Wednesday, February 14, 2024

As I was walking, God was talking, and this is what he said about LOVE


As I was walking, God was talking, and this is what he said about love:

Several years ago, I spent extensive time walking with a notebook and pen, receiving what I believe to be divine inspiration from God. What you're about to read is what God wishes all of us to hear. I believe God entrusted me with these words to share with the world—our Father in Heaven wants us to know His Love and understand that Love transcends mere apologies.

Please take a moment to ponder the words imparted to me by God. He has instructed me to ask each of you to recite these words aloud twice a day for thirty days, assuring that this practice will forever change your life and impact those around you.

Before you begin reading, know this: The words you're about to read were given to me in the exact sequence I received them. I haven't altered or amended their order, merely transcribed what God intended for us all.

Rejoice in what God has bestowed upon me as a gift for you and everyone you know.

God bless each and every one of you.

What is love?

Love, as I walked and the Lord spoke, is as follows—in the order revealed:

Love is appreciation, acceptance, and consideration for others.

It is embracing oneself and others, acknowledging the abundance graciously bestowed upon us.

Love is serving others with a smile, recognizing and sacrificing for them.

It forgives others and oneself for wrongdoing, embodying patience, kindness, understanding, empathy, and compassion.

It isn't confined to sensual or sexual interactions, appearances, or judgments based on external beauty.

Love is trust, honor, respect, and obedience. It's selfless giving without expecting anything in return.

It is not selfish, greedy, self-centered, jealous, envious, impatient, or needy. Love doesn't lose control or give in to anger, bitterness, or hostility.

Love entails calmness, peace, and harmony with oneself and others. It's about shared time and experiences, not merely activities.

It surpasses physical intimacy; it's a commitment to each other, sharing, caring, and being authentic.

Love is genuine, not ego-driven or pretentious. It embraces imperfections without the desire to change others.

Finding joy in every life circumstance, love isn't born from neediness but from a place of selflessness.

It doesn’t boast, is humble, and seeks to comfort and please others unexpectedly.

Love is a gift given unconditionally, incapable of being repaid. It embodies grace, a divine gift beyond repayment.

Being the first to apologize or deescalate conflicts, it doesn't seek constant validation or always needing to be right.

Love doesn’t sweat the small stuff, thinks before speaking, and listens attentively. It upholds personal integrity and honesty.

It's not to be mistaken for lust or giving up during tough times. Love seeks divine guidance and forgiveness.

It doesn’t blame, shame, or hold grudges. It means owning up to one's actions and refrains from grumbling or complaining.

Love respects others, doesn't gossip, slander, or criticize. It builds and supports, never tearing down.

Love appreciates differences, is content with what's given, and doesn’t seek comparisons.

It’s grateful for all blessings and doesn't seek to conquer but to elevate others.

Love is prayer, joy, and happiness. It's not about what you own but what you give away.

It signifies obedience, thankfulness, and cherishing time spent together.

Finally, the two new commandments from the New Testament:

Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Begin anew, knowing you're loved, and by loving and serving others, find the peace, joy, and happiness you deserve.


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