and inconsistent. Trying to control our lives without divine guidance is compared to a ship without a rudder—lost and tossed about by the waves of life. The Holy Spirit is presented as a source of guidance, and God's son as the embodiment of divine capability.

Free Will and Choice

The writer emphasizes that we are in control of our destiny, given the free will to choose between God's way and man's way. When we attempt to control our lives and the lives of others with expectations and obligations, we inevitably experience negative emotions. Surrendering control and putting our faith in God is advocated as the path to true fulfillment.

Letting Go of Expectations

The blog post encourages readers to abandon a life driven by expectations, assumptions, and obligations. It advises against counting the cost of what others owe us and instead directs us to the safety and surety of God's promises. A shift in perspective is proposed—from viewing service as a transaction to seeing it as a gift, an act of kindness and charity.

The Power of Teamwork with God

The concept of teamwork is introduced, not in a worldly sense but in a spiritual context. The collaboration between the individual and God is portrayed as a team effort for the purpose of eternal salvation. The idea is to align one's will with God's will and recognize that we are not alone; we are part of a divine team consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Answering the Divine Call

The final section of the blog post calls readers to minister to others, spreading the light and truth of Jesus Christ. Repentance and baptism are highlighted as ways to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The post concludes with a reminder to give glory, honor, and praise to God, emphasizing that the privilege of serving is not for personal recognition but for the greater glory of the divine.

In Conclusion

"Why do I feel so..." may be a question that resonates with many, but the answer lies not in human expectations but in divine guidance. By shifting our focus from man to God, relinquishing control, and embracing a life of service and gratitude, we can find the fulfillment and purpose we seek. The journey toward true contentment involves recognizing the limitations of human capability and trusting in the unchanging nature of God.

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