Monday, September 4, 2023

Glory, praise, honor – humble – what do these words mean, when we say we want to give our Heavenly Father the glory – what are we really saying?


Glory, praise, honor – humble – what do these words mean, when we say we want to give our Heavenly Father the glory – what are we really saying?


Follow the words, these words were given to me in order.  I just kept looking up one after another after another.


Glory – Great distinction: renowned 2. Something that brings glory 3. Adoration and praise offering worship 4. magnificence. splendor 5. the height of achievement triumph or prosperity 6. a wonderful asset 7. to rejoice jubilantly, exult.


Praise – To express approval of or admiration 2. to extol or glorify.


Honor – Esteem, respect 2. recognition, distinction or a symbol of recognition or distinction 3. privilege 4. reputation, a source or cause of credit 5. a person of superior status 6. personal integrity 7. to hold or treat with honor, to confirm honor or distinction, upon, to accept as valid.


Humble – Marked by modesty or meekness 2. respectfully deferential 3. lowly and unpretentious 4. to make humble, lower in status or condition, more words to follow. Renown – distinction – adoration – magnificence – splendor – achievement – triumph – prosperity – rejoice jubilantly – exult – extol – esteem – respect – recognition – integrity – modesty – meekness – unpretentious – worship.


Renown – The quality of a king, widely known and honored.


Distinction – The act of distinguishing 2. A difference 3. A distinguishing attribute or factor 4. Excellence or eminence: virtue. Honor


Adoration – (adore) to worship as divine 2. To love or revere deeply


Magnificence – Lavish, grand 2. Noble in thought or deed, exulted 3. Outstanding of its kind.


Splendor – great luster or light: brilliance 2. Glory, magnificence.


Triumph – to be victorious, win 2. To be jubilant, exult 3. An instance or the fact of being victorious, successful.


Prosperity – prosperous condition.


Prosper – to achieve success.


Rejoice - to be joyful.


Jubilantly – Exulting joyful: expressing joy.


Joy – Great happiness, delight: a source of happiness.


Happiness – Fortunate: Having displaying or marked by pleasure or joy 2. Fitting appropriate 3. Pleased and willing 4. Unduly enthusiastic.


Peace – The absence of hostilities 2. A statement of harmony 3. A state of security 4. Freedom from disquieting feelings and thoughts: serenity.


Exalt – To raise to a high rank or position, elevate.


Esteem – to regard with respect: prize 2. To regard as: consider.


Respect – To show or feel differential regard for: esteem 2. To avoid violation of or interference with 3. To relate to: concern 4. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.


Recognition – An act of recognizing or the state of being recognized 2. An acknowledgement 3. Favorable notice.


Recognized – to know to be something perceived or experienced before 2. To acknowledge the validity reality of 3. To be aware or appreciative of.


Integrity – Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct 2. Personal honesty and independence 3. Completeness: unity 4. Soundness.


Modesty – Having or showing lack of conceit or vanity. 2. Retiring or reserved: diffident 3. Observing conventional properties in behavior, speech and dress.


Vanity – Excessive pride: conceit 2. Lack of usefulness; worthlessness 3. Something vain or futile.


Vain – Not yielding the desired outcomes: fruitless 2. Lacking substance or worth 3. Unduly proud of one’s appearance or achievement.


Conceit – An exaggerated opinion of oneself : vanity.


Meekness – showing patience and humility; gentle 2. Easily imposed upon; submissive.


Worship – reverence for a deity or sacred object 2. A set of religious beliefs by which reverence is expressed 3. Intense devotion to or esteem for a person or thing.


Worshiping – to venerate as a deity 2. To love, admire or esteem devotedly 3. To attend a religious service.


Pretentious – Making claims as to distinction or excellence 2. Extravagantly, showy, ostentatious.


Pretend – To make believe 2. To claim falsely.


Pretense – A false or deceptive appearance or action 2. A false purpose or pretext 3. An outward show or attempt 4. Unsupported claim 5. Ostentatious display.


Unpretentious – not pretentious, modest.


Ostentatious – Lavish or pretentious display.


Hopefully a clear understanding of those words will give me a better appreciation for the associated behavior which accompanies these words.


These words are not just meant to be spoken, they are meant to be acted upon.


When I pray and suggest to the Lord that I want him to receive the glory, honor and praise, I need to understand there is an accompanying action statement to those words, failure to adhere or perform the action renders these words meaningless.


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