Sunday, July 14, 2024

As I was walking, God was talking, and this is what He said about love


As I was walking, God was talking, and this is what He said about love. 

Several years ago, I spent extensive time walking with a notebook and pen, receiving what I believe to be divine inspiration from God. What you're about to read is what God wishes all of us to hear. I believe God entrusted me with these words to share with the world—our Father in Heaven wants us to know His love and understand that Love transcends mere apologies. 

Please take a moment to ponder the words imparted to me by God. He has instructed me to ask each of you to recite these words aloud twice a day for thirty days, assuring that this practice will forever change your life and impact those around you. 

Before you start reading, understand this: I received the words you're about to read in exactly the same order. I haven't altered or amended their order; I have merely transcribed what God intended for us all. 

Rejoice in what God has bestowed upon me as a gift for you and everyone you know.


You are about to embark on a journey through the many facets of love, as revealed to me through divine inspiration. Each passage you will read explores a unique aspect of love, providing insights and reflections designed to deepen your understanding and application of this profound and transformative force in your life.


In the following narratives, you will find a detailed exploration of various expressions of love, from appreciation and acceptance to forgiveness and compassion. We craft each section to emphasize the significance of these qualities and their manifestation in our relationships and interactions.

Appreciation teaches us to see the inherent value in others and express gratitude for their presence in our lives. Acceptance encourages us to embrace people as they are, without the desire to change them. Consideration reminds us to be mindful of others' needs and feelings, fostering a deeper connection and mutual respect.

We delve into the essence of forgiveness, exploring how letting go of resentment can heal wounds and rebuild trust. Patience reveals the importance of enduring challenges with calm and perseverance, while kindness emphasizes the transformative power of generosity and compassion.

 The narratives on empathy and compassion highlight the significance of understanding and sharing in others' emotions, creating profound bonds of trust and support. We examine trust, honor, and respect as the foundations of meaningful and enduring relationships.

 We present humility, authenticity, and joy as key elements that foster genuine connections and bring fulfillment to our interactions. We also reflect on the role of commitment, responsibility, and gratitude in maintaining healthy and supportive relationships.

 In our exploration of prayer and seeking divine guidance, we recognize the importance of spiritual connection in nurturing our relationships and finding strength during challenging times. We discuss the importance of non-judgmental love, calmness, and peace in creating a harmonious and supportive environment.

 We design each section not only to provide insight, but also to inspire action. By integrating these principles into your daily life, you can transform your relationships, foster a deeper sense of connection, and create a ripple effect of love and positivity in the world around you.

 As you read through these reflections, I invite you to open your heart and mind to the profound wisdom they contain. Allow these words to guide you towards a more loving, compassionate, and fulfilling life. Allow the journey of love to illuminate your path, bringing you closer to the divine purpose of your existence.

Rejoice in the love that surrounds you, as well as the love you have to give. Know that by living these principles, you honor the divine love bestowed upon you and fulfill your role as a steward of this precious gift.

 Everyone on this love journey, God bless you.

 Love is Appreciation

Appreciation in love means seeing the inherent value in others and expressing gratitude for their presence in our lives. Imagine a mother watching her child take their first steps, her heart swelling with pride and joy. She sees not just the action but the effort, the courage, and the growth in her child. In this moment, she appreciates the small miracles that make up their journey together. Similarly, in our daily lives, recognizing the small acts of kindness from friends, the support from family, and even the dedication of colleagues can transform our relationships. Appreciation is the gentle acknowledgment that everyone we meet is a gift, adding a unique and invaluable thread to the fabric of our lives.

 Love is Acceptance

 Acceptance in love means embracing others exactly as they are, without the desire to change them. Imagine a garden with a variety of flowers, each blooming in its own time and way. The gardener cherishes each blossom for its unique beauty, not wishing the roses were tulips or the daisies were sunflowers. In relationships, this translates to loving people for their authentic selves—their quirks, their flaws, and their strengths. Acceptance creates a safe space where individuals can be true to themselves, fostering deeper connections and mutual respect. It’s about seeing the whole person and saying, “I love you as you are.”

