Thursday, February 22, 2024

Setting Priorities: Putting the Lord First in Your Life


Setting Priorities: Putting the Lord First in Your Life


Prioritizing is an essential aspect of life. It involves deciding what matters most and dedicating time and energy accordingly. In this article, we delve into the concept of setting priorities, with a focus on making the Lord our #1 priority. The decision to prioritize the Lord can have a profound impact on our daily lives, providing spiritual guidance and purpose. We'll explore the challenges of balancing faith with the demands of modern life and offer practical tips to keep the Lord at the forefront.

1.     Who is #1 in Your Life?

To prioritize means to dispose of or handle things in order of importance. When considering who should be #1 in your life, it's crucial to reflect on your beliefs and values. For many, the answer to this question is the Lord. In various religious traditions, God holds a central place, offering guidance, love, and purpose to believers.

1.1. Making the Lord Your #1 Priority

Setting the Lord as your #1 priority means putting Him before everything else in your life. This includes daily activities, entertainment, and even your own desires. The act of prioritizing God emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and obedience to His word.

1.2. Challenges in Prioritizing the Lord

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, prioritizing the Lord can be challenging. We often find ourselves inundated with work, social commitments, and various distractions that can push our spiritual priorities to the back burner. Despite our good intentions, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters.

2.     Obeying the Lord's Commands

A vital aspect of prioritizing the Lord is obeying His commands. This requires continuous prayer, study of His word, and a conscious effort to align our decisions and actions with His will.

2.1. Daily Prayer and Study

To keep the Lord at the forefront, make it a daily habit to pray and study His word. Regular communication with God through prayer fosters a deeper connection and understanding of His plan for your life. Reading scripture provides guidance and inspiration for living a faithful life.

2.2. Seeking Divine Guidance

Before making significant decisions, ask yourself how your choices align with God's will. Seeking divine guidance ensures that your actions glorify the Lord and contribute to your spiritual growth.

3.     Ethical and Compassionate Living

Prioritizing the Lord also involves living according to His principles. The Lord calls us to ethical, honest, truthful, compassionate, and nonjudgmental behavior in our interactions with others.

3.1. Replacing Guilt with Love and Acceptance

In our journey to prioritize the Lord, it's essential to let go of guilt and replace it with love and acceptance. Recognize that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. God's love and forgiveness are always available to those who seek them.

3.2. Keeping It Simple

It's easy to become overwhelmed with the demands of life. To maintain your priorities, keep things simple. Focus on what truly matters and avoid overcommitting to activities or obligations that detract from your spiritual growth.

4.     Accepting Your Calling

God has a unique plan for each of us. Accepting your calling means listening for the voice of the Lord and aligning your life with His purpose for you. This involves setting realistic goals and diligently following the path He has laid out.

4.1. God's Guidance

Trust that God will reveal His plan for your life. Seek His guidance through prayer and discernment, and be open to the signs and opportunities He presents.

4.2. Living According to God's Will

Prioritizing the Lord involves not only seeking His will but also living according to it. Embrace your calling with faith and commitment, knowing that you are fulfilling His purpose for your life.


In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, setting the Lord as your #1 priority can provide a sense of purpose, peace, and fulfillment. Prioritizing God means obeying His commands, living ethically, and accepting your unique calling. Remember, the best things in life are often simple and begin with love. Replace guilt with love and acceptance, and let the Lord guide your decisions and actions.

As you embark on this journey of setting priorities with the Lord at the forefront, always remember that He loves you unconditionally and will provide the strength and wisdom needed to navigate life's challenges. May your commitment to making the Lord your #1 priority bring you closer to Him and lead to a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Amen.


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