Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Obama, Obamanomics and when is a lie not a lie.

When is a lie not a lie, when it is spoken by the President.

Just because a law is a law doesn’t mean the President must obey the law. He seems to believe he is above the law and can alter, change or revise them as he sees fit.

Why do we let him?  Where is Congress?

Mr. President, just because you said it, does not make it true and in your case, just because you said it, definitely does not make it true.

Laws are made and meant to be revised or broken whenever I feel like it, I am the President. I can do what I want, when I want and to whomever I want. So suck it up and shut up.

Isn’t it the President who said, when I want your opinion I will give it to you.

Ten Commandments of Obamanomics.

1.    Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country can give to you.

2.    Nothing you have is yours, it belongs to the Government, we will allow you to keep a portion until we decide when we want it back, and then we will take what is rightfully ours to begin with and that is everything.

3.    Today you have, tomorrow you will need, learn to deal with it, now eat your peas. Likewise, those that have must have what they have taken, those that have not must be given from those that have.  

4.    Obama’s Golden rule; we will do unto you, as we will not do unto ourselves.  Likewise, don’t do as I do, do as I say...

5.    Remember this one. What is mine is mine what is yours is mine.  Well the government believes what is theirs is theirs and what is yours is theirs. Remember, you didn’t build it

6.    The rich must be willing to give more and live with less, the poor and middle class must be given more so there is more equality. It is not right and fair that some people have more than others.  We must take from those that have and give to those who deserve more.

7.    The Government wants you to believe you are free, the reality is, they own you, your life and everything you have.  Get used to it. They have the power to take away everything you have including your life.

8.    You do as your Government says or else.  Free speech is not free, it always comes with a price.  The Government will tell you if what you said can be said. They control the right to decide what is free speech.

9.  We can and will make decisions on spending your money better    than you can make decisions on spending your money.

 10.  There are two sets of rules in life, one for your government and one for you and the government sets the rules for you. Deal with it.

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