Monday, September 4, 2023

I am Hungry


I am Hungry


At meal time I sit across from a man that eats 3, 4 or 5 times more than his body needs. I am constantly amazed that the amount of food he consumes at each meal. When I question him as to why he eats so much he tells me that it is because he is hungry. Well what do you say to that? I want to tell him without interfering too much in his life that his body does not need that much food and that if he continues to eat as he is doing that he will eventually experience medical problems.


Then the Lord, through the Holy Spirit made it known to me that what he was really saying is that is body was telling him he was hungry. He was leading himself into believing he was hungry when in reality he hadn’t done enough physical labor to warrant such an abundance of food,. He has shared with me that he has gained 20 pounds in the past several months.  Another gentleman who sits beside me has indicated he has gained 40 pounds in the past year and he too eats way more food than he needs each day. He too must be very hungry!


I ask the question what is really going on?


Is their mind telling their body they are hungry or is their body telling their mind? Which is it? Your body sends signals to the mind and in turn your mind sends signals back to the body. Your mind controls the movement of the body so it is the mind that is telling the body, I lack this or that so please satisfy this lack. When it comes to food our minds are telling our bodies I lack therefore consume to make me feel better, food is the most commonly accepted of all the vices or addictions accepted by man. It is the least detected, the least recognizable, the most over abused. Some Men center their existence around food and drink. We are born with a need for food. When we were young, our mothers feed us milk because we were too young for solid food. As we grow older and more mature we began to eat food that had been blended because we were yet without teeth. As our teeth formed and we grew we were given more solid food to chew and digest. As adults we have learned or been taught we need at least three meal a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. For many of us that is not enough, eating between meals has become a habit. We form a habit of putting food into our mouths regardless or not we are hungry. Food tastes good, it pleases us, we eat foods that taste good to us, it satisfies our need to feel something good. For many of us our lives are so unpleasant that this is the one for of pleasure we can control. We can control what we put in our mouth limited only by the amount of money we have to purchase the food.


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