Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 11, trip to Florida, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Boca, Palm Beach

I left this morning from North Miami Beach around 8:30 am, it was sunny but cold, 51 degrees. 

Just because you see food doesn't mean you need to eat it.  Just because you are given food does not mean you need to eat it.  Remember portion control.  Eat less, eat the right food, don't overeat, eat when you are hungry, drink plenty of water and exercise.  Limit the QTY of food you eat and split means with others when you can.  Don't eat fast food. If you go to a dinner and a movie, eat dinner or eat popcorn but don't eat both..

I walked the fame Ocean Beach in South Beach.  I spent an hour walking the sidewalk where there are dozens of restaurants serving breakfast.  It was very cold out, 56 degrees, everyone was bundled up and each of the restaurants had heaters.  I was asked dozens of times if I wanted breakfast.  I also walked along the beach, no beach goers, to cold and way to early in morning.  I can only imagine how busy this place would be on a hot summer night. 

When it comes to purchasing anything ask yourself these four words, "Do I need that?"
Substitute whatever you think you want, need or desire with the word THAT. Most of the time we don't need THAT! Move on, have some discipline, will power and motivate yourself to buy only what you really need. 
When it comes to eating, ask yourself, DO I NEED THAT? Most of the time the answer is probably NO!don't eat it, put it down and remember your goal. 

I spent some time walking the side walk in Ft. Lauderdale and drove from South Beach all the way to Palm Beach on HWY A1A.  Absolutely beautiful drive.  I am amazed at the beauty of Florida and also the wealth, so much money down here.

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