Friday, July 5, 2024

The Puppet President: Unmasking the True Power Behind Joe Biden, the Teleprompter President

The Puppet, Teleprompter, and Cue Card President: Unmasking the True Power Behind Joe Biden

In the age of political theater, the figurehead of a nation often becomes the focal point of public scrutiny and debate. However, when a leader appears more as an actor than a decision-maker, it raises profound questions about the true source of power. Such is the case with President Joe Biden, a man whose tenure in the highest office seems defined by his reliance on a teleprompter. Despite holding the title of the most powerful individual in the world, Biden's inability to speak extemporaneously has left many wondering who really pulls the strings. This article delves into the enigma of a teleprompter-dependent president and explores the implications of his perceived incompetence.

My personal encounter with a teleprompter recently brought this issue into sharp focus. Attending a political rally with my third-grade granddaughter, I was invited by a friend, who was promoting the rally, to experience firsthand the tool that has become synonymous with President Biden's public appearances. Standing behind the podium, I tried reading the speech text as it scrolled, only to be upstaged by my young granddaughter who effortlessly recited the words with confidence and clarity. This moment highlighted a stark reality: if a child can deliver a speech flawlessly with the aid of a teleprompter, what does it say about a president who seemingly can do no more?

The core issue extends beyond Biden's reliance on a teleprompter. It touches upon the deeper questions of who is crafting his speeches, what their motives are, and ultimately, who is steering the direction of the country. In this article, we will examine the rise of Joe Biden, his dependency on prepared texts, and the unseen hands that might be orchestrating his presidency.

The Rise of Joe Biden

Joe Biden's journey to the Presidency was marked by charisma and a well-orchestrated campaign that capitalized on his appeal as a relatable, trustworthy candidate. His career, spanning decades in public service, was built on his ability to connect with ordinary Americans. His speeches, always eloquent and impactful, played a significant role in his rise. However, as his presidency progressed, it became apparent that his oratory skills were heavily reliant on a teleprompter.

Biden’s earlier years in politics showcased a leader who could engage in debates, town halls, and unscripted conversations with ease. However, as time passed and his responsibilities grew, his reliance on scripted speeches increased. Critics and supporters alike began to notice his struggles when speaking off the cuff, leading to questions about his cognitive abilities and overall competence. This shift did not go unnoticed by the public or the media, who began to scrutinize his every appearance.

The transition from a spontaneous speaker to a teleprompter-dependent president was gradual but significant. During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden's team meticulously managed his appearances, ensuring that his speeches were carefully crafted and delivered with the help of technology. This strategy, while effective in presenting a polished image, also highlighted his growing dependence on prepared texts.

The Teleprompter Dependency

Biden's dependence on the teleprompter became more than a political tool; it became a crutch. Public appearances without the aid of scripted speeches were marked by gaffes, awkward pauses, and at times, complete derailment of coherent thought. This reliance became a defining characteristic of his presidency, drawing comparisons to actors performing a role rather than a leader making decisions.

The frequent use of teleprompters has led to numerous instances where Biden appeared to struggle with reading the text, mispronouncing words, or losing his place entirely. These moments were often seized upon by critics who questioned his mental acuity and capability to lead. Supporters, on the other hand, argued that the teleprompter was a necessary tool for a president with a demanding schedule and complex issues to address.

This dependency has significant implications for his leadership style and effectiveness. It suggests a president who may be more comfortable with scripted interactions than spontaneous decision-making. In high-pressure situations where quick thinking and decisive action are required, a teleprompter cannot provide the necessary guidance, raising concerns about Biden’s ability to respond effectively to unforeseen crises.

A Firsthand Encounter

My experience at the political rally brought the issue into stark relief. After the event, my friend invited me to try the teleprompter, and out of curiosity, I obliged. The text scrolled, and I found myself stumbling through the words, appreciating the challenge it posed. My third-grade granddaughter, however, took to it naturally. Her flawless delivery was a moment of revelation. If a child could do it, what does it say about a president whose performance is often no better?

Standing behind the podium, I felt a surge of respect for those who can deliver speeches seamlessly. It requires not just reading skills but also the ability to convey emotion and conviction. My granddaughter’s ease and confidence underscored a critical point: the teleprompter, while helpful, cannot replace genuine leadership qualities.

This experience made me reflect on the importance of extemporaneous speaking in leadership. A president must be able to think on their feet, engage with the public, and respond to questions without relying solely on scripted responses. The ability to communicate effectively without a teleprompter is a crucial aspect of presidential leadership that inspires trust and confidence in the electorate.

The Hidden Speechwriters

The critical question then becomes: who writes the speeches for President Biden? The smooth, polished words scrolling on the teleprompter are crafted by a team of speechwriters, unseen and largely unaccountable to the public. These individuals hold significant sway over the President's public persona and, by extension, his policies. Their motivations, agendas, and the influence they wield raise concerns about the transparency and authenticity of Biden's leadership.

Speechwriters are skilled professionals who craft messages designed to resonate with the public, reflect the administration’s policies, and bolster the president’s image. However, their anonymity means that they operate behind the scenes, away from public scrutiny. This lack of transparency can obscure their true influence and intentions.

The process of speechwriting involves collaboration between the president, advisors, and communication experts. While this ensures that the president’s speeches are coherent and aligned with policy goals, it also means that the final product may be more reflective of the speechwriters’ perspectives than the president’s own views. This raises questions about the extent to which the president’s speeches represent his genuine beliefs versus those of his advisors.