 Love is Consideration

 Consideration in love means being mindful of others' needs and feelings. Imagine a partner who, knowing their spouse has had a stressful day, prepared a warm meal and creates a cozy environment at home. This act of thoughtfulness speaks volumes, showing care and attentiveness. Consideration in friendships and family demonstrates active listening, unasked support, and anticipating others' needs. It’s the little gestures—a handwritten note, a surprise visit, or simply a kind word—that demonstrate a deep understanding and empathy. Consideration serves as a bridge, connecting hearts and demonstrating our visibility, hearing, and value.

 Love is Embracing Oneself and Others

 Embracing oneself and others means accepting and loving both our own and others' imperfections. Imagine a person looking in the mirror, not with a critical eye but with a sense of pride and compassion. They see their scars, both physical and emotional, as symbols of their journey and growth. When we embrace ourselves, we allow others to do the same. In relationships, this means offering and receiving love without pretense, acknowledging that everyone has their struggles and triumphs. Embracing is about creating a culture of mutual respect and understanding in which each person feels empowered to be their true self.

 Love is Acknowledging Abundance

 Acknowledging abundance in love is about recognizing the wealth of blessings in our lives. Consider a family gathered around the dinner table, each person sharing what they are grateful for. This act of acknowledging abundance shifts the focus from what is lacking to what is plentiful—love, health, and togetherness. In our lives, this mindset encourages us to see the beauty in everyday moments, to cherish relationships, and to celebrate simple joys. Acknowledging abundance fosters a sense of contentment and joy, reminding us that we have more than enough to be happy and share with others.

  Love is Serving with a Smile

 Serving with a smile embodies the joy of helping others. Think of a volunteer at a community kitchen, dishing out meals with genuine warmth and friendliness. Their smile reassures and comforts those they serve, making a simple meal an act of love. In our lives, serving with a smile can mean offering our time, skills, or resources to those in need, always with a positive attitude. It’s about finding fulfillment in making a difference, no matter how small. Serving with a smile transforms acts of kindness into moments of connection and joy, enriching both the giver and the receiver.

 Love is Forgiveness

 Forgiveness in love is about letting go of resentment and offering grace. Picture a friend who, after a heated argument, extends a hand and says, “Let’s move past this.” This act of forgiveness heals wounds and rebuilds trust. In our lives, forgiveness is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. It means acknowledging mistakes, understanding human fallibility, and choosing to focus on growth rather than grudges. Forgiveness is a powerful act of love that frees both the forgiver and the forgiven, allowing relationships to flourish with renewed understanding and compassion.

 Love is Patience

 In love, patience is about enduring challenges with calm and perseverance. Imagine a couple navigating a difficult time—perhaps a long-distance relationship or financial strain. They hold onto each other, believing in their shared future and waiting for better days with unwavering support. In our lives, patience is essential for enduring life’s ups and downs without losing hope or love. It’s about giving people the time they need to grow, heal, and change, and understanding that beneficial things often come to those who wait. Patience is the quiet strength that keeps love steady and enduring.

Love is Kindness

 Kindness in love means acting with generosity and compassion. Think of a neighbor who shovels the snow from an elderly person’s driveway or a stranger who offers a helping hand without expecting anything in return. In our lives, kindness is the foundation of loving relationships. It’s about being considerate, offering help, and spreading positivity. Kindness transforms ordinary moments into meaningful exchanges and creates a ripple effect of goodwill. It’s the simple, everyday acts of love that build strong, supportive communities and relationships.

 Love is Understanding

 Understanding love is about empathizing with others' feelings and perspectives. Imagine a friend who listens without judgment, offers a shoulder to cry on, and offers words of encouragement. They don’t just hear; they understand. In our lives, understanding fosters deep connections and resolves conflicts. It means taking the time to see the world through another’s eyes, validating their experiences, and offering support. Understanding is the glue that holds relationships together, allowing for genuine communication and mutual respect.

