Monday, September 4, 2023

Wouldn't it be nice if we treated each other just a little bit kinder today?


Wouldn't it be nice if we treated each other just a little bit kinder today?

Good morning

Wouldn't it be nice......
If we were kind to one another
If we were not critical of one another
If we did not make fun of one another
If we did not attempt to embarrass one another in front of others
If we encouraged one another to strive to be better
If we were loving to one another
If we did not gossip about others
If we saw the good in people
If we were not critical of others
If we did not compare one to another
If we took others seriously and not thought of them as a joke
If were trusting and believing of others
If we did not judge others
If we saw others as there were today and not as we remembered them from the past
If we respected others
If we dared to care about others
If we did not put down others
If we chose to see the good in others
If we did not discount others as less than ourselves

Is it easier to put someone down or give them a compliment, talk negatively or positively about them, build them up or tear them down, make fun of them or choose to see the good in them?

We all choose moment to moment how we will act and react to others, I pray for your sake that you choose to be kind, loving, accepting and trusting of others.For when you love your neighbor as yourself you will find that God will reward you with a heart of happiness.

Lets change the world today and remember how you would like to be treated and treat others exactly the same way.

In God's eye we are no different one to another, we are all God's children, be kind to each other, Our Father in Heaven would greatly appreciate it.

Remember who you are and what you stand for.  How would you like to be treated by others today?  Treat others exactly as you would like to be treated and that is exactly what you will get.

We receive back to us exactly what we put out. 

The law of attraction is based on a principle that you get what you expect.


Its principles are:
1) Like Attracts Like
2) Focus Causes Expansion

Another way of defining the Law of Attraction is:
Thought + Allowance = Manifestation
You get what you expect.

Today is the dawn of a new day, lets expect to love, live and laugh more.

God bless you one and all and may your day be filled with peace, happiness and joy.  Only you gets to decide how you will live this day.  Smile, laugh, love, encourage, accept and be a positive light to the world.

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