The Shadow Government

Behind every teleprompter-dependent leader lies a network of advisors, consultants, and influencers. In Biden's case, this shadow government appears to have more control than the elected official himself. The speechwriters and handlers dictate the narrative, shaping public perception and policy direction. This setup begs the question: who is truly governing the country? The nominal president, or the faceless entities crafting his every word?

The concept of a shadow government is not new. Throughout history, advisors and consultants have wielded significant influence over political leaders. However, in the case of a president who relies heavily on scripted speeches, this influence becomes even more pronounced. The advisors and consultants who craft the president’s messages effectively shape the administration’s policies and public image.

This dynamic raises concerns about accountability and transparency. If the true power lies with the advisors and speechwriters, the public may be unaware of who is actually making decisions and driving the administration’s agenda. This lack of transparency can undermine democratic governance and erode public trust in the presidency.

The Consequences of a Figurehead Leader

The implications of a figurehead leader are profound. A president incapable of original thought and independent decision-making undermines the very foundation of democratic governance. The reliance on teleprompters and speechwriters erodes public trust and raises doubts about the legitimacy of the administration. It also sets a dangerous precedent for future leaders, where the appearance of competence becomes more important than the reality of effective governance.

A figurehead president may struggle to assert authority and make independent decisions. This can lead to a situation where advisors and consultants wield disproportionate influence, effectively running the government behind the scenes. This dynamic can result in policies that reflect the interests of a select few rather than the broader electorate.

Furthermore, the reliance on scripted speeches can create a disconnect between the president and the public. Voters may feel that they are not hearing the president’s genuine views and opinions but rather a carefully crafted message designed to manipulate public perception. This can erode trust in the presidency and undermine the democratic process.

The Comparison: A Barely Literate President

In a contrasting scenario, imagine a president who can barely read a teleprompter, let alone govern effectively. Such a leader would be even more vulnerable to manipulation by those around them, rendering the office of the President a mere ceremonial role. The true power would lie with the advisors and speechwriters, whose words the president parrots without understanding or conviction. This hypothetical situation highlights the risks associated with electing leaders based on image rather than substance.

A president who struggles with basic reading and comprehension skills would be heavily reliant on their advisors for guidance and decision-making. This dependency would effectively reduce the president to a figurehead, with the real power residing in the hands of the advisors. Such a situation could lead to a lack of accountability and transparency, as the public would have little insight into who is truly governing the country.

This hypothetical scenario underscores the importance of electing leaders who possess both the ability to communicate effectively and the competence to govern independently. A president who lacks these qualities is at risk of being manipulated by those around them, undermining the principles of democratic governance.

Public Perception and Media Influence

The media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception of a teleprompter-dependent President. Outlets sympathetic to Biden downplay his reliance on scripted speeches, while critics amplify it as evidence of his inadequacy. This polarized portrayal contributes to a divided electorate, where trust in the president is largely determined by partisan allegiance rather than objective assessment of his capabilities.

Media coverage of Biden’s speeches often focuses on his delivery and the content of his messages. Sympathetic outlets highlight his ability to convey important policies and connect with the public, while critical outlets emphasize his reliance on the teleprompter and instances of gaffes or missteps. This polarized coverage can create a distorted view of the president’s capabilities, with voters forming opinions based on media narratives rather than objective facts.

The role of the media in shaping public perception is particularly important in the age of social media, where information spreads rapidly and can easily be manipulated. Voters must be critical consumers of media, seeking out diverse sources of information and forming opinions based on a comprehensive understanding of the issues.

The Path Forward

Addressing the issue of a teleprompter president requires a multifaceted approach. Transparency about the speechwriting process and the individuals involved is essential. Voters must demand more from their leaders, prioritizing substance over style in their electoral choices. Additionally, there must be a concerted effort to cultivate leaders who possess both the charisma to inspire and the competence to govern without overreliance on scripted rhetoric.

Increasing transparency about the speechwriting process can help restore public trust in the presidency. The public should have insight into who is crafting the president’s messages and what their motivations are. This transparency can help ensure that the president’s speeches reflect genuine beliefs and policies rather than the agenda of unseen advisors.

Voters must also prioritize substance over style in their electoral choices. While charisma and oratory skills are important qualities for a leader, they should not overshadow the need for competence and independent decision-making. Electing leaders who possess both the ability to inspire and the competence to govern can help ensure effective governance and restore public trust in the presidency.

Finally, there must be a concerted effort to cultivate leaders who can govern independently without overreliance on scripted rhetoric. This involves developing communication skills, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging a deep understanding of the issues. By prioritizing these qualities, we can ensure that our leaders are not just performers but genuine leaders capable of guiding the country with wisdom and integrity.


President Joe Biden's dependency on a teleprompter is more than a personal shortcoming; it is a symptom of a larger issue within our political system. When the highest office in the land is occupied by someone who can read a script but struggles with original thought, it raises profound concerns about the nature of our democracy. The true power lies not with the figurehead but with the unseen entities crafting the words and policies that shape our nation. As citizens, we must question who is really in control and demand greater transparency and accountability from our leaders. Only by doing so can we ensure that our President is not just a performer but a genuine leader capable of guiding the country with wisdom and integrity.

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