 Love is empathy

 Empathy in love means feeling for others and sharing their emotions. Picture a person comforting a grieving friend, not just with words but by truly feeling their pain and offering solace. In our lives, empathy is the heart of compassionate relationships. It’s about being present, listening with our hearts, and responding with kindness. Empathy creates a profound bond, showing others that they are not alone in their struggles. It’s the ability to connect on a deeply emotional level, fostering trust and understanding.

 Love is Compassion

 Compassion in love means caring deeply and taking action to alleviate others' suffering. Imagine a nurse tending to a patient with gentle care, going beyond medical duties to offer comfort and hope. Compassion in our lives involves identifying the pain of others and feeling compelled to assist them. It’s the driving force behind acts of charity, support, and kindness. Compassion transforms love into tangible actions, making a positive impact on those around us. It’s about seeing the humanity in everyone and responding with a loving heart.

 Love is trust

 Trusting in love means believing in the reliability and integrity of others. Think of a friend who entrusts you with their deepest secrets, knowing you will keep them safe. In our lives, trust is the foundation of all meaningful relationships. It’s about being dependable, honest, and loyal. Trust builds strong bonds, allowing relationships to flourish with confidence and security. It’s the assurance that we can rely on each other, no matter the circumstances.

 Love is Honor

 Honor in love means treating others with high regard and respect. Picture a soldier who serves their country with dignity and pride, honoring their commitment to protect and serve. In our lives, honor is about valuing others and holding ourselves to high ethical standards. It means acting with integrity, showing respect, and being true to our word. Honor in relationships fosters mutual respect and admiration, creating a culture of dignity and trust.

 Love is Respect

 Respect in love means recognizing and valuing others' worth. Imagine a mentor who guides their mentee with patience and esteem, encouraging their growth and development. In our lives, respect is crucial for healthy relationships. It’s about listening, valuing opinions, and treating others with kindness. Respect creates a foundation of trust and understanding, allowing relationships to thrive in a positive environment. It’s about seeing the best in others and encouraging their potential.

 Love is Obedience

 Obedience in love means following principles and commitments with a willing heart. Consider a child who listens to their parents' guidance, trusting in their wisdom and care. In our lives, obedience is about honoring our commitments and adhering to ethical and moral principles. It's the willingness to follow through on promises and act in alignment with our values. Obedience fosters discipline and reliability, creating a framework of trust and dependability in relationships.

 Love is Selfless Giving

 Selfless giving in love means offering without expecting anything in return. Picture a person who donates time, money, or resources to those in need, driven purely by the desire to help. In our lives, selfless giving is about putting others’ needs before our own and finding joy in acts of generosity. It’s the essence of unconditional love, where the act of giving is its own reward. Selfless giving enriches our and others' lives, creating a cycle of kindness and compassion.

 Love is Non-Judgmental

 Non-judgmental love means accepting others without criticism or condemnation. Imagine a community that welcomes people from all walks of life, offering support and understanding without prejudice. In our lives, non-judgmental love fosters inclusivity and empathy. It means seeing people for who they are without imposing our beliefs or expectations. Non-judgmental love creates a safe space for authenticity and growth, allowing relationships to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect.

 Love is calmness

 Calmness in love means maintaining peace and composure in relationships. Picture a couple who, despite the chaos of life, find moments of stillness and connection, anchoring each other. In our lives, calmness is essential for navigating conflicts and challenges with grace. It’s about staying grounded, responding rather than reacting, and fostering a peaceful environment. Calmness in love creates a sense of stability and security, allowing relationships to thrive in harmony.

 Love is Peace

 Peace in love means fostering a sense of tranquility and harmony. Imagine a family sitting together in the quiet of the evening, enjoying each other's company in silence and contentment. In our lives, peace is about creating a calm and supportive environment. It is the absence of conflict, as well as the presence of mutual understanding and respect. Peace in love allows relationships to grow in a nurturing and serene atmosphere, promoting well-being and happiness.

