Monday, September 4, 2023

It doesn’t always pay to be right


It doesn’t always pay to be right


In fact in the scriptures the Lord has clearly told us not to quarrel or argue or fight with one another.


You may win the argument but lose the battle.


When discussing an issue with someone else it is better to swallow your pride, humble yourself and let the other person believe they are right.


What does it matter anyway?


A few days ago I wrote, don’t sweat the small stuff and everything is considered small stuff.


This is very true when it comes to trivial matters.


For example two people might disagree on the time an event started or even the day the event took place last month.


What does it matter?


How is it going to affect your joy at that moment does it always pay to be right, how does the other person feel if you insist that you are right and what if you believe you always have to be right, that you are never wrong?


Do you think people will like you?


Do you think people will feel as though you are trying to get along?


The Lord told us to live in peace and harmony with one another.


He didn’t tell us to live in contention and conflict. Learn to recognize and realize that when in a discussion and a question about a trivial matter arises, be the first one to back down from your stance.


What does it matter anyway?


I am not suggesting you in any way dishonor your integrity, that you not seek the truth or that you in any way shape or form disobey a command or commandment of the Lord. What I am suggesting is that you compromise to get along.


We all have to get along with people and sometimes for the sake of your friendship, your marriage, your working relationship with others it pays to let them be right, maybe more than once in a while.


Please do not compromise your integrity, your honor, your morals, the truth or obedience to the gospel. If that is the issue, side with the truth, love honesty, obedience and if others disagree, end the conversation.


Do not become angry or insult another person’s opinion or understanding, let them believe what they are going to believe, plant the seed of love and remember you have your salvation to take care of, not someone else’s.


We are commanded to love our neighbor as our self, show some respect to the Lord and to others by honoring the Lords request to love and not fight, to love and not quarrel, to love and not become embattled to love and not win every disagreement.


In business as in life there are three outcomes to every situation that one experiences.


We can be in a win-win situation, a win-lose situation or a lose-lose situation.


Preferably we would always like to be in a win-win situation where both or all parties believe or perceive they have gained something from the experience.


If you have won and the other person has lost or if both of you end up losing this only serves to cause contention and conflict in the relationship.


There is a breakdown of trust, of honor, of respect, of dignity and the two may never be as willing to be open and honest in future conversations out of fear of a similar negative exchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs and understanding.


It is better to get along than to be alone.


No one wants to be around a know it all, who talks too much and thinks they are always right.


What fun is that?


You may believe you are right, but what does it matter, swallow your pride and let the other guy be right, and don’t let on that you are giving in, because that is what you are really doing, please allow them to believe they are right.


Well you say won’t that be a compromise of what I believe to be right and the answer to that is yes.


If it is a trivial matter, give in, if it is not a trivial matter, speak with respect, listen to the other persons point of view, try to understand and lastly ask your self this questions, what does it matter?


If you are around people who always feel a need to be right and you always have to give in in order to get along, maybe you should find a new set of friends or learn to express yourself in a way that is not combative.


Whatever you do, don’t raise your voice, yell scream or say things with an angry tone of voice. Stay calm, speak slowly, and listen as though you truly desire to hear what the other person is saying. Don’t get frustrated, or upset that the other person does not take your point of view on a matter.


Sometimes it is better to acknowledge the two of you are agreeing to disagree.


That is ok as well.


It allows each person to hold on to what they believe is true and correct for them, it is better to agree to disagree than to fight until neither party has respect or trust of the other party.


As Rodney King once said “Why can’t we all just get along?”


Well I believe we could if we were willing to listen and accept another person’s point of view. That is not to say we accept their point of view but that we are willing to allow them to believe their point of view and not our point of view.


We don’t always need to be right.


Let others believe what they will when it comes to trivial matters.


As it is said learn to pick your battles wisely.


Some things are worth fighting for, but not many.


If you don't like something and it is apparent you can’t change the situation, accept it as it is without complaining or being negative or leave the situation.


Don’t continue to live in or around people who stifle you and don’t allow you to express yourself, who don’t honor and respect your opinion, which needlessly put you down or criticize you.


Relationships between people are meant to be positive and uplifting, not negative and combative.


Thank the Lord for he is always on the side of light and truth, put your trust, faith, belief in him and you will never be let down, sadly disappointed, alone, insecure or afraid.


Remember Satan does exist, he exists in other people and he uses other people to harm us and drive us away from our love of the Lord. Don’t let him.


Remember anything good comes from the Lord and anything bad comes from Satan.


Good people who are filled with the love of Christ love one another.


Bad people filled with the spirit of Satan attempt to cause all kinds of problems, contentions, arguments, fights, quarrels, disagreement.


They don’t see it that way because they live in darkness.


Love the Lord with all your heart and remember it is him you serve by serving those you come in contact with.


Let them be right once in a while, when it comes to the trivial side of life what do you have to lose; nothing and you have everything to gain.


Also, don’t say things that you will later regret.


Please don’t say things that you know will harm or insult another person.


Don’t say things you know will add fuel to the fire of an argument, disagreement or fight.


Don’t say things out of frustration that you will later regret saying when a cooler head thinks about what you have said.


People are sensitive to what is said to them about them.


Be careful not to insult one another out of self-control or lack of self-control.


Do not argue or fight, always keep a calm head and don’t say things that you will later regret saying.


You can’t take back mean words that you have spoken.


They can only cause or inflict pain.


Stay away from words that cause pain, insult, and injury.


Don’t label, blame, compare or knowingly attempt to hurt someone with words you know will cut to their heart.


Especially don’t hurt the ones you love.


Never go to bed with your spouse angry – never!


Always work things out, don’t be stubborn or obstinate.


Learn to give rather than take, listen rather than talk compromise rather than to always be right.


Don’t cut someone to the heart with words you know will cause injury just because you are frustrated, having a bad day, PMSing, angry.


Don’t take your frustration out on those you love.


Come to the Lord in prayer with our frustrations; don’t take it out on others.





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