Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 5 of my trip to Florida

Day 5 of my trip to Florida.

You may ask where was day 4. I drove from Lindale Texas to West Monroe LA. A very uneventful drive.  I spent the who day on the phone with family and friends and didn't take time to blog.  I arrived in West Monroe, home of Duck Dynasty and spent a portion of the day at the Duck Dynasty Headquarters, the warehouse, the gift center and toured around where they film the show.  I also went to Willie's Diner and had Miss Kay meatloaf.  I finished up at the donut shop where they filmed an episode where Uncle Si ate 32 donuts in one sitting to beat out three other employees.  I loved my time in West Monroe, the best day of my trip thus far.


Today I arrived in Pensacola FL.  Did you know it is 808 miles from Pensacola to the Florida Keys, that is one long state. 

I have noticed since I have been driving on the interstate that I am not seeing as many abandoned buildings.  I see lots of road construction in the big cities like Dallas, Albuquerque, Oklahoma  City and Amarillo.  This does support my theory that rural America is dying and there has and continues to be a migration to the metro areas just as the Democrats and Obama want.  This migration has been happening the past 50 years. 

I just saw a billboard that said.  Honey come home, the kids and I love you.  I wonder who that was for?

I can sense my anger is dissipating day by day.  Those first two days of the blog were filled with anger towards the government.  I feel at peace today.  I really need to eliminate watching the news, it is so negative.  I don't need that in my life.  If I want to learn what is going on in the world, I will read about it.  I will stay away from the TV news and especially news channels like Fox News, so repetitive and negative.

Just crossed the Mississippi river into Mississippi.

It is over for me.  I only get angry with the things I hear on the news. I can't change what has already happened and I really don't need to hear about things that have happened on the news.  My mind, heart and soul will thank me. I will be much better off tuning out.

I do believe it is important to know what is going on in the world around us or is it?  In the long run, it really doesn't matter whether or not I know what is going on in the world around me.  I can't change most of it. Think about this, would you rather live in ignorance and peace and happiness or live with all the knowledge in the world in misery and sadness? 

Think about it, when were you happiest in your life?  Can you go back there mentally and or physically? 

Stop trying to control others and learn to control yourself. We can't control others.  We might be able to manipulate others, guilt them, shame them but if you do, neither of you will be happy.

Guilt, shame, blame, manipulation, fear, anger, hostility, comparing, putting down others, judging all leads to pain and suffering, confusion and depression for everyone involved.  Stop it now.

Let it go and focus your energy on loving and serving others.  Love unconditionally and give without expectation of receiving anything in return. 

To those of you who read this, know that I love and care about you.

If I have hurt or harmed you in any way, I apologize and ask your forgiveness, please.  For those of you who may have hurt or harmed me, I forgive you.  I am sorry if I have retaliated against you and I can assure you, it will stop NOW!

I know peace and happiness comes from loving and serving our fellow man.

The Lord's Prayer (personalized)

My Father who is in Heaven
Great is your name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give me this day my daily bread (Jesus is the bread of life)
and forgive me of my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me
(our sins will not be forgiven until we have forgiven the sins of others against us)
Lead me away from Temptation and
protect me from all evil
For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory
now and forever.

Here is a good store name "New and Used"

Saw this sign, "God always gives enough for the next step"

You know what I like about Mississippi? There are so many churches.

Day 5 without any diet drinks or Monster drinks.

You know something?  You don't always have to be right!  Who died and made you queen of everything?
What do you gain in believing you are right all the time?  Power? Control? Dominance? Superiority?
Wow is that what makes you truly happy?  Really?  To make other's believe they know less than you?
As Hillary Clinton said in a recent congressional hearing, " Who cares! What difference does it make!" In other words, "So what if you are right, who cares, I don't."

Remember old habits don't die easily or quickly, but they will die over time if you truly want them to.

Gas in Florida is $3.32 a gallon, way higher than any other State. 

Why does anyone settle down and live where they live?  Does moving somewhere completely different and new frighten you?  I think of moving from Utah and then I ask myself if I really want to start all over again someplace new where I don't know anyone? As I think about it, I get anxious.  Make me nervous to think about moving and starting all over again.  Don't worry I am not moving. 

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