 Love is Harmony

 In love, harmony means working together in unity and balance. Picture an orchestra where each musician plays their part, creating a beautiful symphony. In our lives, harmony is about collaboration, understanding each other’s roles, and supporting one another. It’s the blending of individual strengths to create something greater. Harmony in love fosters teamwork and cooperation, allowing relationships to flourish in a balanced and supportive environment.

 Love is Time and Shared Experiences

 In love, time and shared experiences mean valuing moments together and creating lasting memories. Think of friends who, despite busy lives, make time for regular get-togethers, cherishing their bond. In our lives, spending time and sharing experiences strengthens relationships. It’s about prioritizing loved ones, creating traditions, and celebrating life’s milestones together. Time and shared experiences enrich our connections, building a tapestry of memories and deepening our bonds.

 Love is Commitment

 Commitment in love means staying devoted and faithful through all circumstances. Imagine a couple who, despite facing numerous challenges, remain steadfast in their vows, supporting each other unwaveringly. In our lives, commitment is about honoring promises and persevering through tough times. It’s the dedication to stand by each other that fosters trust and security. Commitment in love creates a foundation of reliability and loyalty, allowing relationships to endure and thrive.

Love is Authenticity

 Authenticity in love means being genuine and true to oneself and others. Picture a friend who always speaks the truth, even when it’s difficult, and encourages others to do the same. In our lives, authenticity fosters deep and meaningful connections. It’s about being honest, transparent, and real. Authenticity in love creates an environment where people feel safe to express their true selves, fostering trust and intimacy in relationships.

 Love is Humility

 Humility in love means putting others before oneself and not seeking recognition. Imagine a leader who, despite their achievements, remains modest and gives credit to their team. In our lives, humility is about recognizing our limitations and valuing others’ contributions. It’s about being gracious, acknowledging our flaws, and showing respect. Humility in love creates a culture of mutual respect and admiration, allowing relationships to flourish in an atmosphere of equality and kindness.

 Love is Joy

 Joy in love means finding happiness in the presence of others and in shared moments. Picture a family laughing together at a holiday gathering, their hearts full of warmth and happiness. In our lives, joy is about celebrating together, finding delight in each other’s company, and creating enjoyable memories. Joy in love brightens our relationships, infusing them with positivity and a sense of fulfillment.

 Love is Non-Boastful

 Non-boastful love is defined as being humble and not seeking to outshine others. Think of a person who achieves enormous success but remains grounded and focuses on helping others succeed. In our lives, non-boastful love is about celebrating others’ achievements without envy and valuing humility. It creates a supportive environment where everyone feels appreciated and respected, fostering mutual admiration and cooperation.

 Love is Seeking Divine Guidance

 Seeking divine guidance in love means turning to spiritual wisdom for direction and strength. Imagine a person who, during difficult times, prays for clarity and guidance, finding solace in their faith. In our lives, seeking divine guidance helps us navigate relationships with wisdom and grace. It’s about relying on higher principles to guide our actions and decisions. Seeking divine guidance in love creates a foundation of spiritual strength and peace, fostering relationships rooted in faith and trust.

 Love is Responsibility

 Responsibility in love means being accountable for our actions and their impact on others. Picture a person who admits their mistakes and strives to make amends, understanding the importance of their role in the relationship. In our lives, responsibility is about being reliable, owning our actions, and working towards positive outcomes. Responsibility in love fosters trust and respect, creating a stable and supportive environment for relationships to grow.

 Love is Gratitude

 In love, gratitude means appreciating the blessings and expressing thanks. Imagine a person who regularly takes the time to thank their loved ones for their support and presence. In our lives, gratitude is about recognizing the positive aspects of our relationships and expressing our appreciation. Gratitude in love enhances our connections, creating a positive and uplifting atmosphere where everyone feels valued and cherished.

Love is Elevation

 Elevation in love means lifting others up and helping them reach their potential. Picture a mentor who encourages and supports their mentee, celebrating their achievements and guiding their growth. In our lives, elevation is about offering support, encouragement, and inspiration to others. Elevation in love fosters a culture of growth and positivity, where everyone feels empowered to reach their full potential.

