Monday, September 4, 2023

Where your mind and thoughts are that is where your heart will be.


Where your mind and thoughts are that is where your heart will be.

Where your mind and thoughts are that is where your heart will be.
If you think about work all the time, that is where your heart will be.
If you think about school, the kids, the house, the activities of the day, your problems in any area of life, the next sporting event, last night’s TV show, people you have seen, the "what ifs" of life.
If you constantly rehearse over and over again in my minds repeated thoughts of who, what, where, when, why, how’s of life. That is where your heart will be.
Our mind and its activity control the heart
If our mind is on loving and serving the Lord, then that is where our thoughts will be and correspondingly our action.
Action follows thoughts born out of the mind. What you think about is what you will become.
If you think negative thoughts you will become a negative person. If you think only of work, you will become a workaholic. If you think of loving and serving others, you will love and serve others. Your mind controls your actions. The mind is the great incubator of action.
Nothing happens by accident or chance in our lives, we create the world around us. Want to be loved, love first, want to receive a letter, send one out first, want to receive kindness, be kind first. Want to draw close to you, positive successful people, be a positive successful person.
Our actions and behavior send signals to those we come in contact with on what we think about. None of the actions we take are taken without the mind’s awareness and control. We are what we think about.You control what you are going to say, think or do. You have the choice (free will) to do what you will do, whether it will be good or evil, success of failure, gain or loss, positive or negative, love or hate, light or dark. The good Lord has given us complete control over our mind and its thoughts. There is no mystery in this. We become what we think about. Our actions are a manifestation of our accumulated thoughts.
Why do you think that Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray continuously. Because Matthew knew in Matthew 26:41 – The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The Lord knew our bodies would be weak and be given over to temptation (sin). I had a hard time with this until just now.
My parents did not sin, or did they? The debate over the Catholics belief in original sin.
Let’s go with the axiom that because my parents were married, the two became one flesh. I was not conceived in sin. But who was conceived in sin, Cain and Able? Eve was the first person to sin against the Lord when she ate of fruit in the Garden of Eden. Adam followed her. They were the first to sin and bring sin into this world and the beget (from their original seed) all that will live and have lived in this world. We are all genetically tied back to the creation of the world. I believe that men will be punished for their own sin and not Adam’s transgression. We were not conceived by our parents in sin as some religions (Catholics) believe. Some religious belief because of their genetic tie back to Adam and Eve that we were all conceived in sin and thus a need to baptize infants shortly after birth. So that if they die as infants or young children they will go to heaven. There is nothing in the bible that tells us to perform infant baptisms. The light has been turned on and I can now see clearly that I was not conceived in my parents sin nor was I conceived into sin because of Adam’s transgression. Just because Adam and Eve were the first to sin, does not make me, one of their genetic biological descendants a sinner. I was born with the spirit of God within me. There is a big difference between our biological genetic make-up and our spiritual make up.
I may be a biological descendant of Adam and Eve, but I am not a spiritual descendant. We baptize to cleanse the spirit not the body.
Sin that affects the body will be carried with us to the grave but sin that affects the spirit we carry for all eternity.
There is a big distinction between the body and the spirit
The Lord has given our mind control over the body and the spirit. Do not let your mind deceive you, or lead you into believing false doctrines. Do not let Satan get a foothold in your mind, when he does he controls your thoughts, words and actions. He has you doing things that bring pleasure to him and pain, misery and suffering to you. We need to make sure that we are thinking, doing, and saying things which are pleasing to the Lord. Remember our enemy Satan’s plan for you is to bring you down in the depths of hell with him. That is why it is said misery loves company.

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