Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy Birthday to me!


Happy Birthday to me!


Thank you Lord for my birth, thank you for giving me 44 years on this earth,


Thank you for my beautiful and loving wife and our four beautiful daughters.


Thank you for your son Jesus Christ who became a living sacrificial lamb for me so that I may receive life, I acknowledge, accept, believe, have faith in you and your son, my Lord and redeemer Jesus Christ, thank you for these many things you have provided me and my family that are under our custody and stewardship.


Thank you for my neighbors for whom I love, thank you for your grace which you so freely have given me, thank you for your forgiveness of my sins as I commit to you father that I forgive all who have sinned against me, thank you for your will which I will follow and obey.


Thank you for the bible, the 10 commandments, you’re loving commands, I will honor, respect and obey these tenets, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Thank you for your word, thank you Lord for my parents, my siblings and for each of my previous 43 years.


Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me even though at times I did not reciprocate.


Thank you for your love, the gifts and talents you have bestowed upon me.


I trust you Lord, thank you for listening and answering my prayers even though at times I don’t recognize them as answers to my prayers.


I humble myself before you; I get on my knees and submit myself to your will.


Thank you Lord for this world which surrounds me, although I am in it, I am not a part of it,


Thank you for my forefathers, their lives and the lessons I have learned from them.


Thank you for your numerous blessings.


I commit this day to be in your service, to do your will as you would have it in heaven, lead me this day father away from evil and temptation,


I honor you not only with my heart but with my lips as well.


I sing praises to your name.


You have walked with me through good times and bad, through joy and sorrow, through success and failure, while I was living in darkness and certainly while I live in the light,


You have been with me when I was in pain, misery and suffering, alone, insecure, in doubt, tired, jealous, untrusting, anger, bitter, disappointed.


You have been with me through every up and down, every twist and turn that life has offered me,


I may not have been with you but you were always with me.


Thank you!


I love you Lord,


Praise to you my father and to you Jesus Christ.


I will obey you,


I will study your instructions,


I will pray continuously,


I will have joy in my heart,


I will love my neighbor,


I will live in peace and harmony,


I will forgive others,


I will be slow to anger,

Slow to speak and quick to listen,


I will serve my fellow man with joy and happiness,


I will treat others as I would like to be treated,


I will trust others,


I will be charitable with that, which you have given me to be a steward over,


I will not grumble or complain,


I will dare to dream big,


I want to thank you Lord for putting in my heart your words,


I want to thank you for choosing me,


I will have life eternal because of your son’s dying on the cross.


Thank you for my salvation.


I look forward to one day reuniting with you in your kingdom where I will continue to serve you and love you throughout eternity.


Today I celebrate a life in Christ, my birth.


I have been chosen before the world began to be united upon my earthly death to once again be united with my father.


I love my life –


I dedicate myself to serving you Lord, my family and my neighbors.


May the Holy Spirit guide me in all thoughts words and deeds,


I will open my ears and not live in darkness,


I will open my ears and hear your voice,


I will open my mouth and sing your praises,


I will acknowledge you in all I do, think and say.


Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give me this day my daily bread and forgive me my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me, lead me not into temptation and deliver me from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever.



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