 Love is prayer

 Prayer in love means seeking spiritual connection and support for our relationships. Imagine a couple who pray together, seeking guidance and strength for their journey. In our lives, prayer is about turning to a higher power for support, wisdom, and grace. Prayer in love creates a spiritual foundation, fostering a sense of peace, hope, and trust in our relationships.

 Love is Joy and Happiness

 Joy and happiness in love mean finding delight and fulfillment in our relationships. Picture a group of friends who, despite life’s challenges, always find reasons to laugh and celebrate together. In our lives, joy and happiness are about creating and cherishing positive moments, finding reasons to smile, and sharing happiness with others. Joy and happiness in love brighten our relationships, making them rich and fulfilling.

 Love is Obedience and Thankfulness

 In love, obedience and thankfulness mean honoring commitments and expressing gratitude. Imagine a person who, despite difficulties, remains faithful to their promises and regularly thanks their loved ones. In our lives, obedience and thankfulness are about being reliable, honoring our commitments, and expressing our appreciation. Obedience and thankfulness in love create a strong foundation of trust, respect, and positivity in our relationships.

 Love is Cherishing Time Together

 Cherishing time together in love means valuing and making the most of moments spent with loved ones. Picture a family who, despite busy schedules, makes it a point to have regular meals together, cherishing each other’s company. In our lives, cherishing time together is about prioritizing relationships and creating meaningful moments. Cherishing time together in love enriches our connections, creating lasting memories and deepening our bonds.

 Love is Following New Commandments

 Following new commandments in love means adhering to spiritual principles that guide our actions. Imagine a community that lives by the principles of loving God and loving their neighbors, fostering a culture of compassion and respect. In our lives, following new commandments is about aligning our actions with higher principles and creating a positive and loving environment. Following new commandments in love creates a foundation of spiritual integrity and harmony, fostering relationships built on faith and mutual respect.


 Start anew, confident in your love. We share these love principles to guide us towards a deeper understanding and a more fulfilling life. By embracing these values—appreciation, acceptance, consideration, forgiveness, patience, kindness, empathy, compassion, trust, honor, respect, humility, authenticity, joy, and commitment—we can transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

 Consider how you can incorporate each facet of love into your everyday routine. Let love be the foundation of your actions, decisions, and interactions. Recognize that love is not confined to grand gestures but is often found in small, everyday acts of kindness and understanding.

 As you recite these words, allow them to resonate within you, bringing a sense of peace, joy, and clarity. Let them remind you that love is a journey, not a destination, and that each step you take in affection brings you closer to the divine purpose of your existence.

 Remember, love is not about perfection. Presenting yourself and giving your best is key. It's about forgiving yourself and others, as well as finding harmony and balance in your relationships.

 Love encourages us to look beyond ourselves, see the needs and worth of others, and act with compassion and generosity. It calls us to be patient and kind, to seek understanding, and to offer support without judgment. It asks us to trust, to honor our commitments, and to respect the inherent dignity of every person we encounter.

 By following these principles, you not only enrich your own life but also contribute to a more loving and compassionate world. Your actions, guided by love, have the power to inspire and uplift others, creating a ripple effect that can lead to profound change.

 In times of difficulty, let these words be a source of strength and guidance. When faced with challenges, let love be your anchor. In moments of joy, let love be your celebration. And in your everyday life, let love be your constant companion.

 Embrace these teachings and let them transform you. Share them with others, and together, let us build a community where love is the guiding force. By doing this, we pay tribute to the divine love we have received and fulfill our role as stewards of this priceless gift.

 Rejoice in the love that surrounds you, as well as the love you must give. Know that you are never alone; love is always with you, guiding and supporting you on your journey.

 God bless every one of you. May you find peace, joy, and fulfillment in living a life rooted in love. And may you become a beacon of love, illuminating the path for others and creating a world where love is the ultimate truth.


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