Monday, September 4, 2023

I am not a Prophet, Honor and Respect


I am not a Prophet, Honor and Respect


Luke 4:24I’ll tell you the truth, he continued no prophet is accepted in his hometown. Jesus had said this while he was in Nazareth, his hometown. People would say, isn’t this Joseph's son, in Matthew 13:54-57They said isn’t this the carpenters son? Isn’t his mothers name Mary? And aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Where then did this man get all these things? And they took offense at him. In Mark 6:4Jesus said to them, only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.


Honor – esteem, respect. Recognition or distinction. Privilege. Reputation. A source or cause of credit.


Respect – to feel or show differential regard for. Esteem. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.


Let me begin by saying that I am not a prophet!


Secondly, I do feel respected in my household!


What I am about to write in no way shape or form relates in any way to my immediate family.


It is simply as with anything I write an observation.


I often feel that many people I talk to hold opinions, beliefs or understandings about a subject based on a lack of complete information.


I find that people in general do not take the time to study, research, investigate why they believe what they do, they simply believe what they do because they believe what they think is correct.


What frustrates me is talking to people who profess a particular belief opinion, thought or understanding out of what I perceive to be a lack of credible study, research and investigation.


Let me give you an example there are many people I talk to who hold particular beliefs or understanding regarding religion, the bible, interpretations of the bible who I believe have not taken the time to fully investigate the reason or purpose behind their belief.


I have spent countless hours reading the New Testament (in excess of 130 hours reading). I have spent countless hours writing about my understanding or interpretation of the bible (600+ pages, 15 minutes per page or around 150+ hours writing about the scriptures).


It frustrates me to talk to people who haven’t even opened the bible spouting some spiritual belief when they haven’t taken the time to understand that belief let alone study why they believe they do.


I am no prophet and I am certainly no scholar, but at least I have made an attempt to understand why I believe the way I do.


I am not speaking on a position of ignorance but strength.


I could probably go somewhere and teach some basic principles of the gospel, but with those who know me, I wouldn’t or won’t be respected because to them, I am simply Bill Conley, husband, father, and computer sales guy.


I don’t begin to suggest I know much about the scriptures, I will say I know more than the guy who never opened up the bible.


This is good for me to carry on discussions like this. I am not here to change the world but to impart the seed of belief in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am not here to debate the scriptures and its meaning with those who have already accepted Christ as their Lord and savior.


I have been called to reach out to those who don’t know Christ and plant his seed in their heart.


Matthew 9:12, 13 – Jesus said. It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. He further states in verse 13 – For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. In 1 Corinthians 3:6Paul writes I planted the seed, Apollus watered it, but God made it grow. We are either planters of the seed or waterers of the seed; however God will be the one who makes the seed grow.


I am not here to debate the meaning of the scriptures; I am not here to try to convince believers of my interpretation.


I am here to plant seed and water seeds.


I have not been called to plant and water seeds among the healthy (those that believe) but among the sick (those that don’t believe).


I will do this through word and deed.


Through my words I will profess that Jesus Christ is my Lord, savior and redeemer and through my deeds (actions) (nonverbal) I will live a life of love and service, truth and honesty, personal integrity and respect.


I have not been called to debate the gospel, but to embrace it.


I have not been called to complicate the gospel by endless quarrels over its interpretation, but to keep the gospel simple so that all may understand and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.


I have been called to listen and when and only when questioned earnestly about the gospel to give answers from the gospel, not my interpretation, but from the gospel itself.


I will let others make up their own mind as what they think it means to them. I will simply lead them to the information and if they ask me for my interpretation, then I will give it to them, it is dangerous to be talking about the gospel from a position of ignorance, it is better to look up the passages together, read them together and them discuss them, let the Lord grow the faith of others.


It is our responsibility to plant and water the seeds.


I will be a lot less frustrated taking this approach. I will also not be trying to convince others of my beliefs and my interpretations. I may be wrong in my interpretation. Better to leave my opinions to myself than to cause confusion in others based on my interpretation.


If they are not asking questions, they are not interested in what you have to offer or what you are saying. When people ask you questions it is because they believe you can help them with the answers to their questions.


This is true in life, especially in business.


People also ask questions to people they trust or think they can trust.


In business if your clients are not asking you questions, it is either because they are not interested or they don’t trust you to give them the answers to their questions. It is important therefore to get your client or prospect/customer to ask you questions about the products or services you offer. This is a sign of interest or desire to know more about you, your company, your service, or your products.


No questions / no sales.


Objections are a form of a question.


Objections are a good thing.


Objections simply are a request for more information.


They may appear to be barriers to a sale but what they really are is a client telling you I need more information in this area, please help me overcome this potential or particular conflict.


Get your clients to ask questions, entice them with just enough information to keep them thinking and wondering, “How is he going to do that?”


What a great day to be alive. My father who is in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as you would have it in heaven. Give me this day my daily bread and forgive me for I am a sinner, Lord I commit to forgiving those who have sinned against me or caused me or my family any pain, misery and suffering. Lead me not into and away from temptation and deliver me and keep me safe from all evil, including the evil one. I will give you the honor, the glory, the power, the credit now and forever.


Thank you Lord for this bit of inspiration this morning. I love it when you inspire me. I love you my Lord Jesus, my Heavenly Father. I will serve you Lord by serving others. I will plant and water as you so instruct, your will be done in my life.




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