Tuesday, January 7, 2014

People who (have not) have a tendency to despise people (who have.), thanks to our government leaders.

People who (have not) have a tendency to despise people (who have.)
There is a constant tug of war in this society between the haves and the have-nots and I am not just referring to money. I am referring to covetousness and envy. The tenth commandment in God’s law is you shall not covet your neighbor’s house, spouse or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Exodus 20:17.
Covet – to desire enviously that which belongs to another, crave.
Envy – discontented desire for someone else’s possessions or advantages. An object of such a feeling.
Our society sets us up from birth to covet or want what other people have.
Our whole system of taxation is a redistribution of wealth and power. The government believes it has the God given right and authority to take from us that which we created by the fruits of our labor and use as they deem appropriate without our input. We have no say on how or where our money is used. It goes into one gigantic pit and thus is funneled out by a select few who have been chosen and wisely use these funds. The problem with this is that those who are chosen are typically corrupt or self-serving. A member in congress from Oklahoma does not have my personal best interest in mind when he goes before congress to vote on a bill. From there our leaders have pitted the have with the have-nots, the wealthy against the poor, the advantaged against the disadvantage, the republicans against the democrats. Is there no understanding why we are such a coveted and envious society – just look at our leaders. Covetousness, envy, jealousy, greed, corruption, lie, cheat, steal are the anthems of our government. How does the government expect people not to steal from others when that is the very impression we have of our government. None of us believe that the government is entitled to a share of our wages.
I have heard it said before that the reason the government want to put people in jail who steal, distribute drugs, murder, rob, pillage, plunder, destroy, and is that they don’t want any competition. They want to be the only game in town. How can you have a tax system which is not voluntary? And expect people to not feel as though they have been stolen from.
Our leaders are responsible for setting the tone of those they govern.
Love begets love, greed begets greed, envy begets envy, theft begets stealing, murder begets murder, evil begets evil, darkness begets darkness, light begets light, truth, and honesty begets truth and honesty. What you dish out is what you will get back. If our government wants theft to stop, stop stealing. If they want murder to stop, stop murdering. If they want the distribution of drugs to stop, stop distributing them. Our societal ills are a result of those who govern our society. You want to stop depression, drunkenness, alcoholism, drugs, endless pursuit of self-destruction – begin to love and serve. JFK had it wrong; he said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” That is wrong our government should be saying ask not what you can do for your government but how can we love and serve you better.
On our money it reads “In God we trust.”
That could not be further from the truth. When this government lost its allegiance to God as our spiritual, moral, ethical leader and started depending on godless men to run this country, our country went to hell. We say we live in a free market economy, that our economy is based on competition. While this may be true we still operate on envy, greed and covetousness. The fact that we are a Godless society leads and will continue to lead our country into utter ruin, despair and destruction. The people we elect to congress and the senate or president is critical to the moral and ethical fiber of our nation. Elect power hungry, self-serving, greed capitalist, ill moral, unethical, dishonest, unjust and we will become a nation just like that. Our nation will become what it thinks about just as we do. There is a movement to get rid of God in the schools and within any state and federal run program or institution. This is a gigantic mistake of epic proportion. What we are doing is training and instructing generation after generation the ways and methodology of Satan, which will lead to the ruin and utter demise of our society and lead people into hell.
What can we do to stop this runaway train?
Give our life over to Jesus.
We are the light of the worldMatthew 5:14, 16Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Heavenly Father.
We are called to share the message of our Lord with all men. Matthew 28:19, 20 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
We can have the goal to change the world in which we live. We can also influence the world we live in.
We need to live our life with dignity, honor, morality, honesty, truth, love, service, integrity, respect, obedience, compassion, sympathy, not judging, ethically, justly, fairly, openly so that the light of Christ shines wherever we walk with every spoken word and with every thought.
We can make a difference; we can plant seeds of love wherever we are. It all begins with me. I have been called to spread the good news and spread the good news I will. An action is worth a thousand words. Actions speak volumes about your heart’s desire. Have love and service continually in your mind, pray continuously, see joy in everything, and let your light shine. Thank you Jesus for this bit of insight, I love you Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for my many blessings.

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