Monday, September 4, 2023

Reasons you fail to make changes in your life and a couple possible solutions


Reasons you fail to make changes in your life and a couple possible solutions

Reasons you fail to make changes in your life and a couple possible solutions

We have all done it or not done it as may be the case.  We know we need to get this or that done, but we just can’t seem to muster up the effort to move forward, why is that?

Procrastination and avoidance are prevalent and rampant throughout our society.  Changing our life and our behavior for many becomes difficult if not impossible for a variety of reasons; let’s look at a few of these.

Lack of knowledge.  How many times do we find ourselves desiring to this or that but believe and that is the key word, believe we just don’t have the knowledge we need to move forward, in other words, we just don’t know how to proceed.

Lack of desire or interest.  I know, I know, I should move forward on this or that, I just don’t have interest in doing so.  I know it is something I should do, but, I would rather do something else instead. 

Lack of time. Some of us do lack the time to make the changes we desire to make in our life.  We create business in our life which makes it difficult to make the necessary changes in our life.

Priorities.  It is just not a priority.

Here are several more.........

Lack the necessary will.
We believe it is just too difficult.
We don’t want to do it.
It is outside our comfort zone.
We believe we are better equipped to do something else or want to do something else we believe we have more knowledge or feel more comfortable or believe we are better at.
It is just too complicated or difficult and we desire to do something less difficult or that we have done before.
We just don’t want to learn anything new and are comfortable with our knowledge level we currently have.
We ask, why can’t I just find a job or vocation using my current knowledge level, why do I have to learn something new.
I don’t want to learn anything new, it seems difficult and complicated to me and I don’t want to put in the time, energy and effort, it requires to move forward.
I like to do this or that more, why can’t I just do this or that, why do I have to do something new.
It is like putting a round peg in a square hole, I feel like a round peg and I want to fit in a round hole and I am resisting changing my shape and fitting in a square hole, because I like being a round peg and I am good at being a round peg and I want to continue being a round peg.
It is just too much work, too much to learn and I don’t want to learn what I need to and do the kind of work I don’t want to do.  I just want to do what I know and not learn anything new, learning something new is not something I want to do, it is just too hard.
I want someone to teach me or show me how to do it, I am uncomfortable learning new things on my own, and I find it too difficult.
I want someone else to do it for me.
I procrastinate and fill my time with other things I like to do more because I just don’t know how to do what I need to do and I don’t want to take the time and effort I know is necessary to learn the things I need to learn because even though I know where to begin, it just seems to difficult and I don’t want to do it.
I don’t want to make the necessary changes in my life that I know I need to make because I am afraid of what I might become or the new world I will create for myself and I am unsure that is something I want to do.
I know the here and now and am comfortable with the here and now and there is no significant reason I believe for making changes in my life that are larger than the life I am currently operating in.
I am just not good at or have the knowledge to do or learn the things I need to learn in order for me to move ahead.
I just don’t want to do it.  I want to do something else instead that I enjoy more and I know I am good at.
Technology has passed me by and I don’t want to or don’t know how to learn the new things I need to learn in order for me to move ahead.

Possible solutions

Baby steps.  You don’t have to learn it all at once, take one small step each day to learning the new things that will propel you to a better future.

Do one small thing every day and be consistent. Start off doing the thing you like the most and over time you will be amazed at your progress and then the things you like to do the least will come easily and you may even anticipate doing them.

Continually remind yourself as to why you are doing the things you are doing.

Need help, seek out help. Remind yourself of your priorities and the reason you are making the changes in your life. Having a life coach as an advocate may help you change your mindset.

Make a list of things you need to do.  Break your list up into smaller tasks.

Schedule time to accomplish what you need to do. Put it on your calendar.

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